RIGHT WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO TELL ME THE CAR BROKE DOWN! It broke down after we ran over something, I'm guessing a deer or something but it really penetrated the underside of my car, which is where all the oil and other externally important parts of the car are. We ended up being on the side of the road, Alex told me to stay behind a tree so that he could get a car. As if I was that repelling!
A car finally stopped right next to Alex, he walked around to the driver's side where a woman was, she looked so dazed by his mere presence, but honestly, who could blame her? He bent down to the length of the car window and gave one of those flashy smiles I love so much. The woman looked like she was practically going to melt. "Hi there sweetheart, mind if I get a ride." I vaguely heard her stuttered reply, 'yes', and groaned, I hadn't exactly thought this through. What if Alex gets in the car with her and leaves me here stranded. I need to think more!
He looked toward me and looked toward a medium-sized rock near the roots of one of the trees. While I cautiously walked toward the rock he was busy keeping her occupied in a seductively hypnotizing conversation with her. Walk toward the vehicle with the rock high above your head. I was unbelievably shocked when I heard his voice inside my head, you can talk to me through kything too?!? He smiled and when my moment of shock was over I did as he said, I grabbed the rock and put it high above my head going toward the car, seemingly appearing like I was going to throw it at the woman.
Alex looked at me and the woman obviously followed his gaze and started screaming, he clapped a hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear, "Goodnight, Dear," then kissed her and broke her neck, she was dead before I could do or say anything. I honestly thought we were just going to threat her or something, killing her was beyond my thoughts. "I can't believe you killed her!"
He smirked, "Then maybe you want to hold off on hearing my story because its a bit worse than merely breaking a woman's neck." I looked at him startled, "Talk about the kiss of death.." He smiled at me, "Just help me with her body." I took the woman's legs and he got her arms, "Did you even, urgh, know her name?" I suppressed through grunts. He shook his head, "Unfortunately, no, she was all too lovely, too bad she was the one who had to die." I looked at him narrowing the slits of my eyes, "Okay first of all she didn't have to die, she could've just been ushered out of the vehicle or something!"
He looked at me, a blank expression on his face, his eyes showing every sign of wisdom, "She would have died anyway if we just left her out there, do you realize what kind of creatures were out there? Plus on top of that, hardly anybody comes on these back-roads. I did her a favor by killing her so that she wouldn't suffer." I was silent after that, I hadn't thought about it that way, but I also wished it hadn't happened to her.
We layed her down next to a tree half-covered by shrubs, not knowing that a piece of glass was sticking up, we gently put her down and that's when blood started coming from her stomach, it was pouring, like a mad fountain, then the glass that had cut into her back and ended at her stomach shattered. It was like shattered blood....not for the first time I'm sure..
Alex looked at her, pity was shown in his eyes but none other than that. I almost started crying but I did let a tear slip and it landed on her stomach, the tear mixed in with the blood was such an odd outcome...the blood actually looked beautiful in a way...but nonetheless horrid. "Why?! Why did this friggin' happen???!!" Alex clutched my arm and practically pulled me the entire way to the BMW, "We killed her, Alex, and then we watched her bleed from the cut of a piece of glass thrown by a careless free-rider!" My tears became more constant and they were dropping everywhere, I'm surprised my print jeggings didn't practically go completely damp.
Alex had me seated in the vehicle as soon as he had gone all the way around to the driver's side. He pounded the gas as if it was his worst enemy and we were off probably leaving track marks behind us. "What if people find her?!?! What if she becomes beast chow anyway?!?!?!?! Alex I just saw a girl cut open!!! I just saw a girl's blood spill out of her like a bloody fountain! A girl I had a part in killing!! You-"
"Silence! You don't think I feel bad? I feel horrible, okay?! But we have to move on!! If it weren't her it would've been us!! Survival of the freaking fittest! Ever hear of that, princess?!" Tears were drowning my face and clothes, and I was in so much emotional fury, shock, and pain that I slapped him. I just slapped the heck out of him. Then I stared at him furiously, tears the outcome of thoughts that were flooding my mind. I turned toward the window and didn't even glance at him.
"I had to. I just had to." He managed to whisper weakly. Life's most realizing moments are when you realize how bad an effect a person's death is on you..even if you don't know the person....
Shattered Blood
Mistero / Thriller16-Year-Old Vivianna Marie Clayton doesn't expect many things to happen to her. She doesn't expect to find out her father is proclaimed dead at the age of 10, she doesn't expect to find her mother having to marry a rich man to sew the hole in her he...