Scars to your Beautiful

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Hellooo Okay the chapter has nothing to do with the song 'scars to your beautiful' the title just fits. Okay, let's continue. Hope you enjoy

Prussia's POV

I woke up the next morning with Canada still sleeping next to me. What time is it?. I look at the clock to see its almost 12 in the noon. Looks like we are going to skip breakfast. "Hey Canada wake up," I smiled, gently shaking him awake. "Hmmm what time is it," he groaned finally opening his eyes and looking into my eyes. "It is almost 12," I said gently ruffling his hair and getting ready to stand up. "Mr. Prussia, can you make me some lunch?" Canada asked also standing up. "Sure, what would you like?" I asked and went to the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen I see Francis is already there. He still had the permanent marker on his face. Me and Canada giggled slightly as we sat at the table looking at France, who seemed in a better mood. "Hello Francey. Did you sleep well?" I asked and looked at the two plates of pancakes in front of me and Canada before digging into the plate in front of me. "Yeah, I feel so refreshed," France said smiling. "And I could see you two slept well," France said still smiling looking at me then at Canada. "Yip, I also slept very well," Canada said smiling a wide smile. I looked at him and smiled. Adorable!

Canada's POV

As we finished eating, Papa went upstairs to his room and I followed Mr. Prussia around the house. He seemed to be getting all his stuff. As he wanted to open the door, I stopped him. "Wait Mr. Prussia!" I yelled hugging his leg (since I am so small). Prussia looked down and smiled before picking me up. "What is it little one," he asked confusedly.

"Will you come visit again," I asked excitedly and disappointedly because he had to leave. "Of course little Canada! You will be in the awesome presence of the awesome me," he said dramatically and enthusiastically. I giggled a little as he put me down on the ground and kneeled in front of me. "Bye bye little Birdie," he said and booped my nose. "Bye bye Mr. Prussia." I said and returned the action. He laughed and stood up waving as he left.

I laughed and watched him walk away. He really is funny. I hope I get to see him again one day. Oo, then we can prank Papa again. Speaking of which, where is Papa. Just as I thought that I heard a shriek from upstairs. "Canada!!! Prussia!!! What have you done to the beautiful me!" I heard France scream. Oops, better make a run for it and find a hiding place.

A few years later (Canada is a teenager now).

Canada's POV

Over the years Prussia visited a lot more often. He would come at least once a week and stay over. France has a new swimming pool and I invited Prussia to join me in swimming. He immediately accepted. I was so happy. I might have developed a crush on Prussia over the years. What can I say, he is hot though. Anyhow, today was the day. France is out for the day so I had the house to myself. I got the house ready and I got the food ready. I made sure the pool was alright and the house was clean. After I was done I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch.

I was woken up by a knock on the door. "Hey Birdie!!! It's the awesome Prussia," I heard someone call from outside. I immediately recognize the voice (and cause he said his name). I felt the butterflies in my stomach. Oh mon Dieu not now butterflies.

I stood up from the couch and headed to the door. I opened the door and was almost immediately pulled into a hug. "Long time no see, huh, Birdie," Prussia laughed and walked into the house. "You saw me last week," I said as he sat on the couch. "I still missed you Birdie," He smiled and a dark blush spread across my face. I'm sure my face is redder than Spain's tomatoes.

"Now let's go swimming," He screamed and ran outside. I quickly got dressed and went to join Prussia. When I got there I saw no sign of the Prussian anywhere. "Prussia! Prussia where are you," I screamed and got no reply. I stood near the pool and looked around then I looked into the water. Still no sign of Prussia. I was about to turn around when...

"Boo!" Someone screamed and pushed me into the freezing cold water. I screamed ever so slightly. I immediately swim to the top to see Prussia was about to jump in. I move out of the way as he jumped in. "Are you okay Birdie? Did I scare you a little too much?" Prussia said as we both swam to the steps and sat down there. "Yeah I'm alright, just a little startled. Be happy I put our towels on the floor before you decided to scare me," I smiled, slightly shivering at the coldness of the water. Prussia laughed slightly, before noticing I was shivering.

"Are you cold?" he asked, a tint of worry or concern in his voice. I looked at him then to the water. "Don't worry I just need to get used to the water that's all," I assured him. After a while of silence I felt an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. "What are you doing," I asked surprised at the sudden action. "Are you still cold," he asked smiling. "Nooo," I said looking at him confused. "See it's working. Now catch me if you can," Prussia said and started swimming away from me. And so we kept playing tag and Marco Polo till we decided to get out of the pool. We were both laying on our towels in the sun. We talked about a lot of things till I saw something...

"Prussia what are these," I asked tracing what looks like a scar on his arm, with my finger. "Oh these. These are just scars I got from wars and when I was younger," he said and turned around so I could see his back. There were a lot of scars on his back. I began to trace them lightly. Once I traced all of them Prussia turned around to face me again. "I know they look ugly," he halfheartedly laughed. "Even with these scars you are beautiful," I said out loud only to realize what I just said later on. Prussia looked surprised and then smiled. "Thank you Birdie," he said.

And so we kept talking till it was time for him to go home. As he was about to leave I grabbed his wrist. "Can you please stay," I whispered. He looked shocked then nodded and walked to the kitchen. "What are you doing," I asked following him. "I'm going to make pancakes and bacon," he said and got the ingredients. I looked at him for a while till I stopped him. "You are the guest and I can cook myself. So go sit and rest Pooh Bear(I call him Pooh bear to annoy him)," I said and smiled as he walked to the living room knowing he's not going to win this round.

I quickly made some bacon and pancakes and walked to the living room to find him sleeping. I gently shook him awake. "Food is ready," I whispered gently. He immediately sat up and started eating. I laughed and started eating as well. Once we were finished it was time to go to bed.

I led him to the guest bedroom and went to my room. I fell down on my bed and fell asleep. I woke screaming. "Only a dream. Only a dream," I kept mumbling to myself till the door burst open. I screamed at the sudden noise. I opened my eyes and saw it was only Prussia. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?" He kept asking me making sure I was alright.

"It was just a dream. Don't worry Prussia," I giggled as he scanned me up and down for any wounds. He suddenly pulled the blanket over us as we both lied down. He pulled me closer to his bare chest. "What are you doing," I squeaked in surprise. "Maybe this will keep the nightmares away," he smiled and held me close. I inhaled his scent and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Hellooo I didn't expect for it to be that long. Hope you enjoyed. Anyway, till next time.

Bye bye

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