Chapter 10:

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3rd Person's POV:

"Finally after years of Me dreaming to be a is finally happening..Today. I've went through alot but..when I met you everything changed and I thank God for giving me a Man that comforts me everytime I feel down, funny, and ofcourse the HOPE of my life..I remembered the first time we met..You thought I was some mental patient.." Jisoo said laughing at that memory which made the people in the church laugh also.

"Then, all of a sudden I felt like my surrounding stopped and slowed down..You were the first man that I fell with and The last till my last breath..Jung hoseok I love you!!!" Jisoo said and hugged Hoseok which made the people coo at them and clapped their hands.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife..You may kiss the bri-" Jisoo wasted no time and she kissed her husband. The claps went louder, some whistling.

After the kiss, The couple smiled to each other.

Meanwhile The Taekook couple...

"Jagi, Stop crying already.." Jungkook said worried about his Lover whom cried for about 1 hour already.

"I-i can't...*sniff help it jeon im j-just so happy for n-noona!!" jimin can't help but chuckle at the couple handing taehyung another box of tissue.

<<<3 days later>>>

Jung Jisoo together with Hoseok went back to canada after their wedding. It was sad for Taehyung but despite of the short time the two bonded it was still memorable.

Taehyung's stomach has a little bumb now which changed his curvy figure and guess what..Jungkook Is REALLY LIKE FREAKIN REALLY CLINGY to Taehyung these past days.

"Well come home jagi." Taehyung said sweetly kissing his husband's cheek.

"I missed you and our baby so much." Jungkook carried Taehyung bridal style while giving butterfly kisses to his wife and they sat on the sofa turning on they're big ass Television.

The sweet Jeon couple cuddled on the couch comfortably, Jungkook whispering sweet things on taehyung's ear while Taehyung played with his Husband's hands.

Taehyung didn't regret marrying Jungkook even if they're story started a little bit awkward.

🔙🔙🔙Flashback 4 yrs ago🔙🔙🔙

Taehyung: 18 yrs old
Jungkook: 22 yrs old

Third Person's POV

"Yah you Asshoe!! Get back here! You piece of shi-"

Wait lets pause and rewind back to where it all started.

A fresh Sunday afternoon where people gets to rest, relax and enjoy but not for Kim Taehyung. Here he is sitted infront of his Boyfriend 'Paul' with a scorn look on his(tae) face.

"So what do you want US to talk about?"

Paul took a deep breath first then gulp then lick his dry lips, this had been bothering Taehyung since he sat infront of paul. When the brunette can't take anymore the silence he slammed both of his hands on the table earning the attention of the people inside the Cafe.

"What Is It paul?! You've been Taking deep breaths and gulp then lick your lips! What the fuck do want to say?! You wasted 17 minutes of my time already!" The brunette yelled really fuming.

"Iwannabreakupwithyou- ok? Bye." Taehyung's mouth agape by what the Jerk had told him. He really is pushing Tae's buttons. " Yah you Asshoe!! Get back here! You piece of shi- AFTER WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU! YOU MAN WHORE I KNEW FROM THE START THAT THERE'S SOMETHING ODD ABOUT YOU!"

Taehyung started shouting, Paul scurried to the door of the cafe and went out. People nows attention is on Kim Taehyung but mostly caught Jeon Jungkook's attention UH ohhh!

Jungkook was already pissed by this No He Is Pissed - and when I mean PISSED he is ready to kill that person. Jungkook was currently talking to a client of his when suddenly they heard shouting's from the other side of their table. The raven haired stood up and pulled the women's wrist well that's What jungkook 'Thought'

"Listen here mis-" Jungkook halted when he saw the face the women infront of him.

"Excuse me? Who are you to hold a grip on me ..Stranger." Taehyung sassily said slapping Jungkook's hands off. The Raven haired was taken a back when he heard the Boy's voice its deep yet soothing. Jungkook was lost of words because of Taehyung's beauty, Sure he has seen alot of Beautiful Women but Taehyung...its different.

"Are you just going to stare at me or what?" The raven haired woke up from his thoughts when he heard Taehyung speak again.

"Uh...sorry." Since Taehyung is sassy as hell he just rolled his eyes and walked out, not giving Jungkook one last glance.

Jungkook was amused by the brunettes sassiness then he noticed a twinkling sparkling (AN: does this make sense?😂) on the floor, He picked it up and it was a bracelet that has a name plate 'Taehyung' carved on it. The raven haired smirked "Guess, will be seeing each other again...Taehyung."

Taehyung left a big effect on The Mafia...

He made Jeon Jungkook fall for him.

AN: Ok guys first of all I'm so so sorry 100x sorry for not updating! Not for this book only but for my other books also especially the LOVE THE WEIRD ME and Beautiful, Sorry guys but I'll try to update, Secondly Im sorry if I write wrong grammars I know its annoying and the words that I'm always using are the same, Also I saw some comment that there's always an interruption or not letting the character finish their sentences..I'm sorry about that guys and Thirdly I would be very glad if you guys message me some ideas for the next chapter😇😘 and for the fourth I promise to you guys when this story is already complete I'll fix some grammar and wrong spelled, I'll correct them.. Thats all.guys love you!!!😇😍😘

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