I'm going to Canada!!!

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Hellooo Like I said before this is a very short book, so there will be like two-four chapters left in this book. So... Let's continue...?

Prussia's POV

We got back from the meeting about a week ago and I was getting ready to visit my hero...I mean Canada. I can't wait. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about this situation. I mean, I barely even know the guy and he names a micro nation after me. Though something about him makes me feel a strange sense of deja vú...

I was about to leave when Germany stopped me. "Don't you think you should call first, before you just walk in uninvited?" Germany asked looking up from the paperwork he was doing. "Italy does it all the time. What's wrong if I do it?" I asked as I waited for a response. Ludwig sighed in response signaling he doesn't have a smart come back. "Fine. Just find out where he lives first," Ludwig replied as I walked towards him.

I gave him a big hug as he struggled out of it. "Bye bye brüder. See you soon," I waved and left for the airport. I took a long flight from Germany to Canada. At least we found out where the personification of Canada is. AKA I called his boss asking where he was. Apparently he has a house for each city. Like what!? And I found out Canada is the second largest country after Russia. That's impressive. Though I do plan on asking Canada why he wasn't at the last meeting or why nobody noticed he was gone.

I arrived at the street and couldn't find the house. I walked around in the snow freezing my ass off and looking for his house. After I gave up looking I knocked on one of the doors. A young lady answered and stared at me confused. "Uhh excuse me, but do you know where a...Matthew Williams lives?" I asked nervously as she returned with a smile. "He lives in the house right... There," she pointed to the house across the street. "He really is a sweetheart. He has a heart made of gold, eh. Anyway, good day sir," she greeted and closed the door. Wow, these people are really kind and sweet. Unlike the people I have met before...

I walk to the house she pointed to and see the number on the door. How did I miss that...? I slowly knock on the door. "Uhh I'll be right there. I just...uhh...have to get these pancakes on the plate," Canada yelled from inside the house. Canada doesn't know I'm visiting so he probably didn't make me any, but I didn't care.

Canada's POV

I quickly put the plate on the table as I walked to the door. Damnit they don't have any pancakes! Merde! I face palmed as I realized I didn't have enough pancake batter to make another stack of pancakes so they don't get any. Well I always have pancakes, it wouldn't hurt to give it to them...

There was again another knocking as I immediately open the door. I was more than surprised about it being Prussia. I was confused till I remember the text from about a week ago. My eyes widen as I realized what was going on. Time to be ridiculed...

"Do you mind if I come in? It's freezing outside," Prussia cautiously asked and shivered from the cold. I immediately ushered him in and showed him to the couch that was near the fireplace so he could warm up. It's in the middle of winter so of course it's hella cold. I quickly made a cup of hot cocoa and brought the plate of pancakes and the cocoa to him.

He thanked me as I handed it to him. I sat down next to him and petted the little bundle that came to sit on my lap. Prussia found the furry animal's behavior adorable and petted it's soft fur. "Aren't you going to have any? I thought Canadians were crazy about pancakes and maple syrup," Prussia asked as I giggled slightly. "Oh there isn't enough pancake batter so I can't make me some. And I always eat pancakes, so I wouldn't mind if it was someone else's turn," I replied as I feel my stomach growl. It is about breakfast time in Canada so this was supposed to be my first meal.

"Canadians are really nice and polite," Prussia complimented, humming at the delicious taste of the pancakes. "Not all people are nice Prussia. Some just have more respect than others and to be fair you don't plan a murder out loud, do you? Plus I'm not hungry so I don't mind sharing," I replied as he stared at me surprised at the first statement. After a while of silence my stomach growled.

"Your grumbling stomach says otherwise Birdie," Prussia replied amused. "Birdie?" I asked surprised at the nickname. "You remind me of my cute and awesome pet birdie. So I gave you the nickname Birdie. I'm guessing you haven't eaten anything yet, so here ya go Birdie," he handed me the plate, the last and biggest pancake was left. "Are you sure? I'm fine really. I just need to go to the store later," I scratched the back of my neck nervously pushing the plate back to him. "Nope. You need food too Birdie," Prussia insisted as I nodded and started eating the pancake.

It was silent as I ate. I felt something land on my head and I flinched. "Piyo!~ Canada!~" the little bird tweeted happily. I held my hand out after I put my plate down. The little birdie flew into my hands and chirped. "Such a cute little thing. What is its name?" I asked as I gently rubbed my thumb across his soft feathers. "It's a he and his name is Gilbird," Prussia smiled at us.

Prussia's POV

I smile at Canada who is admiring and gently rubbing Gilbird. How cute... No Gilbert you don't want to have your heart broken again... "I'm guessing you're here to talk about the declaration papers and the micro nation. Just tease me and get over it," he mumbled as his expression fell. Why would I be rude to someone who saved my life...?

"I'm not here to insult you Birdie. I'm here to one say thank you and secondly get to know the man who saved my ass... Twice," I laughed as he stared at me surprised. "Really?" He asked surprised as I nodded. "Okay then you can ask me any question, as long as it's not embarrassing or personal," he gave the rules smiling while doing so as I nodded. How can someone be so cute?!

"Well first of. Why did you leave the meeting early?" I asked as he looked away nervously. "Well...uhh... I was feeling out of it and wasn't in the mood for everyone's fighting," Canada replied his eyes darting around the room, anywhere but my eyes indicating (As what Ludwig taught me) that he's lying. I didn't dwell on the question as it seemed to have saddened him.

"Secondly why did you try and still try to save my life?" I asked the ice breaking question. "Well you were so good to Papa... I mean France. And I couldn't let such a great and awesome empire go to waste. Plus you are a good person Prussia. Even if you don't act like it sometimes," he replied honestly making me blush. Though I feel like he's leaving something out. "Should I take the last statement as an insult or a compliment, Birdie?" I teased him. "A compliment. I'm sorry you understood it as an insult," he blushed and immediately apologized making me chuckle. "I was only teasing Birdie," I chuckled as his blush grew darker and he started pouting.

"And another question. Why doesn't anyone notice you. You are the second largest country in the world?!" I asked loudly. He shook his head sadly. "I don't know, but I'm used to it. Sometimes it's fun being invisible because you are not involved in trouble or drama. But most of the time it sucks. Like Hungary does on weekends," he whispered the last part (But I could still hear it)  and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my goodness. That was funny!" I laughed at the joke. For the first time when someone mentioned Hungary, I didn't get upset, but actually laughed. Canada blushed and giggled a little at what he said. "I didn't know you were so mean Birdie," I laughed as Canada stopped giggling. "I didn't mean it in a mean way. I was just being playful," he defended. "It's alright Birdie. We'll keep it between us. Promise," I pinkie promised as he giggled.

And so we spent the rest of the day talking. Completely forgetting about the shopping. We finally went to bed and I packed all my stuff out. I climbed into the soft bed as my eyes fluttered closed. Best day I had in weeks...

Hellooo So... This story is coming to an end. But there is still a few chapters so keep reading. Until next time

Au revoir mon amour~💕

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