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It's been 10 days since I last talked to Noah.

Everything went back to normal.

Me getting busy with my job and everything.

Mrs Black became close to me as well as Alex and Jennifer.They visit Tim's diner whenever they feel like.
Rosie and I are like a troublemakers as per Alex says. I and Rosie once exchanged his coffee with chilly souce, he cursed every word he could.
Alex keept muttering that it wasn't enough to have 3 girls pairing against him now one more added in the list.
But, Mrs Black always brush it off saying I am her daughter, so he don't have any right to complain.

Emma is still at her parents. As she can't think of staying away from her father. She called me back after 10 minutes saying she was in shower, she started crying saying every one she love is getting hurt. She wanted to come but, I assured her I was fine and it was just fever. But she knew better then that, she knew my condition got worse because of my panic attack. She asked why it suddenly happened, because she knew it stopped a year ago. But I still don't know what trigger in me to cause of that attack.

She made me promise to call Noah if at all I was feeling not well.
I promised her.
Then she said how her father is getting Better every day.
Then we hung up as I had to do all my pending work.

Everything went back to normal with Noah too. It was like he disappeared some where or he was ignoring me.

I didn't understand what happened. And why he became so cold. Everything was fine, he was not shouting at me, we had a good talk right?, then what happened? After spending days thinking where I went wrong or what I did wrong to push him away, I decided it was for good. It won't create any hassle in I and Emma's friendship. So after that I stopped looking for him everywhere.

It's Saturday today so I am at diner cooking because Ella said everybody loved my food. So, here I am preparing dishes for table no. 12 And guess what, it's Rosie, Jennifer's and Alex order.

I shook my head and tried to make it exactly they like.

I still have one hour till my shift ends then we all are going to prepare for Mrs Black's 50th birthday. Which is tomorrow.

Wow!!, who would have thought she was in her early fifties. She look so young.

After all talking and deciding all plans we all headed to out separate way.
Jennifer and Rosie went to their house to check all arrangements. I and Alex went to cake shop to check on cake.

They have decided to keep it small get together in their back yard. With family and close friends.

When we went to cake shop it was closed with notice they were going to close for a week or so.

We turn to other cake shops but they were already full with upcoming orders. And they can't help us with this short notice.

We were roaming all over city when Alex suggested why not I bake one for Mrs Black. But I was not sure as I didn't wanted to ruin her day if by mistake it doesn't turn up to her expectations. But Alex insisted saying Mrs Black would love it.

He asked me to stay at his house so, that there won't be any last minute arrangements and all.

We went to glocery shopping for ingredients. When we were searching for chocolates Alex explained his plan of surprise date with Jennifer. later when we were loading all bags in car he said he also needed my help in preparing food for their date.

I narrow my eyes and said 'you just needed any reason to throw me in kitchen.'

He playfully shoved me back and I loosed my balance. But he stopped me from falling. He pulled me so hard I hit my head with his jaw.
Be both yelp in pain but laugh at our clumsiness. He took my hand in his and started dragging me to his destination. 

We parked in front of a beautiful. Then he took me to Jennifer's uncle who is manager of this restaurant also good friend of his family. I was shocked that he didn't get offended by his decision. As they were professional and were best in their job. But After one hour of running, chopping frying and lots of freaking out. noodles with meat balls , pasta and double cheese sandwich was almost ready.

Bt the time I was finish with plating Jennifer and Alex were already on terrace enjoying their date.
I didn't wanted to disturb them so I arranged everything on tray and gave it to waiter.

I walked out, to find a car already was waiting for me to take me to Alex's house.

After 20 minutes car parked in front of a beautiful big house. It was two storey whit building with beautiful flower garden in front and huge trees.

'Wow' it was very beautiful.

I rang the bell and Mrs Black answered.

When she saw me she gave me her beautiful smile and asked me to get in.

When I enter, Rosie came running towards me.

I scooped her in my arms and walked to the hall where they were watching TV. near sofa there was a huge mattress with pillows and blankets. And lots of ice-cream and pizza box.

I chuckle and shake my head.

"So you guys were having your own party?" I asked playfully ruffling Rose's hair

They both sheepishly smiled at me.

"Come Ev join us to our party." Rosie dragged me towards the mattress.
Mrs Black joined us too.

Rosie was in middle I was to her right and Mrs Black was to her left.

We ate our ice-cream while watching Cinderella.

We talked about Ella, how she never give up on loving and hoping good in people, then evil mother who was bad and Prince.

After some time we all fell asleep.

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