Chapter One | The New Boy

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I hear my alarm go off and take a shower, get dressed and start making breakfast for me and my little sister Lily and brother Zach. I went upstairs and woke them up and told them to get ready to go to school. After we finished eating we got in the car and drove off towards the twins' school.

"Okay guys, are you excited for school?"

"Yes I can't wait to see my friends" Lily replied bouncing in her seat

"No. Can you please take me home to sleep?" Zach groaned

"Zach, you're going to school whether you want to or not." I told him. we have this conversation everday when we're on our way to school. As soon as I dropped them off, I sped off to my school.

I arrvied at my schooland was met with my two best friends Lisa and Alex. We walked in the school and talked about our weekends and went to class.

I was sitting in 3 period when a boy walked into the class with the principal. The principal gave the introduction but, I didn't pay any attention to it and countiued working.

*Time Skip*
Lunch Time

You were sitting with your friends when none other than the bitch herself Sabrina and her minions decide to mess with you. Normally you would ignore Sabrina but, today something seemed different. You decide to hear what she had to say. Bad decision.

"Hey Y/N, I'm just here to warn you that the new boy is mine. And if you mess with him you'll regret it. Okay bye."

I didn't even respond because to be honest I didn't pay attention to boys. But, I started to feel like someone was watching me so I turned around to see the new boy staring at me while Sabrina was standing in front of him.

"Guys I think I know why Sabrina came over to us today."

"Why?" Lisa and Alex said in unison

"Look behind me" I said to them

"Oh, why is Namjoon staring at us? In particularly you?" Alex questioned

"Wait who's Namjoon?"

"He's the guy staring at you." Alex said
"Oh. Anyways, how the heck should I know why he's staring at me. I haven't talked to him or even made eye contact with him until now."

"Well he won't stop staring so you want to go to the library?" Lisa suggested

"Sure I'm kinda uncomfortable now." I said to Lisa

We got up from our table to throw away what we didn't eat. I looked back to Namjoon and not to my suprise he was still staring at me. As we left I saw Sabrina turn around to see where Namjoon was looking and the look on her face was kinda funny. She looked super pissed.

In the Library we talked very quiet because, of the Librarian who shushed anyone who talked to loud. So, we were just gossiping quietly about what happened at lunch when we heard the bell ring. I went to Geography class with Alex while Lisa went to her writing class. The rest of the day was boring as usual, but every single girl was talking about how hot Namjoon was. But, me and Alex didn't care about it we just worked on the project we were doing.

*Time Skip*
End of School Day

The bell had just rung and I was heading to my car when someone tapped my back. I turned and saw a furious Sabrina. She slapped my cheek several times saying "Stay away from what's mine." and all I did was sit there not fighting back. But, all of a sudden Sabrina was pulled off me. I looked to see who was my 'hero' and to my suprise it was Namjoon.

Namjoon helped you up and started to inspect your cheek that was already starting to bruise. As soon as he was about to touch your cheek you moved back and got in your car and drove off. You didn't want to be close to anyone other than Lisa and Alex. When you arrvied at your siblings school they were waiting for you.

"Sorry I was late-" before I could finish Lily was already worrying about me

"W-what h-happened to y-your cheek, Y/N?" she was started to cry

"Nothing Lily I'm okay. Please don't cry, baby." As soon as I said that she wiped her tears away and we started to drive home.

Hopefully our father will be out gambling or something I thought to myself, but then I started to think about Namjoon. What, No I shouldn't be thinking about him. But, I owe him a thank you.

When we got home our father was thankfully not there. We went inside, and I got my homework done and helped Lily and Zach with their homework. Then I stared to cook dinner which was Kimchi Fried Rice.

"Lily Zach time to eat."

We all sat at the table eating while we talked about what we did at school and other stuff. Once we finished Lily and I did the dishes while Zach wiped the table clean. Once we finished we went to our rooms and got ready to go to sleep. My phone dinged. I unlocked it to see Alex had messaged me several times asking me what happened after school between me and Sabrina.

*Text Message*
From Alex

What happened? Are you okay?
Please tell me you're not dead...

I'm okay, all she did was slap me a couple times but, I'm fine. Namjoon stepped in.

Namjoon kinda saved you from her

Yes he saved me from being

As long as your okay I'm
okay. goodnight Y/N

Goodnight Alex

*End of Message with Alex*

The Next Day
It was a normal day until I remem-bered I had to thank Namjoon for saving me from Sabrina. (Ever heard of Sabrina the witch more like Sabrina the bitch) I walked over to Alex and asked her if she knew where Namjoon would be and she said check the gym. That's exactly where he was here we go I thought to myself.
"H-hey Namjoon-"

End of Chapter

Authors Note
This is my first fanfic so I tried to make it good but, it probably sucks. Enjoy!

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