It was never love...

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Hellooo I'm so sorry, but this chapter is really short and all, but I'll try to make it as long as possible. Listen to the song, it kind of fits😜. Anyway let's continue.

Prussia's POV

I'm finally going to do it! I'm finally going to ask Birdie to marry me. We've been dating for two years and I decided I want to spend my whole life my Birdie. I made sure everything was right for tomorrow.

So the plan is:

-Invite Birdie to Germany to show him around this awesome place. ✅
-Take him to a fancy restaurant (I already made reservations)
-Try and get the right time to propose to him.
-Hope and pray to God he doesn't reject me.

Seems like an awesome plan that will definitely want to make him say yes... Hopefully...

I quickly got out of the shower and dried my hair. I picked out one of my best and sexiest outfits and put it on. I spent extra long trying to get my hair right. While I was doing it, I hear the doorbell ring. Oh s*** he can't be here already! Crap, crap. "Wait a second. The awesome me is almost done!" I shouted and made a few finishing touches before practically sprinting to the door. I opened it expecting to see Birdie, but instead I see...

Hungary... who was crying? "Hungary? What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" I ask and immediately usher her in. "Austria... He broke up with me again. I didn't know where else to go," she explained as we both sat on the couch. "It's alright. I knew that douche Austria was bound to do it at some point," I mumbled. I was surprised when she hugged me. "Sorry I just need a hug," She apologized as I hesitantly hug her back. "It's alright. I guess," I shook my head as the room fell silent.

"Hey Prussia. Is the dating you option still open? If so I think it could be a nice change," Hungary smiled and before I could decline the offer saying I was literally going to propose to Canada in a few minutes, she did something I never would've thought she would do...

She kissed me. I was surprised and my eyes went wide. After a few seconds of kissing, my eyes flutter shut and I instinctively start to kiss back. "So I guess the offer is still open," she breathed out only to start kissing me again seconds later. I again kissed back and immediately regretted it as I hear the door open...

Canada's POV

After a long plane ride from Quebec, Canada to Germany the plane finally landed and I was happy my feet are on the ground again. Geez I hate flying... I started walking to where Prussia said he lived. On the way I was stopped by someone calling my name.

I turned around and see Germany and Italy walking towards me. "Hey Canada!" Italy screamed in excitement attracting confused stares. "Keep it down Italy. I'm guessing Prussia invited you?" Germany lectured and asked. I nodded my head and blushed at Prussia's name.

I haven't seen him since the meeting a few weeks ago. We talked over the phone or we texted, but we didn't see each other at all since no meetings were held in the couple of weeks. "We're going home anyway, so might as well show you the way," Germany sighed as he started walking. Italy and I followed him as silence was shared between us.

"So Canada. Do you want to marry Prussia someday?" Italy asked breaking the silence as my eyes went wide and a blush spread across my face. "You do! Yay! Honestly Prussia has been way happier with you than he ever was with Hungary," Italy admitted as Germany agreed. My smile and blush dropped when Hungary was mentioned. I will never be able to compete with her. It's like competing in a talent show and finding out Beyoncé is going on before you...

"Ja. You really do make him happy, just like you always did. It's a shame he can't remember," Germany admitted. It was silent till we got to the house. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. Germany opened the door as I went in first. I turn and it felt like my heart actually shattered into a million pieces...

Prussia was kissing Hungary full of love and passion. I felt physically sick and tears were streaming down my face. I took my suitcase and ran out of there as I immediately ran to the airport. You damn idiot! How could you believe someone like Prussia hot, popular, flirt and smooth af can love you. He still has feeling for Hungary also the popular girl. I'm just a unnoticed mess. I'm going to Romano's place. I just need some comfort right now...

Germany's POV

I opened the door and let Canada walk in first. I don't know what happened, but I see his face fall and tears gathering in his eyes and a little rolling down his cheek. He immediately grabs his suitcase and runs out the door and into the streets. Italy and I stared at each other in confusion as I walked in and faced the direction Canada was looking at. I see why his face fell. His first ever love was kissing a girl, even though he promised Canada to never betray him.

"Prussia!" I yelled and the two broke the kiss. Prussia immediately pushed Hungary away. "Where is Birdie?" He asks almost immediately. "He ran away. I doubt he wants to see you at the moment. And Hungary I'm sorry, but can you please leave," I answer as I faced Hungary who was standing up. "So are we in a relationship?" Hungary asks Prussia. "That option was off the table ever since you rejected me. So please just f***ing leave," Prussia looks down and Hungary was left surprised as she left the house.

"What have I done..." Prussia mumbles and falls to his knees crying. "Ich Liebe dich Birdie. I really do with all my broken heart..."

Romano's POV

Spain and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. It was snowing like crazy outside and it was f***ing cold, so we were wrapped in a blanket cuddling against each other for warmth (It will be a lie to say I didn't enjoy it). We were watching a scary movie and heard a knock on the door. "You answer it," Spain cowers back in fear as I sigh. "Fine, but if I get killed it's your fault," I replied as I stood up and went to answer the door.

I was surprised to see it was Canada who was crying and shaking vigorously, because of the cold. I immediately usher him in and wrap him in a warm blanket, immediately making hot cocoa and getting another blanket. Spain helped me and gave me questioning stares I just lifted my shoulders as an 'I don't know'.

After everything was done we started asking questions like 'why were you in the snow' or 'what are you doing here'. He explains what happened as we sat there surprised. Spain has actually talked to me about Prussia proposing to Canada, so why would he do...this...

After a lot of crying Canada fell asleep wrapped in blankets and sitting on the couch. Spain's phone starts beeping as well as mine. We see Prussia has texted everyone asking if they had seen Canada. "Should we tell him?" Spain asked as I shook my head. "No. I don't think Canada can stand being around him for a while. Can you talk to him if you see him again?" I ask as Spain nodded and we both replied with 'no we haven't seen him'...

Hellooo Please don't hate me😭 Well I hope you enjoyed and so on. Till next time

Bye bye

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