Why am I still here...?

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HellooSo before we start, there is a lot of angst in this chapter, so you have been warned.  I don't have anything to say so let's continue😜

Canada's POV

I was sitting at the meeting and everything was normal. Everyone was fighting especially Papa, England and America. Germany was about to loose his cool... Okay you can't loose something you never had...

Except one thing was abnormal. Prussia took the seat next to me. After Prussia's dissolution and me saving him, I hear from Ludwig he doesn't know who I am. And he doesn't even know I exist. My heart was broken after that. I was listening to music to tune out all the fighting and in anyway I wouldn't even get in trouble since nobody notices me (Like seriously I'm the second largest country in the world! What the hell!?)

I soon felt myself drifting off to sleep as I leaned on I don't know what. All I know is I'm mentally drained and physically tired. And whatever or whoever I'm leaning on is comfy and warm. At this point I didn't have a care in the world as my eyes flutter shut. Why doesn't Prussia remember me, even if I sacrificed everything to him. I even sacrificed a part of myself to keep him alive...

Prussia's POV

All I remember is falling asleep, the next I woke up. I see my two best friends France and Spain sitting in front of me on the meeting table, both of them smirking. Spain was silently laughing and France was taking pictures, while not even trying to contain his laughter. I was confused for awhile till I realized what position I was in.

The guy next to me, I think his name was...Canada...? Well anyway he had his head resting on my shoulder letting out tiny snores. As I see he was bending his glasses I gently took it off. I also notice our chairs were much closer than before and I had my arm gently resting around his waist pulling him closer to me. I blush once I realized what was going on, both of my friends burst out laughing at my face expressions. "Shut up," I whispered to them and pointed to Canada before saying,"He's sleeping".

They calmed down after a while and just looked at us smiling. "How are you going to get out of this one the awesome and mighty Prussia?" France teased as I glared at him. "I'm going to wait till he wakes up," I whisper, which in my voice sounds like I'm normally talking.

"I didn't know you got over your crush on Hungary so fast," Spain laughs as I look down sadly. He noticed immediately and stopped laughing. "Prusia...Lo siento. I didn't mean it like that amigo," Spain apologizes looking sad and concerned himself. "It's alright," I brushed it off shrugging. Apparently my shrugging woke up the sleeping Canadian.

He lifts up his head and wiped his eyes, after that taking out his earphones. His tired violet colored eyes stared into my ruby red eyes. A light blush tinted my cheeks as I see them shimmering in the sunlight that shone through the meeting room. After a while of staring his eyes widen as he realized what just happened.

Canada's POV

I stare into the ruby red eyes that I have fallen in love with over the years. After awhile of staring and tiredness, the tiredness finally washed over and my eyes widen as I realized our position. "Oh mon Dieu! I'm so sorry Mr. Prussia!" I immediately screamed in surprise as I immediately curl up in a ball after I pushed myself away. "It's alright Canada. And you can call me Prussia. Uhh..." Prussia hesitantly assured.

"Well this is awkward. You can leave if you want..." I reassured them as I was still curled up in a ball, protecting myself from the outside world. "Are you sure? I can stay if you want," Prussia asked as I heard Papa and Spain giving a slight giggle. Prussia shot them a glare. "No worries, I'm used to being left alone in the first place," I mumbled the last bit so he can't hear it. "Alright see you later -a little less awesome than me- Canada," he greeted as him and his friends left me alone.

I sadly looked at my notes that I actually took. I sigh as I begin to pack up. I'll just ask America when the next meeting is. I was walking to my apartment. I pass all the other happy countries on my way out. I finally made it to my apartment and flopped down on the bed.

"Who are you?" I hear my pet Kumamoto...Kumajiro! say as he sat next to me on the bed. "I'm Canada. You're owner," I explained like I did everyday. "Who?" He asked as I started crying into the pillow. "Even my own pet doesn't remember me!" I screamed to no one in particular. "Today was the worst day ever! I embarrassed myself in front of my crush! I blew any shot I had with him! I'm such a stupid mess...!"

Back at the meeting~

Prussia's POV

I left the room, feeling guilty as I did so. France and Spain followed me as both of them cat called. I glare at both of them as they laughed. "So how did it go with Hungary?" Spain asked as I just remember my heartache. "I'd rather not talk about it," I answered as we were in the garden of the meeting area. Everyone was eating and talking to each other.

England, America and Japan were sitting and eating together. America and England were bickering like always. France decided to join them. Romano was eating lunch alone while looking on his phone with headphones, looking like he's waiting for someone. Spain decides to join him, to (And I quote) 'Keep my Princess Roma safe from loneliness'. I sighed as I looked for anywhere where I can sit.

I see Italy and Germany eating together. It looks like Italy is trying his best to calm Germany down from the massive outburst. I'm surprised Germany hasn't started World War 3 with how everyone irritates him. I decided to join them. I sit down, not even bothering to take out my lunch since, one I didn't feel like eating and secondly I didn't pack any.

"Hey Prussia. Did you have a nice nap with...what is his name again...I can't remember, maybe Romano would know," Italy greeted in his cheerful accent. "It's Canada and yes kind of," I put on a fake smile. After sleeping with Canada...Alright that sounded wrong in so many ways... I finally forgot about Hungary and since the two brought it up I was plunged into a world of sadness once again. Italy noticed cause his face fell almost immediately.

"Are you alright Prussia?" He asked concerned and I finally broke down and started sobbing. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He was surprised at first, but hugged back soon after. After a while of me crying I finally calmed down and pulled back. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's alright. Is it about Miss Hungary?" Italy asked. I stared at him wide eyed. "How did you..."

"I told him," Ludwig interrupted me in the middle of the question. "Oh and yeah. Why am I even still here? I'm not even a nation anymore. I'm not needed anymore," I whimpered and my head fell into my arms. "It wouldn't be the same without you. I wouldn't be the same without you," Italy hugged me tightly. "Search up Prussia dissolution paper on Google," Germany suggested. I stared at him confused before getting my laptop out only for the bell to ring signaling lunch break is over. "I'll check it later," I assured. Both nodded and we head inside.

Everyone was seated except for one person... But the meeting continued even though they were missing, almost like they were invisible to the other countries. The meeting continued like last time. After nothing gets solved we called off the meeting tomorrow, meaning we can head back home or back to our apartment. We (Ludwig, Italy and I )headed to our apartment. One person crossed my mind during the mostly silent(Italy kept singing) car ride...

Where was Canada?

Why didn't anyone react to him being gone?

Why wasn't he noticed?

Why did he leave?

Was I the reason he left...?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter😜 Sorry for all the angst in this chapter, but I have no regrets. Anyway till next time...

Bye bye

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