Chapter 6 | Gang talk

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The Next Morning

I got up and looked at my phone to see some missed calls from Lisa. She had the right to know I was okay. Afterall, I did technically ditch her at Namjoon's party. But, she was having a good time talking Jungkook.

I clicked on her contact and called her. After the second ring she picked up.

"Omg Y/N is that you? I haven't heard from you since the party. Alex said you were okay but, I still was worried." Lisa said a little excited and a little dissappointed

"I'm sorry I have called you I've just been really busy with everything going on..." I stated

"What do you mean 'with everything going on'? What's happened?" She said very concerned about me

"Well...I found out that I have a brother-" I tried to say but, Lisa interrupped

"I already know you have a brother Y/N. Isn't his name Liam, didn't he leave for college a couple years ago?" she said

"Yes I have a brother Liam but, I have a new brother too. He turned out to be friends with Namjoon. His name is Yoongi and I'm living with him now." I told her happily that I had finally gotten out of the hell hole where my father lives.

"Oh....I'm so stupid. Anyways is this Yoongi nice or what?" She said to me

"Well Yoongi is very nice to me and the twins. His house is huge, and I enjoy being here away from that monster.." I said Lisa knew exactly who I was talking about when I said 'that monster'

"Sounds like your life is going great...When are you coming back to school? I miss you and so does Alex." Lisa said sadly I could tell she was on the verge of crying

"Hey, don't be sad I'll be coming tomorrow. Hey how did things go with Jungkook?" I asked curious if she knows he is dating Tae

"That's amazing, I can't wait to see you. Me and Jungkook talked a while but then, Hoseok came into our conversation. Shortly after that Namjoon came up to us asking where you were." You thought about how cute that was. Namjoon all worried about you.

"So, you met Hoseok, how was that?" I asked her

"It was great we clicked I guess you would say." they would be so cute together I thought

"Wait are you guys already dating?" I said goofing around

"Well we are going on a date at the end of the week. But, it doesn't mean anything." I was about to scream at what she said but, then I calmed down

"It will mean something, Lisa okay?" You said to reassure her "What else did Jungkook tell you?"

"If you say so. Why'd you suddenenly switch back to talking about Jungkook?" She asked confused

"No reason.." I tried to hide the fact that I knew he was gay

"Whatever, we talked about how he was going to transfer to our school soon along with the rest of his friends. We also talked about his boyfriend-" I cut Lisa off after I heard her say that

"Thank the lord. You know Jungkook is gay. Phew I'm glad he told you and not me." You said quickly

"He didn't tell me I figured it out on my own. All he told me was who he was dating." You were shocked that she already knew

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