Chapter 1: Wonderland?

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It was a bright and sunny day, I found myself sitting in my back yard enjoying the cool breeze and shade of the tall oak tree. This Saturday afternoon was the only day I had nothing planned to do, and I wasn't going to let that chance go to waste. With my drawing pad in my hand I sketched out a few drawings but none that I would take an hour to finish.  The sun was high in the evening sky and I lazily leaned against the tree, seeing I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before it seemed like a perfect time to catch up on the lacking sleep.

Yaaaawwwwn. I stretched and closed my eyes. It wasn't too long until I awoke to a Stanger leaning over me. Honestly this scared the crap out of me, his toffee brown hair and light brown eyes. He wore a bright red waist coat and black pants that were barely noticeable due to his high black boots.

"You know you are supposed to sleep inside and not outside" he laughed and i still stunned watched him. "Oh crap, it's time we leave about now. Don't want to make Julius mad if I was late again." he smiled and forcefully picked me up. I was swung over this strange mans shoulder, my light orange wavy hair dangled infront of me preventing any vision of where we were going. I tried my best to resist the stranger and yell for help but I had lost my vlice, my thought went dry.

"Everyone will be so glad to see another Outsider! I hope Alice likes you as well" he said with his deep voice. I noticed a long sword with a heart on the handle, a sword?!? "You are really light hope you fall faster though" he complained as he came to a huge chasm in the field behind my house. I never knew it was there, huh.

"Fall" I finally yelled panicking a little as he jumped down the hole. He finally let me go but we were falling this time, he looked amused as I looked at him. Who was this guy and where were we going?

"Don't worry everything will be alright" he said as I looked at him. For some reason he reminded me of someone I used to like, but I pushed that thought away. I didn't really fear this guy's for he didn't seem like he came to harm me, no, he was too happy to do so. when he smiled I felt warm inside for some reason though.

After a few minutes had passed of falling we finally hit ground with a thud. The stranger helped me up which was, nice of him. Even though I was shaking for I had no idea where I was and why I was here plus I was scared for my life.

"Welcome to the Country of Heart, I brought you here to stay for a while. I hope you like it here, cause if you don't I might have to kill you" he smiled and laughed.

'He was joking right' I thought to myself. "Why did you even bring me here" I hesitated to say.

"To have some fun, just relax princess" he said as he walked over to me. "Here drink this you look thirsty" he offered me a small vial full of some red liquid.

"No thank you, I prefer not to drink strange things from strange people" I denied it backing away from him.

"Huh, Peter did say this might happen." he said looking at the vial then at me as he rubbed the back of his neck in thought. He opened the vial and poured it in his mouth, the next thing I know if he grabbed me by the waist and laid his hand on my cheek and our lips met. I tried to back away but he would not allow, he made me drink the liquid.

I fell to the ground as I set myself free "What did you just make me drink" I coughed.

"it's called the medicine of the heart and now that you have drunken it all you must play the game. Now if you want to take the easy way you can come with me back to Heart Castle or the hard way and I leave you here to where Julius will find you and likely kill you." he stated not so happily as before.

I thought for a but then decided I didn't want to die and not be at home where my family was to take me and grave me, so I went with the strange guy even though I didn't want to at all.

"By the way, I'm Ace the Knight of Hearts. I work for the Queen and Prime Minister at Heart Castle.  We just left the Clock Tower, home to Julius the clock maker. Down that road is the Hatter Mansion home to the Hatter's Mafia. And down the other one is the Amusement Park home to the Cheshire Cat and the owner of the park." he said gesturing to the roads that disappeared as we walked down the dirt path.

"Mafia?" I questioned.

"Yeah, uh those guys are nice sometimes but the rabbit there doesn't like me much. Probably because when I get lost I end up there sometimes. The Mafia is lead by Blood Dupre, known as the Hatter. His right hand man is the March Hare, Elliot March. And the Bloody Twins, Dee and Dum are their gate keepers. It's a lot of information for a new person, I could understand Sky." He exclaimed to me still keeping a smile and happy mood.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I questioned as we kept walking.

"I always have, I know because I love you." he replied.

"You can't love me we've never met before!" I hesitated my heart pounding.

"Everyone in the Country of Hearts will love you eventually" he said casually trying to make me calm. And it did work. We came out of the forest to a huge Mansion with an even larger gate to guard it. I believe he said it was the Hatter's Mansion, yet I also believe we were supposed to be going to the Castle.

"Oh oops, I guess I got lost again and ended up here, but no worries I know a short cut through the gates and garden. Huh, no shock the gate keepers aren't around." he said dumbfounded and embarassed a little.

When I turned around there was a huge barrel to my face, I recognized it to be the barrel of a machine gun. My brothers taught me this stuff all the time. "Ace" I gasped as I noticed he had just noticed my problem.

"Hello, darling" the low voice behind the large gun rang. I looked up to see a tall guy that same age as Ace supposedly, he had long jet black hair and a black hat to match it. He wore a white tuxedo with a long tail to the jacket. Black boots and pants, he looked like the Hatter I assumed.

"Dammit you stupid Knight always trying to get in the Mansion. What do you want now" another voice said as another walked up to Ace with a pistol facing right at ace.

"I was going to bring my friend to Heart Castle when I got lost again and ended up here" Ace exclaimed as he grabbed for my waist and pulled me close. He whispered in my ear, "Stay close this might get dirty" I shook at that word.

"Who's your friend" the Hatter's voice rang.

"This is Sky, I brought her to the Country of Heart. She's an outsider." he said holding me close, my face in his chest still scared to death. My legs felt heavy I couldn't run even if I wanted to.

"Another Outsider" said the other guy with the dueled pistols.

"Yeah, isn't it cool" Ace said back to his cheery self again.

The Hatter grunted, "Does Alice know"

"So far only you guys" Ace replied peeling me from him. I faced the two Mafia leaders, Blood who was way taller than I and Elliot I assumed. He was rather cute, he wore a black and purple waist coat and green pants with yellow boots to his knees. Though his blonde locks of hair didn't cover his tall golden rabbit ears. I smiled as I stared at them, he must have noticed. He ducked his head and turned red as his ears fell to his head.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said not noticing I was upsetting him, man Mafia people are really that emotional.

Blood turned to me and put his long index finger to my chin and with a wide grin on his face he spoke with spice, "Welcome to the game, darling"

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