Chapter 20 | Bobby

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Previously on Trust Issues

"Who are you? Why are we here? What do you want? What can I do to get you to let us go? Please don't hurt us. Don't hurt my friend she hasn't done anything. Please." I rambled quickly, catching my breath after my little rant of questions.

The one who was behind me came towards me. He grabbed my chin lifting it up lightly, he began inspecting my face which was weird since we don't know each other at all so he can take his gross hands off of me. Like right now. He began to speak after letting go of my chin.

"Ah, to answer your question I'm Bobby. But, you can call me whatever you want, love. To answer your other questions, you're here because I want you. Nothing will make me let you go. I promise not to hurt you and your friend, okay?" He said to us. Alex and I exchanged looks, then we looked back to Bobby.

"How about I call you dickhead or asshole that kidnapped me and my friend." I said with a evil smirk on my face.

"Not was I was going for but, okay then." Bobby replied "Anyways my love-"

"Don't call me that...." I said glaring at him

"Okay Lo- I mean Y/N" He said

"So why do you need me?" I asked

"I need you because you are going to be my wife and carry my children." 


What did he just say!?! His wife!?! Oh Hell NO! I mean he's cute in all but, the only person I want to have a future with is Namjoon....Wait Namjoon is having a baby with Sabrina now....So there is no future with him and I. All my thoughts were going so fast that I zoned out but, someone start yelling. 

"Hey asshole, you can't ask my best friend to do that without going through me first! She will not marry you, she already has the love of her life. And that is Nam-" Alex was saying but then I stopped her from finishing that sentence.

"Alex..please be quiet..I don't want you to get hurt..." I said sadly as I looked at her.

"Y/N..but what about your safety or happiness...I want you to be safe too." She said "You know you can't just forget all the things that you and him were and will always be."  

"I know I can't forget about him but, he is gonna have a baby with his new love of his life..." I said as tears started to form. I wanted so badly to be able to me near the love of my life but he can't be that anymore...He's done with me..

"Y/N why are you crying!?!" Bobby interrupted, he ran over to me. He untied me and wrapped his arms around me. I was really confused as to why he was being so nice..I looked over to Alex while I was still in the hug. She was looking at me like I was crazy. She knew the thing that I was wishing that didn't happen. And that would be I still Love Namjoon...And there is nothing I can do to forget him..

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Bobby slightly pulled away to see my face. He's cute and all but not as cute as Namjoon...Maybe this is a miracle in disguise maybe I am supposed to be with Bobby and not Namjoon.

"I'm o-okay. Why are you being so nice to me? I've been anything but nice to you." I said but then I thought of one of my worst fears and that was...getting raped again...

I slowly put my mouth closer to his ear so only he could hear what I was about to ask. I'm really scared to hear his response what if he does it to me and then Alex gets raped too. I could never live with myself if that happened..I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. 

"A-are you g-go-ing t-to r-r-r-ape me?" I whispered into his ear. He lifted me up off the ground and stood up with me in his arms. He looked at me closely and then looked at Alex. I grabbed his face so he was looking at me and not Alex, I don't want him to command someone to do that to her it would ruin her. As he was making an unbreakable eye contact with me, he said his response to my question. 

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