(Noah pov)
One year and few days passed since Eva moved out of Austin's place and started living at Harry's old house.
It's been one year and few days since I last spoke to her and her last words were "you let me go or I will kill myself". It kept repeating my mind again and again every time I try to talk to her.
She left every one behind to start her new life away from us. I know she have been working in small restaurants as a cook and I also know that she hardly go out of house and I also know that she went on five dates with five different mens. Which shattered my heart. Steffan tried to hook me up with dates or girls but I never bothered with them because I can't find my self to move on in my life like Eva. I might have been player who slept around but it changed ever since Eva walked in my life and my room drunk and demanding to sleep in room as she was the first person to walk in. And no matter how much I tried, I can't let her go.
So when she packed her bags and walked out of our life, I followed her and I bought a house one block away from hers and stay there. It was not easy from beginning but slowly I got used to living here and I only visited Manhattan on weekends to attend important meetings. From my room window there is a clear view of Eva's room. I always keep my eyes on her to make sure she was fine and doesn't do anything stupid. But the most tortures thing was when suddenly she didn't return home from restaurant and when she walked in next day in same cloth and an unknown man, it felt like punch. That they I went back to my New York's house and drink continuously for a week. Alex found me in state of killing myself.
Emma cried and explained me that why Eva is doing what she is going. She said that twins were like her baby. She practically raised them like a parent and it's not easy for her to cope up with their sudden death. And if I think there is still hoep left in me for Eva and I relation I should not give up on her.
And that was six month ago. Instead of healing she is shattering in front of me daily and I can't let her kill her self.
She is coming to New York, where she belong with me and everyone else.
But before that, I have to take her somewhere to talk to her alone.

Chances Of Truth ☑️
Romance"It's too much to remember everything and everyone, all pain and hurt is killing me day by day little by little. I wish I could remove all the pain and move on in my life. I wish I could find an eraser or Better a delete button, so that I could star...