One Final Mission

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Summary: Stanford and Dipper venture into the woods of Gravity Falls one more time before heading their separate ways. The reason, Ford does not wish to say. Just yet that is. (Cover art by maplespyder on Deviantart)

The breeze of a cool September afternoon in Piedmont blew through the trees. At the end of a quiet drive way on a nice little street lay a lovely little house. A nice two story little home it was, a few flowers in the front yard, a nice minivan in the driveway and a mailbox that said Pines. Home. The real home of Dipper and Mabel Pines that is.

Dipper was in his and Mabel's bedroom reading a book. It was a quiet Friday afternoon. The end of a long first week back to school. Dipper felt lucky. His and Mabel's homeroom teacher was a pretty laid back one. Thus, for this first weekend that had no homework which gave him some time to finish reading some books he still did not complete from his summer reading list. Summer may have been over but the season itself still had 2 weeks left.

At that moment Dipper hears a tap on the window. He turns around and saw one odd sight indeed. He runs over to the window and opens it.

"GRUNKLE FORD" he says.

"Oh hello Dipper, nice to see you again, how's it going" he replies.

Dipper was obviously confused. What was Ford doing in California when he and Stan were supposed to be sailing the world?

"What are you doing here, I thought you and Grunkle Stan left days ago" he asks.

"We were supposed to but, well, something came up and, listen Dipper. I need you to come back to Gravity Falls with me. Just for a few days that's all" Ford said.

"Uh, look Grunkle Ford, I would love to but now is not a good time. I have school and stuff. I wanted to just spend this weekend reading. My teacher is giving us a huge assignment next week and I won't get this free time back for a while" Dipper says.

"I know Dipper. I understand the inconvenience. But this is serious. Its about. Its about Bill" Ford says.

Dipper looks at Ford shocked. "It's that serious" he says.

Ford nods his head. "I'm afraid so. We can't waste any time" he replies.

"Okay then. But what about Mabel? And my parents? They would never allow me. They don't even know who you are properly let alone who Bill is" says Dipper.

Ford climbed into the room. "Don't worry I have that covered. Wait here" he says.

Ford walked into the living room. There was a zap and then he returned. Dipper ran to see what had happened before returning quite furious.


"Don't worry. Its temporary. I got this puppy off some drunk guy in a lab coat with blue hair in a game of poker once in my multiverse travels. We won't take too long and they won't even know your gone. Now hurry we can't waste anytime" Ford says.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Dipper says to himself as he climbed into the Stan mobile.

"Now you might want to buckle up. Its non-stop to Gravity Falls. If you get hungry there's a bag of dollar burgers somewhere" Ford says.

Before Dipper could respond Stanford floored it and they speed off. Next stop, Gravity Falls.

After a long drive and inevitably a few stops along the way to "drain the tanks", fill up, talking about life, mystery and politics of course, the duo arrived into town just as the sun began to set. Throughout it all, Ford remained tight lipped about the issue with Bill.

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