14- Cedric's Pet Thestral

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It had been nearly a week since Hermione left back for school, and Cedric was bored out of his mind without her and the Weasleys for company. Sirius had been out on a mission for Dumbledore for the past few days, and Cedric had only Remus Lupin for company, who wouldn't stick around for long, as it was a full moon that night. In fact, it was the first full moon of the new year, and Remus had received a new potion from the ministry that he was trying out that night, and had warned Cedric to stay away in case the new potion didn't work.

Before nightfall on the day of the full moon, Cedric and Remus had found a rather small room in the sub-basement of Grimmauld Place and padded the walls with old moldy sofa cushions that they had found around the house. Making sure each door and window of the room was completely sealed and padded, they secured the room with protection and shielding charms so that Remus couldn't get out. Then, Cedric waved goodbye to Remus and left him for the night, locking the doors from the outside as well. Cedric left the room and went to his bedroom on the top floor of the house, turning into his animagus form on the way so he wouldn't get attacked by Remus if the werewolf somehow managed to escape.

As the night went on, Cedric grew more and more bored of staying inside the house and decided to visit Hermione for the night.

Presuming that Remus was asleep, Cedric Tip toed down to the kitchen to avoid waking him up and wrote him a quick note.

Will be back soon. Gone to visit Mia.
- C.D.

Cedric turned into his dog form and stepped out of the house and onto the streets of London and towards the forest that was a few streets away. Upon reaching the tree line, Cedric transformed back into his regular self and ran into the dark and musky forest, where thestrals tended to hide out from muggles.

Cedric stopped sprinting and slowed down to a light jog before halting to a stop. In front of him was a whole herd of thestrals, gathered in a group, their scrawny bony necks turned to face him and their blank eyes staring. Cedric shuddered and approached slowly, taking into caution that they could hear sounds of muggle traffic and such from the other exit of the forest. Cedric finally reached a thestral, and held his hand out to it as calmly as possible. He was still not used to seeing them and trying to ride them.

When Cedric found out from Hermione after the third task that he was dead, he gradually started seeing more and more of thestrals, big skeletal horses that were quiet and had a ghostly aura about them. Eventually, Cedric found out what they were in a book that Hermione had left with him, and he realized what they were. He also learned how he could gain their trust so they would let him ride on their backs.

As Cedric slowly moved his hand down the nape of the thestral's neck and the thestral started to close it's eyes in content. In this moment, Cedric slowly circled the thestral and kicked his leg over it's side and rid it like a muggle would ride a horse. The thestral flapped it's large wings and started flying into the air.

"Do you know where Hogwarts is?" Asked Cedric to the thestral. Magnificently and unexpectedly, the thestral nodded its head in response and Cedric opened his mouth in shock and amazement. "Oh wow, okay. Can you please take me there?" He asked. The thestral nodded again and changed directions to where the wizarding school was. It flew fast and direct. Cedric thought for a moment before asking another question.

"Do you have a name?" He asked. This time the thestral whinnied and shook it's head. "Can I name you?" The thestral nodded again. Cedric paused and thought about what Hermione would name the thestral. He thought of nothing, but he knew that the name had to be neutral, since he didn't know what sex the thestral was.

"How about Patches?" He asked. The thestral whinnied in what seemed to be approval, and Cedric grinned to himself. "Well, Patches, I think we're going to get along quite well."


Cedric and Patches flew for nearly two hours before finally reaching Hogwarts. Patches flew to the floor of the edge of the forbidden forest, where Cedric unmounted.

"I'll be back, Patches. Just wait in the forest for me, but don't go too far," Cedric said before transforming into his animagus form and running towards the castle at full speed.

Excited to see his girlfriend again, Cedric nearly ran into several students who were creeping in the corridors of the castle past curfew, two of them being the Weasley twins, who looked like they were coming back from getting a secret shipment of their pranking products. As thy snickered and rushed back to the gryffindor common room, cedric followed quietly behind them. The twins awoke the Fat Lady's portrait from her slumber and after telling her the password, she begrudgingly and reluctant swung open and let them inside. As quickly as possible, Cedric ran into the common room behind them to go meet Mia.

Upon entering the common room, he saw Hermione right away. She sat by the fire, four books surrounding her and many pieces of parchment with messily scrawled notes surrounding the books. She had one eyebrow pulled down into a frown while the other was up, and she was biting her lip nearly to the point of blood. Cedric could tell that she was stressed, so he moved closer to her and jumped up onto the couch and rested his (dog) head on her lap. She looked down and smiled, grabbing his paw in her hand and holding it lightly. Cedric closed his eyes and as he drifted off to sleep in Hermione's lap, he heard her whisper softly, trying not to let anyone else in the common room hear.

"Thank you. I love you."

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