A Sunset to Bond Over

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Summary: Mabel wants some alone time before she leaves Gravity Falls. She also still has lingering fears about the future. Luckily for her, she runs into someone who helps her out and, in the process, she helps them out too. A Mabel and Wendy bonding story. 

Art by squeeneyart on Tumblr.

Mabel took a Pitt Cola out of the fridge and started for the living room. There were only 2 days left until she and Dipper were to turn 13. And while a lot of the fears about it that had kept her nerves on edge had been calmed over the last few days, some still lingered in her as she took a sip of the fizzy drink. She walked into the living room to find Dipper, Stan, Soos and Ford sitting there.

"Hey Mabel," said Dipper, "Wanna join us?"

"What are you guys watching?" she asked.

"It's a movie about giant trucks battling it out to the death!" yelled Soos.

"I find the senseless violence to be a bit too over the top," said Ford, "But I do like the scientific approach the show uses to explain how physics works in it."

"Yeah, and I'm just here for the violence," said Stan.

Mabel laughed, "No thanks, I have some scrapbook photos to rearrange. If you need me, I'll be upstairs."

"Alright," said Dipper. The commercial ended and the three of them were once again hooked onto the TV.

Mabel walked upstairs and shut the door behind her. Truth was, she didn't have any scrapbook photos to rearrange. She just wanted a bit of peace and quiet. The last several days had been extremely hectic. From rebuilding the shack, helping Stan recover his memory, her adventures in the multiverse and packing for summer's end, Mabel just wanted a bit of time to herself to experience the calmness of the world around her once more before she left it for the hustle and bustle of her life back in Piedmont.

She opened the window and looked out at the sunset on the horizon.

"I'm really gonna miss this place, Waddles."

Waddles oinked.

"I mean, I'm thankful Dipper is coming back with me, but I still don't wanna say goodbye to this place. I love it too much."

At that moment, a pinecone flew past the window. Mabel looked down at where it landed and then looked up.

"Stay here, Waddles," she said.

Waddles watched as Mabel climbed out of the window and crawled up the roof towards the mini makeshift platform she had been to many times before. Sure enough, her question was answered.


"Oh, uh, hey, Mabel," she said, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here," she replied, "Well, for another two more days that is. What about you? I thought you left for home an hour ago."

"Oh, well, I sort of didn't feel like going back home just yet."


Wendy sighed, "It's my dad. This time of year always gets him extra mad. Work gets tougher as fall nears, school stuff, the usual junk."

"Yeah, I get how you feel," said Mabel, "I know for a fact that the day after we get home, our parents are gonna be taking us clothes and school supply shopping. And I just hate that stuff so much! I can knit my owns sweaters, I don't need some store-bought ones that just anyone else is gonna wear thank you very much!"

Wendy laughed, "Tell me about it. Even now that I'm older and do it myself, I hate it so much. I can't wait until I'm done High School and not have to worry about that crap anymore. Oh, by the way, you want a drink."

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