Arts, Crafts & Apologies

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 Summary: When a trip to the Arts and Crafts store takes an unexpected turn, Mabel and Ford have a talk bout an event that they hoped was now behind them. A one off Mabel and Ford bonding story. Part of a Collaboration effort on GF Amino with ShimmeryTwinkleheartcrafts. Artwork by Athenoot on GF Amino.  

It was a beautiful morning in Gravity Falls. The perfect weather to be outside for a walk in the forest or something. But this is the Mystery Shack, when does that happen?

Stan and Soos were inside playing a game of cards.

"Alright, Soos," said Stan.

"You have played poker before, right? Cause I've made millions with this game in casinos. Then lost all of them to some goons in the mafia. Long story short, I'm banned for life from Reno."

"I sure do Mr. Pines," said Soos.

"Now, when do I say goldfish? When you have five aces, or after checkmate?"

"You have no idea how to play this, do you?" responded Stan.

Before Soos could reply, a loud boom rocked the Mystery Shack.

"Dude, what was that?" asked a concerned Soos.

"Probably those two nerds' downstairs," replied Stan.

"I swear, if Ford causes another nuclear meltdown, I'm sure those government agents will come back!"

At that moment, Dipper and Ford came running into the living room.

"We heard a loud bang, is everything alright?" yelled Dipper.

"Just to assure you, that was not me or Dipper's fault," said Ford.

"It sounded like it came from upstairs, dude," said Soos.

"In that case, it's probably just Mabel doing arts and crafts again," said Stan.

"I'd check, but the attic is so far away and I don't want Soos to see my cards."

"Come on Grunkle Ford!" yelled Dipper as he started racing off for the stairs.

"How did those kids not get killed under your watch last year?" said Ford to Stan. He just shrugged.

Dipper and Ford raced upstairs and knocked on the attic door.

"Mabel? Is everything okay?" said Dipper.

"Don't come in yet!" yelled Mabel.

Ford did not like the sound of that.

"Stand back Dipper," he said, as he pulled out an automatic screwdriver from his coat.

Dipper watched as Ford unscrewed the hinges in seconds and the door fell down. The two entered inside, to be confronted by one unusual sight indeed.

They saw Mabel holding a wet cloth in her hands, trying to clean a burning sticky substance off of her bed. Multiple areas of the room were covered with it, and there was a small burn mark in the centre of the room.

"Mabel, what the heck happened?" yelled Dipper.

"Well, you see-"

"Don't touch that, Mabel!" yelled Ford, interrupting her.

"We have no idea what it could be."

He pushed Mabel aside and began to study the substance.

"Fascinating. It's solidifying from a clear transparent liquid into a translucent solid. Where did this come from?" he asked.

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