Chapter 19 | I can't do this...

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The Next Morning

I woke up trying to get up to go to the bathroom but, I couldn't move. Then it hit me, Namjoon has his arms wrapped around me. I turned towards him and tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge. As I tried to wake him up, he was being stubborn while he was asleep. God why is he so stubborn in his sleep. After a while I finally woke him up and got up and ran to the bathroom. 

After I came out Namjoon wasn't on the bed anymore. He wasn't in the room at all. Where did he go? He was just here. As I was deep in my thoughts, I was pulled into a back hug. I looked up to see Namjoon smiling down at me. He looked so happy, and for once I was just as happy as he was. 

"...Namjoon, why did you leave the room?" His smile changed into a line as he took a breath in. 

"Y/N...Someone put a bounty on you for 20k...And you are wanted alive..." He said his face slowly going pale and sad. 

"W-what? W-why?" I was so confused as to why I had the bounty on my head. But, I should of known what was coming. 

"I don't know why yet..But, I need to be with you at all times so I can protect you from any danger that could come to you." Namjoon said trying to calm me down.

"Namjoon....What about the Dance Competition?...." I asked hoping I could still be in the dance competition 

"I'm sorry but, Y/N we probably won't be able to be in the competition because of this..." As soon as he said that my heart broke, I couldn't believe I wasn't gonna be allowed to be in the dance competition. I crumbled to the ground, I couldn't take so much at once. Two things I loved but I only could have one at the moment. 

"Namjoon..Please let me be in it I'll do anything..I don't care if I'm risking everything. I love dancing and if you can't except that then maybe we shouldn't be together..." I said looking down to the ground as my now sad face took its position on my face.. 

"Baby, Look at me...I know you wanted this so much, but you mean the world to me and I can't let anything happen to you. Please forgive me, Y/N." He said kneeling in front of me lifting my head up. He grabbed my hand while we were on the ground, he was trying his best to make me feel better. 

"I know you love me and everything but, I really wanted to do this competition...." I said sadly trying to seem happier that he cared about me. 

"I know baby I'm really sorry that we probably won't be able to the dance competition..." He said giving me a hug. I returned the hug as a single tear fell. I wished so bad that our life wasn't like this but it is so we have to compromise. 

A Few Hours Later

"Namjoon, what are we going to do about the bounty?" I asked curious what he could do about it. What exactly could he do? Could he make the person who put it on me disappear or go missing? He wouldn't actually kill a person would he? Actually I don't want him to answer that...

"Baby, you don't need to worry about it. I'll take care of it.." He said me while we sat up in my bedroom. 

"...Okay..." I said quietly 

He came over to me and sat down on my bed and hugged me. I laid my head on his shoulder as he laid down on his side of my bed. I was so exhausted from worrying about my surroundings that I didn't have time to see Lily and Zach. Hopefully I will see them today after school. 

"Baby we need to get to school. Let's go before we're late and have detention." Namjoon whispered in my ear, I didn't budge though. 

"I don't wanna go. I'm staying here!" I yelled into his chest, but it came out muffled. 

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