Chapter 10:

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As we reached the Clock Tower, i brushed the dirt off my clothes and unwrinkled them. Buddy frightened by the fall was by my feet, his tail between his legs. Though i looked over to see Elliot calmly looking over the edge of the wall at all three territories, he seemed so happy.

"Sky, I forgot to mention something" he started turning back around and pacing towards me. "Remember those guys that tried to kill me while using you? Well they grew in number and skill and I'm at the top of their hit list along with Blood. I want you to be extra careful around the Country of Hearts now."

I sighed, frustrated. "I can stand up for myself now, why can't you see that" I spat back at him. He stepped back, never heard me talk like that to him before. A face full of worry and fear he looked down at his pistols.

"I'm only doing this to protect you" he said sadly and walked down the stairs, I watched him stagger towards the Hatter's Mansion. 

I yelled at the top of my lungs to nobody in particular, "Why can't I just be home" over the edge of the Clock Tower. Buddy scampered behind me with his ears flat against his head. Julius emerged from the stair case, with a shocked face to see me.

"Sky what are you doing here we all knew you went home" he said as he came up and hugged me.

Shocked by him hugging me i backed away, "Elliot brought me back, by force, and is making me play the game again" I sighed.

His long blue hair by his legs swayed as he pit his finger to his chin to think, "Everyone has locked themselves away because you have been gone, they would all be astonished that you have returned. But it seems like you wanted to stay home" the clock maker exclaimed.

"it is true I did want to stay home, but nothing will be the same now." I said as buddy came running to my ankles. "I guess I'll be off to go see everyone now then. I'll be fine no need to worry." I added to Julius as Buddy and I started for the stairs.

"Just one moment" he said and I froze. "You are going out unarmed when all the mobs are swarming around here to kill off the Hatter's?" Gesturing a question or a statement I didn't know.

"Yes I am" I said confused.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to his work area. Soon enough he had his face looking through boxes and drawers searching for something.

"Here it is!" He yelled and put a wooden box on the table. "So I've heard you're good with guns, this shouldn't be that bug of a problem then" he grinned and opened the box revealing two dual wielding pistols, original wooden and gold.

"Julius I cant, it's not mine to take" I stuttered.

The clock maker laughed, "They are now"

After a long while of arguing with Julius as to why the pistols shouldn't be in my hands he won that agurment and I made my way to Heart Castle. Though, about half way down the path a rustle came from a bush and Buddy hid behind me. Roxy came jumping out of the Bush and tackled me. Buddy went insane and started barking and nipping at us, but all we could do was laugh.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she got back onto her two feet.

I laughed and calmed buddy down, "Elliot brought me back. And sorry for Buddy, he's not a fan of new people or uh other dogs"

She giggled and knelt down to pet the golden mutt, "He's so cute" she squealed and we started for the Castle together.

As I walked in the front door Peter approached us with his smirk he always has.

"I'm glad that somebody had the sense to go get her" he smiled and hugged me.

"Wasn't me" Roxy said, "Elliot is to blame"

"Oh I assumed. Vivaldi is a the Hatter's in a business meeting. If you would like to go join her I'm sure she would enjoy." Peter added as he started to go back to work.

"Oh Peter, do you mind if Buddy stays here while I go out" I asked.

He glared at the dog, "As long as he stays in your room" he pouted as i ran to my room and leg Buddy in.

Eventually I caught up to Elliot at the Hatter's Mansion. Of course that was after going to go see everyone and tiring myself out more than usual. Elliot seemed pleased once again as I laid on his bed sleepily as i watched him do his paperwork for Blood. I guess you can say that everything will be better left unsaid and just to enjoy the moment I'm in right now. Never did I have to use my gift from Julius and never will I have to. Elliot amd I haven't faught since that day, and things are finally looking up for me. I'm finally home, finally somewhere I belong.


                              The end.

After months of being back in the Country of Hearts Sky was happier about the move. Eventually being in Wonderland longer than what is equivalent to two years in our world Elliot had made the final move to make things official. Sky of course by then had said yes, and to this day they are still together. Finally Sky had figured out what was most important to her, which is the month of March and her only family member left Buddy.

You could say that this is all fantasy and unreal but in a reality of  a messed up world. It's sometimes better to live a fantasy than the hell of a real life you are stuck in. Sometimes it's better off  not knowing the path that lies ahead and taking an extra step towards the things you want most in life despite what others will think or say. Reality is all in one's hands.


Thank you for reading my first short story fanfiction! Please leave a comment on things I could further work on and things I could improve on in my writting. Maybe even mention an anime you would like to see me write and so for and so on! I hope you enjoyed it. Till next time...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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