Repay the Favour

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Summary: Waddles was always seen as less by almost everyone. Stan especially. He was nothing more then another mouth to feed to him. But one-night changes everything and his view of Mabel's pet pig and his place in the family.

It was dusk in Gravity Falls. The sunset over the horizon. Soos and Wendy were leaving at the end of another long working day at the old Mystery Shack. Stan locked up shop and headed to the kitchen to grab a soda. While walking past the living room he noticed Mabel knitting something.

"What are you knitting this time pumpkin?" He said, "A sweater with a pizza slice on it?"

Mabel laughed. "No. I'm actually knitting a new sweater for Waddles. You remember how his old one was ruined by that pterodactyl when she took him," she said.

"Oh yeah, I remember that. You know after everything I've done for that pig, he still has never repaid the favour. He owes me," said Stan.

Waddles looked up at him and oinked.

"You know he is saying thank you to you in pig for that right Grunkle Stan?" said Mabel.

"Yeah, well call me when he's ready to repay me for kicking a dinosaur's butt for him. I still get back pains from that," Stan replied.

"I'm sure deep down he is thankful Grunkle Stan," said Mabel laughing.

"Speaking of down. Is your brother down in the basement with Ford again? Because I've been hearing banging noises from down there all afternoon" Stan said?


He was right. Down below, Ford and Dipper were hard at work.

"At last, it's done," said Ford.

"It took a lot of work but we did it," said Dipper as he shook Ford's hand.

The two had built a star gazing telescope thing. Using it, the two planned to view the stars above the town and observe any weird anomalies.

"Could alien life have caused Gravity Falls to be so weird? This machine may let us know that," said Ford, "Now Dipper, you mind doing the honors and plugging this baby in to charge?"

"Right away, Grunkle Ford " said Dipper as he bent down to connect the wire to the outlet.

"Hold up not there!" Ford yelled.

Dipper paused.

"This thing uses a lot of energy to charge the batteries. If we plug it into the wall, we risk overloading the circuits. Not to worry though, I have a plan," said Ford.

He showed Dipper his solution. A gas-powered generator.

"We'll plug the gazer into this and it will safely charge the batteries overnight. That way tomorrow we can begin star gazing," he said.

"Uh, Grunkle Ford, are you sure it's safe to use a gas-powered generator? I mean we have no ventilation down here. What about the exhaust fumes? " said Dipper.

"Got that covered" said Ford pointing to a long silver pipe, "The exhaust fumes will go out through here, and harmlessly go up a shaft and out the chimney. Don't worry, I built this thing solid as a rock," he said giving the pipe a few knocks, "And I also have a portable CO meter just in case."

Still a bit reluctant, Dipper agreed with a nod of his head. Ford plugged the machine in and fired the generator up. After that the two headed upstairs for bed.


The lights of the town glowed in the distance as the Mystery Shack lights went dark. Throughout the shack, all were asleep. The only noise was that of the generator humming below them. And Stan's snoring of course.

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