Chapter 21: This is War

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3rd Person's PoV:

Jungkook, saw blood everywhere as if everything was red.  He watched how the chest of the maid rise until she never made any movement anymore, sign that she's already dead. The guards died also and Jungkook thought that maybe one of Juseok's men used sniper. He quickly ran upstairs to his and taehyung's room.

Seeing it was empty and the room was filled with broken pieces of glass. This alarmed Jungkook so he quickly check the other rooms in the huge mansion. Shouting the name of his lover in desperation. Praying to God that Taehyung is safe.

"TAEHYUNG!!!?" He shouted at the top of his lungs, tears already streaming  down from his eyes.  He felt scared, nervous and broken. 

He froze in his place when he heard something. There was a thud sound. He turned around...

It was Taehyung...his wife..his everything....Shaking in fear.

Jungkook thought maybe he's going insane that — he's just hallucinating.

"..ju.. Jungkook.. *Sniff. " and this is where he knew that Taehyung is indeed real. He ran to his trembling wife and hugged him tightly, kissing his head multiple times. 

"I thought I lost you..."

"...*Sniff.... A.. Bunch of men in black...Invaded.. Killed...maids.."  traumatizing flashbacks gushed in Taehyung's mind.  He saw it all, He saw how the maids screamed in agony, The boisterous laughs of those filthy mens that echoed througout the place, sound of guns being triggered. The memory is still lucid to Taehyung.

"Shhh... It's alright now baby..You're safe now.. I'm here already but how did you manage to hide? "

"S-someone..helped me.. But... He's  with the bad guys. I- I don't understand kook..*sniff..He gave me a piece of paper before he left.."

"What was written jagi?"

"Head Out Soon Everyone OK?" Taehyung read out then gave it to jungkook. Reading it again.

"Head Out Soon Everyone OK?"

"..I think It means that we should leave with everyone." The Mafia didn't say anything because theres something bugging him — if this person was really the one who saved the love of his life.

Not saying anything he grabbed his lover's wrist and ran out of the mansion. Getting inside the car Jungkook immediately dialed Namjoon's number.

"Get ready...we're going to war." Not gonna lie but Taehyung is afraid of his husband right now, I mean Who wouldn't when all you could see right now is the eyes of Jungkook getting dark its filled with hatred and anger.

"Jeon..Please don't do this..We agreed that no more violence should be involved. Jagi pleas-" The  ravenette stopped the car and his grip on the wheel tightened.

"Taehyung..You don't know how Juseok plays this kind of game. You saw what happened earlier and He could've killed yo-"

"But I'm still alive Jungkook! Look let's just run away far away from here Jungkook and start our family righ-"

"TAEHYUNG!! Listen to me! We're talking about Juseok Here! We both know how dangerous that damn hag is! Running away is no use, He can't have peace if he can't see me dead! I want you to stay in Jin's house you're safer there..Today..I got really scared..I thought I was gonna lose you..." and silence took over the two people inside the car.

"I'll finish him with my own bare hands." He started the engine again and drove to Jin's house. All the ravenette want is to finish everything that involves him being a Mafia Boss. Theres no day where he just wish for a normal life with Taehyung, however this is the harsh reality he's in.

The house of Jin greeted their sight and Taehyung quickly got out making sure he bangs the car door close, stomping his shoes in anger going inside the house. Jungkook can't help but only huff in annoyance. I guess this is what you call LQ or Lovers Quarrel.

Jungkook's PoV:

Great, Taehyung's mad..I'll deal with him later...I just need to put an end to this.

"Yo jeon! What happened between you two?" Edawn teased but I just gave him a death glare making him shut up. "Some men in black that I assume are the people of Juseok got inside our mansion and killed every people inside." I explained unfolding the piece of paper Tae gave me earlier.

"How about Taehyung? Howcome his unharmed?" Handing Namjoon the piece of paper " ..but how?"

"Thats what I'm thinking right now. In the first place why would he join Juseok's clan when he can join ours."

"Kook, I found their base its located in xxxxxx. " Kyungsoo informed and I nodded picking out weapons. The other guys also got ready.

"Let's finish them all boys!" Wonwoo yelled and entered the black van, I was about to get in when "YAH!! JEON JUNGJERK! I'LL WAIT FOR YOU! PROMISE ME YOU'LL STAY ALIVE!" A deep voice shouted, A smile crept up on my face and quickly ran to his direction. Wrap my arms on his feminine waist and spin him aroumd giving him a kiss, It wasn't rough nor peck. This one is filled with love and passion.

When we parted I hear whistles and cheers from the guys which made Taehyung blush and I chuckled at his cuteness, leaned my forehead on his. I stared at his almond like eyes.

"I promise to comeback for you and our baby. Thank you for trusting me Tae..I'm sorry if I always risk our lives, I promise to end all of this and Live a normal with you and our baby..I love you so damn much Jeon Taehyung."

"..I love you too Jeon Jungkoo-"

"I hate to interrupt you love birds but we have to hurry kook." Mingyu awkwardly interrupted and gave us a grin.

"Be careful boys!" He waved and I blew him flying kiss which he captured. Taking one last look at Taehyung, I close the door and Yeonjun starts the engine, within just a second we already flew out in speed out of the neighborhood.

"Here guys..wait for my signal when we arrive there." Kyungsoo gave us our earpiece also called as in-ear monitor.

"Guys no matter what will happen..Let's stay alive..together!" I told them and they all agreed.

"I'll comeback for you my Taehyung."

Author's Note: Ok I know I know you're all mad at me for not updating yet again and its been so long! Sorry so in return I wrote this long chapter. Hope you guys are happy with it! I know I'm dissapointing but yeh..I STILL LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE KEEP SUPPORTING THIS BOOK AND ALSO MY OTHER BOOKS LOVE YOU SGAIN AND SEE YOU NEXT CHAP MY BABIES!😘❤💜

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