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{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

"What the hell was that!"
"Shawn calm down."
"Don't tell me to calm down okay! Because of our little night, Maddie broke up with me! This is your fault okay. And on top of that! You go ahead and kiss me! Do you know what that's gonna do to her?"
"Woah! Don't you dare say this is my fault! It takes two! Okay to have sex! Not one, TWO! This is not on me, this is on you! It's not my fault you can't be faithful!"
"Faithful? You're the one to talk! You kissed me and had sex with me while you're still with Jake so you know what fuck you! From now on we get separate rooms, and separate cars. This is a business relationship nothing else. After we're done, you get to go back home to Jake!"

Sarah walks over to Shawn and I and she raises her hand.

"Shawn, I wouldn't say that if I were you. You don't know everything."
"What do you know Sarah. After all Jacklyn is just business, nothing else. This doesn't matter!"

With that he walks away towards Andrew.

A single tear slides from my eye to my chin.

"I'm sorry honey. He really is a dick for saying that. But c'mon you can't cry, people will see you and assume the worst. Plus, your mascara is gonna run. Let's go to the restroom."

I nod and wipe my tear.

{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

"Lower your voice."
"This fake relationship has to end. I'll promote my album some way, just end it now."
"A break up huh? It will be bad press but all eyes will be on you. Let me make a few calls and I'll see what I can do okay."
"How soon will it be done."
"If we're lucky, in two days."
"Great! And for tonight, I'm staying with Geoff."

I can't believe Jacklyn would do something like that. I really hope she's hurt.

I really do.

I think.

She didn't know. It wasn't her fault. Stephanie told her to do it. Did I over react? Yes Shawn you did.

I try to walk over to where I left her but she wasn't there.

"Okay people! Please start walking in and taking a seat! The award show will begin shortly!"

Geoff walks over to me and walks me inside.

"Jackie is waiting inside."
"Is she okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't she? Um she's talking to Camila."

The show was great. I got to perform In My Blood. I won album of the year but not artist of the year and that's fine.

The car ride back was a little awkward. She didn't talk to me or made any eye contact with me.

"I'm gonna stay in Sarah's apartment so don't worry about bumping into me." Jacklyn says before walking into her room.

At least I don't have to sleep in, what I already know, Geoff's messy room.

Jacklyn walks out with a bag. She had changed into some leggings and a grey tee shirt. She doesn't say a word to me.

"Shawn?" Andrew stands outside my room. I walk over and open the door. He had a smile plastered on his face.
"I have great news. I spoke to Lana and she said you two must still be a couple for 12 hours. After that, you two will be the headline of the week."
"That's great. So tomorrow at 11."
"Yes. Tomorrow Lana and her team will be here. Where's Jacklyn?"
"She left with Sarah."
"We're gonna need her to be here tomorrow when Lana is here. There will be lots of paper work that I will need to fill out. All you need to do is sign a contract that states the finalization of the relationship and that's it."
"Kind of like a divorce."
"Okay Thank you Andrew, I'll see you tomorrow."

{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

"He's so insensitive! I know this is a fake relationship but he didn't have to be rude like that!"
"In his defense, he doesn't know you and Jake aren't together anymore."
"I guess."
"Okay honey, you can sleep in this room over here. It's a little messy because of all the makeup I had to move around."
"That's fine. Thank you so much Sarah. I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight."
"Goodnight dear."

I place my back in the corner of the room and lay under the duvet.

*ding ding*


I talked to Andrew about this stunt


He said it only has to go on for 12 more hours and we're done


You need to be back at the hotel tomorrow at 11

For what?

Sign some papers


That's it? That's all you're gonna say?



I roll my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Fake s.mWhere stories live. Discover now