Tracey and Quattro and the Empty Shack (or so they thought)

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When Dipper clones' number 3 (Tracey) and 4 (Quattro) return to get supplies for their adventures in the forest, they discover that they're not as alone in the Mystery Shack as they previously thought. A little One off about the Dipper clones. 

It was a warm but overcast day in Gravity Falls. A closed sign hung on the Mystery Shack window. It was like a ghost town around the place. All was quiet. Well except for one spot. A little bush rustled in the breeze. Behind it, two very odd individuals indeed.

It was two of the Dipper clones.

The ones who had been tasked to steal Robbie's bike during the party at the Mystery Shack several days ago. Initially the duo, now named Tracey and Quattro had returned to witness Dipper melting their clone brethren. The two had hid in the closet planning to take over Dipper's life but were caught before they could. They had been on the run since then. But now they had returned.

"I don't know Tracey? This seems like a very bad idea," Quattro said.

"Look it's simple. When we were hiding in that closet, I noticed a pair of rain gear. Rain coats, umbrellas, boots, you name it. All we have to do is sneak back in, grab it, get out and we'll be all set for the storm tomorrow," said Tracey.

"But are you certain no one's in the shack," Quattro responded.

"I'm certain. While you were asleep I was up listening to everything going on inside. Grunkle Stan took everyone on some sort of "employee retreat" to the Gravity Falls history museum. No one's in the shack right now and no one will be in there for a while. By the time they return, we'll be long gone with those rain coats," Tracey said.

He looked through his binoculars and spotted what he was looking for, "Yes, just as I suspected. Grunkle Stan left the window open. Come on Quattro, let's get this job done," Tracey said as he started for the window.

The two reached the window and Tracey began to climb in.

"Tracey, wait! I'm having my doubts. Are you certain we won't get caught? I think we should abandon this right now," protested Quattro.

"Okay then. You can stay out here while I get only myself a rain coat. It'd be a shame if you die. It'll be quite lonely if you melt away in the rain," said Tracey in a manipulative tone.

Quattro hesitated but soon be gave in. He followed after Tracey and climbed through the open window. The two were now inside the Mystery Shack. Just like he said, the shack was empty.

"Wow, I guess you were right Tracey. No one's here," Quattro said.

"See I told you. I don't get my facts wrong. Now come on, the rain coats are upstairs. All we have to do is get them and..."

Tracey's talk was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"You were saying," Quattro said mockingly.

Tracey covered his mouth and pushed him into a space behind the staircase, "SHHHH. You want to get caught or something," he yelled.

The two hid behind the stairs until the footsteps reached the bottom. Tracey then peaked out of their hiding space to see who it was.

"Who is it? Is it Dipper Classic," Quattro asked.

"No. It's Mabel," responded Tracey.

Mabel walked down the stairs and into the living room while talking on the phone to someone. Tracey tried to listen in.

"No, it's just me here Grenda. Grunkle Stan was supposed to take us all on this boring trip to the museum to see some exhibit on money. He said everyone had to go or we'd be fired," Mabel said.

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