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Hellooo So here is a new chapter I hope you enjoy and will read further😜

Prussia POV

Once we got to our apartment, Ludwig told us we are going back home tomorrow, because he is tired. Italy suggests we go to the park or go eat at a local restaurant. "I'm sorry, but the awesome me has to decline. You two have fun though. Not too much fun, if you know what I mean," I winked at them turning on the TV and sitting on the couch. Italy giggled as a dark blush spread across Germany's face. "We will. Bye bye Prussia," Italy waved as they left the apartment.

I sighed and scrolled through the channels, finding nothing to watch. I decided to watch Just for laughs: Gags and I laughed at all the pranks. Some were funny and some were just plainly evil. 'Probably held in America,' I thought to myself as I see the credits rolling pass. I wanted to see where this was going on so I could know when I'm being pranked or get some advice from this guy. I see the words on the screen, Proudly sponsored in Canada. (A/N Actual real show, very funny. Don't trust anyone in Canada.)

My mind goes back to the day I had. From falling asleep next to Canada, waking up from the nap and later Canada not showing up for the last meeting. Why wasn't he there? Why didn't anyone realize he was missing? Did he leave because of something I did? I hope not. He is actually really cute. And his eyes. Mein Gott his eyes... Stop thinking like that Gilbert! You still love Hungary... But she doesn't love me so it's a lost cause. Maybe I should try to become friends with Canada... I probably ruined that too. I sighed helplessly and got lost in thoughts about Canada. Suddenly I remember what Ludwig recommended. "Search up Prussia dissolution paper on Google."

I get out my laptop and searched it on Google. I go to Wikipedia and it has the whole paper confirming my dissolution. But one sentence caught my eyes as I stared at the screen wide eyed. "You can't be serious...He is more of a hero than his brother is..." I whisper to myself. On the paper it stood,

"Prussia has now been officially dissolved. But because of the economical and cultural difference Germany would be split in two, East and West. The previous personification of Prussia shall represent East Germany while Germany represents west."
~Matthew Williams, personification of Canada

"East Germany would be ruled by the Soviet Union and will serve as such."
~Ivan Braginsky, personification of Russia and leader of the Soviet Union.

I stare at the computer in awe as I look at the name that was so familiar. Matthew Williams. He is the reason I'm still alive and here today. But wait East Germany fell long ago... How am I still here?" I asked to myself as I searched up Canada on Google. (BTW. What is Prucan, Ruscan, Amecan and Franada...?). I read through Canada's history in search of anything Prussia related, I made coffee and put on my favorite music channel. I listened to music as I silently made notes of everything I find.

"Hellooo there. Are you still here oh awesome one?" I hear Feliciano chirp in his accent. "I'm here and I need your help. Grab a notebook, a pen and your laptops," I ordered as they got the stuff that was needed as I explained what I was doing and revised what I already got. I also told them what I found and Ludwig explained the declaration of dissolution. After what seemed like forever, all of us almost falling asleep, Feliciano let out a loud, excited scream. "What?! What did you find?!" I asked as I looked at his screen. He had it on Google (like the rest of us, but he was on a different page.)

"Look!!! Look at this. I think Cana- what's his name?" Feliciano scratched his head. "Canada and yeah," I urged him to continue. "Saved your -Pardon my French- ass," Feliciano chirped cheerfully as he handed me the laptop. I look at it as Ludwig and Feliciano went to bed, convinced that they found the reason. I look at the map after reading through the given information. I look at the small micro-nation on the map of Canada. "New Prussia..." I read out loud. So your the one who saved my ass...twice...

Canada's POV

I woke up to knocking on my apartment door. Apparently I cried so much I fell asleep. I sighed and lazily stood up, walking to the door and answering it. I was greeted by a frowning Lovino. "Where were you maple bastard? I had to eat lunch with that jerk Spain," Lovino interrogated and whined. He stormed into the house, walking past me. "Uhhh...Don't you have a crush on..." I was about to finish my sentence before Lovino shushed me by covering my mouth. "Shhh..." He sat on the couch lifting his hand. Apparently, I'm the only one (except for Feli) who knows Romano has a 'tiny, little, miniature' crush on Toni.

"Where were you?" Lovino interrogated again as I joined him on the couch. My polar bear came and sat on my lap. "Who are you?" He faced Lovino. "I'm Lovino, your owners friend that he just left at the meeting all alone," Lovino answered as Kuma fell asleep. "I was at my house. I am not needed at meetings anyway," I mumbled as I ran my hand through my pet polar bear's soft as silk fur. "Why?! You were sleeping so cutely with ~Prussia~," Lovino teased as I blushed and he laughed.

"Shut up. And remember, I told you he doesn't like or remember me," I reminded as Lovino stopped teasing. "I'm sure he will remember someday," Lovino answered as he stood up and left for the kitchen. "But what if he doesn't," I asked sadly as I followed him into the kitchen. He was making hot cocoa. "Then you have to make new memories with him..." Lovino paused for a second.

"Or he is actually related to Germany. Amnesia runs in the family," Lovino laughed at the joke he made, that I obviously didn't get. "Hey, tell you what. You're all bummed out so why don't I stay over for tonight and tell you what happened at the meeting and so on. We can also talk gossip and do all those other stuff. Like we can prank call everyone..." Lovino suggested as I nodded in agreement.

And so we spent the next few hours gossiping, watching movies and then playing horror games(Lovino kept dying on purpose). And soon it was time to sleep. Luckily there is a spare room he can stay in as I got ready for bed. I suddenly get a text. Who could be texting me this late...

I looked at my phone and realize it is Ludwig(who rarely calls, texts or even talks to me). I was confused for a while as I opened the message. I stare at the message wide eyed. I told Prussia about the declaration papers and he knows about New Prussia. Good luck...

I stare at the screen wide eyed and sent Ludwig a thumbs up emoji in response. I sigh as I flop down on the bed and cuddle into the blankets. I couldn't fall asleep as my mind kept going to Prussia.

Does he hate me now?

Does he think I'm disgusting by falling asleep on him  and naming a micro-nation after him?

Or will he finally love me back...?

HelloooAlright before I say goodbye I have a little story that happened about an hour ago:

One of my best friends and I got into a playful argument about France being hotter than her. So as a response I said, "France is hot, but his girlfriend is hotter". She didn't get the joke... I didn't want to tell her. But that was hilarious.

Anyway sorry this chapter is short, it will probably get longer or shorter, I don't know, but anyway. Till next time...

Bye bye❣❣❣

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