Meeting mein Birdie

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Hello Prucan is one of my OTPs for Hetalia. I always see fanfics about Prussia helping Canada get noticed and being there for him. So I'm gonna change it up a bit. Anyway hope you enjoy. This story may be short, but I really wanted to write it so Yay. (BTW. None of this is historically accurate, I will do a little research for this book and I will tell you guys if it's accurate)

Prussia's POV

I've been feeling really lonely lately. Hungary and Austria have been avoiding me, Spain was always busy taking care of Romano and playing pirate with England. I tried calling France, but it went to voice mail. I sighed. The awesome me is so un-awesomely bored. I groaned plopping down on the couch. I decided to call France again. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. Until he finally answered.

France: *tiredly* Hello this is the lovely France, what are you calling for.
Prussia: Hello Francey-pants. What's wrong? You sound tired.
France: Hello Prussia. It's nothing don't worry.
Prussia: Can the awesome me come over? I'm un-awesomely lonely. I can help you with what's making you tired.
France: Please. I probably need it.
Prussia: Alright on my way!

I grabbed my coat and immediately went to France's house. What could make him so tired. Now that I'm thinking about it he seemed pretty busy these last few months.

When I finally got to France's house, I knocked on the door. France answered it. He looked terrible. There were bags under his eyes and his hair was abnormally messy. "Hello Prussia," he tried smiling at me, but failed. "Bro, you look awful," I snorted, but was actually really concerned about him. "I know. I haven't slept in weeks," he sighed.

"Do you need-," I started but was cut off by a little boy punching and kicking my leg. "Leave Papa alone. Don't you dare hurt him," he said barely above a whisper. I picked the little guy up so I could get a better look. He had violet eyes and wavy blonde hair, with a weird curl. "Put me down. Va te faire foutre," He said in French. Although I hang out with France I don't know any French. "Sacre bleau. Mattie, don't you say that," France said in a motherly tone.

He stuck his tongue out to France and then tried to punch me(keyword: tried). "Sorry about that," France said taking the little guy from me. "Who is this little guy," I smiled and booped his nose. He blushed and looked away. "This is Canada. Sorry for how he acted," he apologized. "It's alright," I smiled.

"Can I come inside?" I asked. France nodded and I went inside. "I'm gonna make some pancakes," he said leaving me and Canada in the living room. "So who are you," Canada asked looking up at me with those beautiful violet eyes. "I'm the awesome Prussia," I grinned at him. He smiled back at me. "Sorry for how I acted, Mr. Awesome Prussia," he apologized. "It's alright," I laughed a little bit.

"Want to play tic tac toe," Canada asked excitedly. I smiled and nodded my head. He got a piece of paper and we started playing. We were both tied when France came in. "Here is your pancakes," he said giving us our plates. We devoured the pancakes in seconds. "Say France, why don't you go get some sleep and I can take care of Mattie," I smiled. "As long as both of you promise to behave, sure," he yawned. "We promise," me and Canada both said, but crossed our fingers behind our backs.

"Alright. I'm going to get some beauty sleep," France said and went to his bedroom. Me and Canada laughed. "So what do you want to do now," I asked him. "Tag your it," Canada smiled and ran away. "Hey that's unawesome," I laughed running after him. We played for hours. We laughed as we plopped down on sofa. "What do you want to do next," I asked still laughing. He smiled mischievously and held up a black marker. It took me a minute before I realized what he wanted to do. I laughed. Canada really is a troublemaker...

We sneakily enter France's room. He gave me the marker. I drew a monocle, a mustache and drew the letters Englishman on his forehead. We exit the room and went to the living room. Once we were back on the couch we bursted out laughing. "That was awesome," I said still laughing. Canada nodded his head. We talked for hours.

It was getting really late and it was time that I should go home. Once we finished the conversation I sighed and stood up. "Where are you going Mr. Awesome Prussia," Canada asked. I laughed at the name. "You can call me Prussia and it's getting late, I should be heading home," I smiled at him kneeling down about his height. "You can't go. Please at least stay the night," Canada begged as he hugged me. "Alright, but if I get in trouble it's your fault," I said picking him up. He giggled. "If Papa finds out what we did, we would already be in trouble," Canada laughed. "Alright, where is your room?" I asked.

He led me to his room and climbed in bed. "Good night Prussia," Canada smiled. "Good night awesome Canada," I booped his nose again. He giggled and went to sleep. I went downstairs and cleaned the mess me and Canada made. It took me about two hours(because of the furniture we knocked over in Tag). Once I was done I laid down on the couch. I was ready to fall asleep when something tugged on my sleeve. I opened my eyes to see Canada crying. I immediately sat up and picked him up. "What's wrong," I asked gently rocking him in my arms. "I had a really scary nightmare," he whispered. "It's alright. Remember it's just a dream," I smiled at him. He looked up at me and hugged me.

"Can I sleep with you tonight," Canada mumbled sleepily. I smiled at him. "Sure," I said. I lay back down on the couch. Canada cuddling up to me. "Good night awesome..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before he fell asleep. "Good night Birdie," I said and fell asleep.

Hello The power is out for who knows how long. But I will try to update. Any how, hope you enjoyed this chapter. And wish me good luck, the IPad I use to read/write only has 64% power left😨😨😨

Bye bye birdies

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