Prussia is the jealous type...?

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Hellooo I have nothing to say except enjoy this chapter😜

Canada's POV

And so the next few weeks were spent on touring around my country. We met tons of 'awesome people'(as Prussia would say). We kept low key flirting with each other, but that only caused my feelings to grow and making it a lot harder to keep a secret. I hope he does actually like me back...

Anyway we recently got back to where we started and fell asleep as soon as we got home. I awoke from a soft banging coming from downstairs. I was confused and carefully got out of bed, careful not to wake Prussia up(Oh, did I mention we have been cuddling since we left for the tour).

I grab my hockey stick as a defense weapon and silently walked downstairs. I was downstairs and see the kitchen light was on. Oh Merde! I walk to the kitchen and was about to hit the invader with the hockey stick till I realized... It was luckily my next door neighbor."Logan!? You can't just break into my apartment like that! I almost killed you with a hockey stick!" I lectured my neighbor, Logan.

He had dark brown(Almost black) hair, with huge brown eyes like a puppy's and as always a little stubble to compliment his looks even more. He always had a tan skin color and was actually well built. He is in his mid-20's. I'm surprised he's still single. Oh, did I forget to mention he's bisexual and has had a crush on me ever since I moved in...Yeah...?

"Oh Matthew. Sorry I came into your apartment uninvited. I just really wanted to see your beautiful face once more amour.~ Plus I would rather be killed by your kindness than your hockey stick~" He flirted like always. Even though I told him I like someone else(AKA Prussia that was still sleeping soundly upstairs) for what now like the 100th time.

"Ugh fine. Do you want coffee, tea or hot cocoa?" I asked as I put the kettle on. "I want you. But I guess you mean something to drink so wine please," he flirted once again. I sighed and poured him a glass of wine. I made myself hot cocoa and we sat on the couch together.

"So where have you been all these weeks? Finding a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Well stop searching 'cause here I am," I giggled a little at his flirting and thought for a while. "Well...I showed someone around Canada for the last few weeks so I've been pretty busy," I nervously chuckle thinking of the good times Prussia and I had. He thought for a while till he leaned in to kiss me. We (well he) leaned in closer while I leaned back. Now I fell over and he was on top of me. Our lips barely touched as we hear another person enter the room. I sighed in relief. Saved by the Prussian...

Prussia's POV

I was woken up by the coldness and loneliness that I felt. I realize that Birdie isn't in bed with me, so that's why I feel so cold and lonely. Where are you Birdie? I realize it is still night so he wouldn't have gotten up to make breakfast or anything. I also realized as the weeks went by: I, Gilbert Beilchsmidt personification of Prussia, have fallen in love with Mattew Williams personification of Canada. I'm just too afraid he will reject me like Hungary did.

I walked downstairs my blanket still wrapped around me. I see the living room and the kitchen's lights were on. I walk into the living room and what I saw made me growl out loud. I feel the jealousy inside me grow as I stare at the scene before me...

Someone was on top of Canada(clearly Canada didn't want this contact judging by his facial expression that was one of fear and uncomfortable). Their lips were not even inches apart and was almost full blown kissing. The man had his leg between Canada's legs and his hands on both sides of Canada's head, making it impossible to escape. I let another growl escape my lips as they finally noticed my presence.

Canada almost immediately pushed the guy away seeing as he was too distracted by my appearance than the kissing. Canada almost immediately stood up and started talking. "Good almost morning Gilbert. This is Logan my neighbor, Logan this is Gilbert, the one I was talking about." "Nice to meet you Gilbert," Logan greeted and as a response I just growled.

I walked over to Canada and we both sat down on the couch, me in the middle of the two. I wrapped the blanket over both me and Canada. He snuggled into my warmth and immediately fell asleep. As I was sure he was asleep, I glare at Logan. "What do you think you were doing?" I asked as I glared at him and gritted my teeth. "Pardon?" He asked confused. "You know, how you tried to rape Matthew," I glared at him hugging Matthew closer to me. He stared at me wide eyed. "I was merely trying to kis- I mean greet him. He leaned back too far and fell on his back," Logan made excuses, I was a little confused at the word 'greet'.

"He leaned back not forward. So wouldn't that be a clear sign he doesn't want to kiss you?" I asked and ruffled Matthew's hair with my free hand. "Uhh," Logan tried to think of more excuses as I still glared at him. "Exactly. So get the hell out of here and never return," I demanded as I gently placed Canada on the sofa. He immediately ran out the door.

I sighed and carried Canada to bed. I yawned as I looked at what time it is. 3am. I sighed and climbed in bed. My flight back to Germany is in 2 days. I sigh sadly as I realized I will be leaving Canada and with that guy living right next to him. I growl slightly thinking of him trying it again and this time succeeding since I won't be here. I climbed in bed and held Canada tightly.

"I never knew you were the jealous type Pooh bear." I hear Canada whisper as I was surprised he was still awake. "He tried to rape you, what did you expect me to do, watch," I growl at him immediately feeling guilty afterwards. He sighed and replied,"I am strong enough to defend myself you know." I sigh and held onto him even tighter. "I don't wanna see Birdie get hurt," I mumbled as I see Canada blush. "Don't worry I won't get hurt I promise," Canada smiled and snuggled into my chest.

"Did I forget to mention he has the habit of greeting someone with a kiss on the cheek, so he didn't try to rape me, just greeted me," Canada finally broke the lingering silence between us. "Then why did you lean back?" I ask suspiciously. "I'm not used to being greeted like that since he hasn't been home for a few weeks and I haven't been home for a few weeks. The only other people I know of who has the same habit is France and Russia. I haven't spoken to them in such a long time, so also not used to it. Plus he flirts with me every day and frankly I'm not interested. I thought he was going to make a move on me," Canada explained as I stared at him suspiciously unsure if I should take his word for it. I decided to trust him since Canada has never lied to me (well kind of). I nodded my head as the air filled with a comfortable silence once again.

"How did he get inside anyway?" I ask confusedly. "Kumajiro usually goes on late night walks and sometimes forget to lock the door." Canada answers as I nodded making a mental note to always see if it's locked if I visit. "Goodnight Prusse," Canada mumbled tiredly and immediately fell asleep. "Goodnight Birdie," I answer smiling a bit and fell asleep as well.

"I will never let anyone hurt you Birdie..."

Hellooo Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a little harsher than any other chapter in the book and I'm sorry about that, but oh well. Anyway have a nice day/night. Till next time.

Au revoir mom amour

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