15- Back to School Interviews

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The morning after Cedric came to visit Hermione, she lay in her bed, and for some reason, was dreading what she thought to be the first day of classes. Groaning, she sat up and pulled on a red jumper and a pair of dark jeans and made her way down to the common room, her stomach growling with every step. As soon as she entered the room, she heard Professor McGonagall's voice.

"No students will be attending classes today, and will instead be required for an interview with Professor Umbridge. Curfew tonight is at five o'clock, and dinner will be at four thirty. And please, do not leave the common room after curfew, Gryffindor House has already suffered enough loss of points over the past four months. I simply can not believe how rude you've all been to our new Professor, especially since she is a Ministry Official! I understand that her teaching methods are not up to standard, but you shall treat her like any other professor at Hogwarts. Now all of you, off to breakfast, there's a big day ahead of us."

The students all sighed and groaned as they followed Professor McGonagall down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As they all complained about the interviews with Umbridge, Hermione silently complained about missing classes.

"I would rather go to potions with Snape than have an interview with toad face! This is unbelievable!" She heard Lee Jordan shout from behind her as he conversed with the Weasley twins.

From in front of her, it was nearly the same conversations taking place. "This is bloody unbelievable!" Shouted Cormac McLaggen. "Before the break, I was scolded for absolutely NO REASON by Flitwick. Now I have to sit through a bloody interview with Umbridge? Unbelievable!"

Hermione highly doubted that McLaggen's scolding was without reason. He was an imbecile.

"Hermione, you're oddly quiet," remarked Harry. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking, Harry. I'm fine," she replied.

"Are you sure? You've got that look on your face."

"What look, Harry?"

"Oh, you know, the one where you're thinking about something upsetting or angering. Your eyebrows are scrunched together."

"Oh, no. I'm just worried, if they keep cancelling classes, how will we be prepared for our O.W.L.s?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Hermione, you'll be plenty prepared for all your O.W.L.s, you've been studying for them since second year!"

"I know, Harry, but especially with our lack of an actual defence against the dark arts teacher, how will we know what's on our final exams?"

"Hey, calm down. The D.A. will learn all sorts of new spells and shields for the O.W.L.s, so don't worry. We have it under control, and if you want to learn new spells to teach at the next meeting, I am perfectly fine with it. Or if there's anything you want to learn-"

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