Mabel and the Big Bad Bill (A GF Fandom satire story)

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Art by kendallhaleart on Tumblr

THIS IS NOT A SHIPPING STORY (I don't write that stuff and never will)

Summary: After losing a bet to her, Dipper has to tell Mabel a fairy tale for a bedtime story. But with a twist! Inspired by none other then Little red Riding hood. With guest star, Bill Cipher. Contains A LOT of GF fandom satire. This story has only ever been posted on GF Amino, until now.

It was a warm late Friday night in Piedmont California. Dipper and Mabel were getting ready for bed. Mabel in particular was excited. Earlier in the day, she and Dipper had a bet to see who could eat the most cupcakes in one minute. The loser had to read to the winner a story of their choice. Dipper had barley eaten his first cupcake as Mabel had already finished over half the box when the minute was up. As the obvious winner, she raced into bed with the story she planned to have Dipper tell her.

"Okay then, like you have been reminding me since this morning, I have to tell you a story of your choice, right?" Dipper said.

"Yes, and here it is," said Mabel handing him the book.

Dipper sighed. "Seriously Mabel, this again?" he said.

"Oh come on, you used to love it when mom told us fairy tales," she said.

"Yeah, but we were kids then. Now these stories are just disturbing," said Dipper.

"How are they disturbing?" asked Mabel.

"Well, the wolf eats the first 2 pigs, and then the 3rd one eats the wolf, Humpty Dumpty is just sad, Goldilocks is a burglar, what kind of princess needs a hundred mattresses to sleep on, and why did Little Red Riding Hood walk to her grandma's house alone? What, did friends not exist back then?" replied Dipper.

"Geez, you'd make a great critic you know. But come on, Dipper, I won fair and square, so now you have to read me a fairy tale," said Mabel.

"Ugh, fine. But just for the record, I never wanted to," he said.

Dipper flipped through the stories to find which one to tell. He really did not want to, but he had no choice. Then an idea struck him. A way to make the night enjoyable for him too. Mabel never said that the fairy tale had to be exactly as it was written in the book. A great idea strikes him.

"You don't mind if I change things up a bit?" he asked, "You know, add something fresh to this century old tale,"

"No, but keep the plot the same" Mabel said.

"Okay then. You're gonna love this story Mabel. You ready? " he said.

Mabel nods.

"Okay then."

(Story starts with Dipper narration)

Once upon a time, a little girl by the name of Mabel Pines went for a walk through the woods.

(Story break)

"Hang on a second? Why am I in the story?" Mabel asked.

"You'll see. Now let me tell it," Dipper replied.

(Back to story)

Mabel was wearing her favourite red sweater as she walked through the woods carrying a basket full of treats. She was on her way to see her great uncle Stan at his run-down tourist trap in the woods. He was not feeling well so her mother thought he might like some of her soup to make him feel better.

Mabel skipped along in the woods on her way to the shack. The birds chirped and she was happy. But she was not alone. She was being watched and followed. Mabel turned around to see who was behind her. There hiding behind a tree, was-

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