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"Miss Abrigail Jones "
"Miss Anne Williams"
"Mr. Billi James" 

Today is our graduation ceremony.  everyone is standing in a row, in an alphabetical order.

When I look around, I see all happy faces of students, Parents shouting and cheering for their kids. their eyes were sparkling with love and pride.

In second row of sitting arrangement I can see Emily Smith sitting with her other classmates, she was busy in her phone, God knows doing what.

Emily Smith is in accounts department, we met on the very first day of our college. she was running, I don't have any idea from whom and
she bumped into me, we exchange only two words 'you blind'.
We stare at each other for a second or two and burst out laughing. And now we are best friends.

We become best friends regardless we never share any class. She was my regular customer at Tim's diner, where I work as a waiters.
Saturday and Sundays I work on morning shift and other days I work night shits. Which is my only source of survival.

Thanks to Mrs. Tim's she is so understanding. she is the only person who have shown me a motherly affectionate love.

"Miss Evalyn Michael" announcement of my name brought me back to reality.

As I walk towards the stage I didn't hear any cheering or shouting nothing.
which brought a huge lump in my throat.

Don't cry, don't cry. I started chanting inside my head.

I felt bad because there was someone for everyone here. Well not everyone I guess.

"THAT'S MY GIRL!!!!!!!! " I heard Emm shout out loud.
When I look at her direction she was standing on her chair with my other two friends, all cheering whistling and shouting.

I broke into a bubble of laughter.

I shook my hand with the guest of honour and received my graduation certificate.

Again I heard my name and cheering from audience, I turn to Emma and wave to her.
At that moment I felt loved and wanted. I don't  feel bad any more because my parents could not make it to my graduation ceremony.

Of course they were sorry for not being with me on this special moment of my life.
Of course they have their reasons.
Of course I understand, that my younger brother needed them more as he was not well.
Of course they would have come, if he was well or may be not.
they would have made other excuse.

'It's just complicated with them.'

I repeated the same mantra, I have been feeding to other people. As I never visited them on thanks giving or if I am visiting I come back the same day.
I never stay there longer. So people suspected and to stop them from talking something had to be said.

After ceremony student's were allowed to join their parents or guardians.

I simply stand rooted to my place not knowing where to go.

"There you are Eva" Emm said walking towards my direction.
She has removed her graduation dress and cap she is only wearing her knee length floral fitted dress. Which is complementing her shoulder length black hair and blue eyes.
We are of same height  5-6.
She looks like a runway model, when she wants to.

Where as my hairs are dark brown, my eyes are green in colour and I am just simple me in front of her.

"Yeah I was going to dorm to pack my bags, as I have left only one hour for my train" I informed her.
For which she gave me blank look.

she have been planning graduation party since forever, where she was planning to get drunk with me and  do all seductive dance steps and get wasted all night.

I was okay with the plan until my parents planned to stay back at home.

"I know Emm!!, you planned everything, but I have to go.
twins have been asking about me." I took a deep breath "You know how much I love them, If I don't go now they will hate me forever."
I flinch, because its true. I hardly visit there to see them. We talk every day but I miss them.
"And Steve is in hospital, as he broke his leg. I have to see him and make sure he is okay. Otherwise It would kill me thinking about him all the time while I party here."
Emm nodded and hugged me, I hug her back.

She know nothing is okay between me and my parents.
She knows that, I hate it whenever people ask me about them.
She also knows, that how much I love my siblings.
They are the only reason why I want to go to that hell hole.
She knows everything but never ask because, she understands me and know how impulsive this situation is for me. And that's what I love about her.

"But my mom and dad wants to meet you, they want to see you before they go back to their tour. They have been asking about you all the time. it's like all they came here for was to meet you."  She playfully glared at me.

"Because they must wanted to know who is the person, that have been tolerating their brat. " I wink at her.

"Yeah yeah whatever" she said laughing. "But do call me when you reach there and please come soon."
With that she hugged me again and left.

I headed towards my dorm room and packed my bag.

Now its just me and four hours train journey.

I have never met Emma's parents,
I have only spoken to them on phone.
But I can say that she is lucky to have them.
She also have an elder brother, who works for living.
She don't talk much about him but I can tell she love him.

Rest of the journey was like a blur I slept most of time.

After 4 hours 30 minutes I am standing in front of my house.
I mean my parents house.

I knock on the door, no one answered,  I pushed the door open. luckily it wasn't locked.
As I kept my foot inside what I saw broke my heart into another pieces

Steve and Hazel were running all over living room. and my parents were smiling.
Then they saw me and their smile disappeared instead, they were now scowling at me.

"I thought Steve was not well?"
I spoke breaking the staring contest.

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