Waddles and the Thing

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Art by BlueLight439 on Deviantart

Summary: Waddles finds a very unusual, "thing" in the forest while on a walk with Mabel. Everyone is confused why he is attracted to this odd thing. Little do they know just how big of a discovery Waddles has made.

Mabel was out for a walk one morning with Waddles. Finally, for once Stan had given her the day off. She enjoyed strolling through the forest looking at the birds fly in the sky and worms inch across the ground. Waddles just enjoyed trying to chase any squirrel he saw. Good thing she brought a leash for him. It was a perfect day for walking your pet pig in the forest.

After a nice snack of wild berries that Dipper had told her a while back were safe to eat, the two were back strolling through the forest. Suddenly Mabel felt the leash give restraint as she walked foreword. She turned around to see Waddles standing still as if he saw something. 

"Is everything alright, Waddles?" said Mabel. 

Suddenly Waddles started to run in the completely opposite direction of where they were heading. Mabel, holding on to the leash, struggled to keep up as Waddles pulled her from behind. Soon he came to a stop near a small depression in the soil. 

Waddles then began trying to dig the depression up. 

"What's wrong, buddy?" asked Mabel. She decided whatever was bugging Waddles was buried beneath them, so she grabbed a stick and began to dig the ground up.

Eventually after half an hour of digging, Mabel unearthed what Waddles was so hyped up about...a giant, round, and white...thing. It must have been at least a foot wide. 

"Waddles, why were you after this, thing?" said Mabel, "It looks pretty ugly, and smells weird too". She had absolutely no idea what this thing was. 

"I know, I'll show this to Dipper. He did just borrow that book from the library on weird things that grow in the forest." 

She picked up the thing and carried it back to the shack, all the while Waddles tried to knock it out of her hands.

Back at the shack, Dipper had a look at the thing. 

"By my guess, it's a mushroom" he said. 

"How is this a mushroom, Dipper?" asked Mabel. "It doesn't even look like an umbrella." 

"Its not that type of mushroom. Other then that, I have no idea what it is." 

The two looked at the "mushroom". All that they knew was that Waddles clearly was obsessed with it. He kept trying to jump onto the counter to get to it.

Grunkle Stan then walked into the gift shop.

"What the heck is that?!" he yelled, staring at the "mushroom" on the counter. 

"It's a mushroom" said Mabel. 

"Man, that's the biggest and ugliest looking mushroom I've ever seen" Stan said. 

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, "Say...you guys happen to be needing this mushroom for anything?"

The two of them shook their heads. Stan grabbed the mushroom/

"Let me guess," said Dipper, "You're planning on making a new attraction with it?" 

"What, no way! You think I'm that desperate for a new attraction?" said Stan. 

He then walked back into the exhibits area.

The next morning, signs up to a mile down the highway were advertising a new attraction at the Mystery Shack. 

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