Memories of broken promises

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Hellooo It's almost the end of the book, but fear not. I'm planning on writing another Prucan book soon, so if you want to read that ask and I will upload a disclaimer saying the name and so on and what the story is about. Anyway hope you enjoy this awesome chapter😜

Prussia's POV

Today is the first meeting in months. Every nation is invited and shall be there, meaning Canada would be there as well. I miss mein Birdie. I want to see him again, explain to him what happened and just hold him again like we always did. I sighed as Germany drove us to the meeting area. The meeting is being held in America. I slowly start tugging at the jacket I was wearing indicating my nervousness.

"Are you nervous to see Canada again?" Germany asked finally breaking the silence. I nodded slowly and replied, "Ja." "Do you think he will forgive you?" Germany asked as I stared out of the window. "Hopefully. I can't live without him," I sigh silently praying to myself. We finally made it to the meeting room as we all go to our chosen seats. I see Canada is going to sit next to me. Perfect... Now just to explain to him...

And so the meeting continued as there was still no sign of the humble Canadian. I scan the room looking for my Birdie not spotting him anymore. The meeting finally ended after Germany exploded in a fit of anger. The next meeting scheduled for next week was cancelled. As I was about to leave the meeting room planning on finally, having enough courage to go to Canada's place, confess to him, but I was pulled inside the room again.

I was terrified for a while and then realized it was Spain and France. Then I became even more scared for their faces showed concern, anger and sadness. "Prussia we need to talk," Spain finally stated as we took our seats again, but this time scooting it closer. "What is it? I was about to do something important," I pouted folding my arms over my chest. "Kiss Hungary again?" France said almost in a mean tone of voice. "How did you...?" I was about to ask, but Spain cut me off. "He heard it from me. After what happened Canada ran to Roma's place and took shelter there for a couple of nights," Spain explained.

I stayed silent as I look down. "Now I just want to know. You said you love Canada..." Spain wanted to ask, but I cut him off. "I do. I really do. I didn't know why I did that. I still don't know why I did that. I want him to know that I love him. I want to know if he loves me even if I did all those things to him," I rambled as I feel tears swell up in my eyes.

"You really are an idiot. Canada has loved you ever since he became my colony. But after Canada saved your ass the first time, you lost your memory. Canada refused to leave his room for weeks, maybe even months. He finally started trying to make new memories with you, because they could replace all of the old memories you lost. He knew you loved Hungary and still think you do. He still doesn't come out of his room, so that's why he wasn't here today. He still loves you forever and always. Nothing's going to change that, not even you loving someone else. So just go and tell him what happened. It will take time for him to trust you again, but it's worth it in the end."

France decided to give a speech as I stare at him wide eyed. Canada loves me... Ever since his colonial days... Suddenly all the memories start rushing back. "Oh mein Gott," I mumble as I stand up running out of the room totally forgetting my jacket. "Wait Prussia...!" Spain yelled, but I gave no attention to it. I booked a flight and was now sitting on an airplane looking out of the window. I'm so sorry Birdie. I broke my promises to you. Please forgive me...

Canada's POV

I was looking out of the window in my room, fondling with the necklace around my neck. I surprisingly hid it very well when Prussia was around. I looked down at it sadly as I feel tears stream down my face. Why can't he just love me...

I refused to go to the meeting in fear that my heart will only break more. I heard rumors from America that Prussia and Hungary were secretly dating the whole time and that's why Austria dumped her (He found out about the affair). I always break into a fit of tears whenever I remember America telling me about it.

I held the necklace tightly in one hand and wiped my tears away with the other. I looked out the window as I see a figure wearing all black walking to my door. The weirdest thing is, he's wearing a tank top in the middle of a harsh blizzard. I immediately jumped up and ran to the door.

As I open the door and step outside I see the man had passed out before my steps leading up to the house. I carried the figure into my house and placed him on the couch. As I scanned the person looking for anything telling me who this guy is, I realize who the mysterious man is...


I immediately get anything warm, from jackets to hoodies to blankets to heaters to anything at this point. I place them over him and hug him tightly to my chest. Please don't die... Please...

After a few minutes of silently begging and praying in my head with tears slowly and silently rolling down my cheeks, I finally felt Prussia stir in my arms cuddling up to me (Probably for the warmth). "Huh... What... Happened," he muttered sitting up. "You idiot! What were you doing out there in the blizzard without a jacket?! You could've gotten yourself killed!" I shouted to him as he stared at me surprised.

"Birdie..." He wiped away the tears that were shed. He immediately pulled me into a hug. I accepted the hug, but didn't return it. "I'm sorry... For everything. For kissing Hungary, for going into a blizzard without a jacket, for worrying you, for everything. But I am most sorry over the fact that I have broken all my promises over the years. Even the promises I made while you were still a colony," he whispered in my ear. My eyes widen as I feel more tears flowing down my cheeks.

" remember," I whisper as I feel him nodding. I immediately hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. At this point I don't know if it's happy or sad tears. "Ich Liebe dich Birdie. Always have, always will. And this time I will not break my promise. I'm not asking you to love me back or force you into anything you don't want. I just want you to know that I love you no matter what happens," Prussia confessed hesitantly. "Je... Je t'aime. Please don't break your promise this time," I pleaded as he chuckled. "I will not break them this time. I swear on my life," he said determined making me giggle.

After a while of hugging he finally pulled back and noticed I was wearing the necklace. "You kept it?" Prussia asked holding up the necklace. "Yeah. It's almost like a good luck charm to me. Plus it helped me through rough times, because remember what you said when you gave it to me," I smiled at him. "As long as you wear this necklace I will protect and care for you," Prussia quoted as I nodded. "It's the only thing that made me happy after you forgot," I admitted. He looked down sadly. "I'm sorry Birdie..." He mumbled as I pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry as long as you don't forget me again," I smiled as he hugged back chuckling sadly.

Prussia's POV

So the rest of the day was spent on cuddling, watching movies and later Canada falling asleep in my arms. I carried him to his room as I gently placed him on his bed. I climbed in next to him as I draped the blanket over us.

"I love you Canada. I really do... I can't believe you still love me after I put you through hell. I promise you I'll keep my promises this time. I swear it on my life..."

I promised mostly to myself, because Canada was already asleep. I feel myself falling asleep as a thought ran through my head...

Ich Liebe Dich Birdie. I promise it's not a lie...

Hello I definitely don't regret this. Anyway I don't have anything else to say so till next time...

Bye bye

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