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Chapter 2-

"Quiet!" My teacher Mrs Jefferson hushed everyone as she entered the room carrying a bunch of folders. "I'm seeing all these smiles on your faces. I hope you all appreciate this moment for as long as you can because after some of you get these grades back, I know those smiles will be wiped off your face." She flashed a fake grin, grabbing a pile of sheets from one of the folders she was carrying and started handing them out.

The first person to receive their grades back was a boy called Jordan. "Ah man. My moms gonna kill me...Mrs Jefferson-" he was instantly cut off. "Please hold all your questions until I've finished handing back all the papers." She announced to the class as she handed Leilani her grade.

"A D?! What the fuck?" Leilani shouted. I don't know why she was surprised. She barely came to her lessons then when she did finally decide to show up, she never paid attention. "Language." Mrs Jefferson warned glaring at her. "But miss-" "I'll answer questions at the end." She repeated and made her way over to me. I bit my lip nervously as she handed me my paper. "Well done." She smiled as she placed it on my desk. I frowned and quickly flipped it over.

I felt Leilani peeping over my shoulder trying to see. "What did you get?" I sighed, showing her. "An A! How? that test was mad hard." She gasped. I rolled my eyes. "No it was not Lei."

"Then how'd I get a D." She whined pouting at me. "Maybe because instead of studying you was out doing whatever with Aaron." I mumbled. "Don't be a hater Nic."  "I'm not hating. Whatever you and Aaron get up to is your business, I don't really care. You asked me a question and I answered."

After everyone had received their grades, Mrs Jefferson took her time going around and explaining to each student why they had got the grades they did. "Aaron said he's picking me up today. You coming?" Leilani whispered to me. Just then the bell rung, letting us know the school day was finally over. "Nah." I answered as we left out together.

"He'll drop you straight home or you can chill with us if you want." Lei continued as we walked towards the exit of the building. "No it's fine. I'll walk." I repeated. "Okay well there he is." She said pointing over at the black Benz parked outside the gates. "I'll call you tonight yeah?"


"Hey baby." I smiled at Aaron who was sat in the drivers seat. I looked over at Tatt who hadn't acknowledged my presence but instead had his eyes locked on Nicki who was walking home. "Wassup Tatt." He gave me a simple head nod then diverted his attention back to Nic. "Where's she going?" He asked.

"Home. I said she could come with us but she didn't want to." I shrugged getting in the backseat. Before I knew it, Tatt had hopped out the car. "Tatt just leave her." Aaron yelled after him as he headed in Nicki's direction.


"Nicki!" She spun around on her heels to face me. "Can I help you?" She asked softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Nah but I can help you. Let me drive you home." I offered. She but the corner of her bottom lip nervously shaking her head. "Thanks but-" "I'm not gonna hurt you. You scared?" I asked, letting out a low chuckle. She was so shy. "No."

"Then come on."

"I have to go get my little brother." My phone started ringing interrupting us. I took a deep breath when I saw Kyrie's name pop up. "I gotta go but I'll call you tonight?" She just stared at me blankly. I could tell she was afraid to say no. "You're gonna answer right?" I asked. "Why?" I frowned and she continued. "Why do you have to call me?"

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