Chapter 18 | Best Friends?

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It was now Monday once again. Me and Namjoon and the rest of our friends including Alex, all stayed at Alex's for the weekend. Yoongi brought over Lily and Zach yesterday, and we played in Alex's yard. 

We all had a good time together this weekend, we haven't had this kind of bonding time for a while now. I still haven't told Namjoon about what happened when my dad raped me...But, the good thing is, he's being very patient and not forcing me to tell him. 

I was walking down the hallway when I was pulled into the girls bathroom. It was weirdly dark in here, normally its to bright in the bathroom all the time. Something isn't right...I wish I would have realized that sooner. 

I quickly felt a stinging pain on my arm, I couldn't move something was pushing me up against something hard which I'm guessing was the wall. As I tried to figure out who was causing the stinging, the lights flashed on. There I saw my once best friend alongside her was some other girl. To my right where the stinging was coming from was Mia. 

Mia was holding a knife along with a syringe filled with some weird orange colored substance. I was somewhat frighten because, I did not want that fucking needle going anywhere in me. I don't care what people say I hate fucking needles. 

"Well Y/N aren't you just a stupid little girl. I really don't see why Namjoon is with you. It's not like anyone could ever like a girl who is broken and been raped multiple times. No one would care if you died, it'd simply just make everyone more happy." Lisa started as if we were never friends in the first place.

Lisa started moving closer to me while Mia didn't move at all. I was surprised she wasn't sticking that syringe inside my arm yet. Once Lisa was in front of me she roughly grabbed my chin inspecting it a little before she punched my cheek. Then she punched the other cheek. She knocked me down to the floor and had Mia and the other girl pick me up pushing me against the wall. 

"Y/N just know you did this to yourself!" and with that she signaled Mia to put the needle in my arm. After that they left, I tried to walk straight but, I couldn't. My vision was all blurry, I made it to the bathroom door, opening it slightly. I fell to the ground when I got into the hallway. My legs were numb and I could barely move my arm that was injected. 

As I found my phone in my pocket, I started to dial Namjoon's number but, then I erased it and dialed Alex's. She picked up on the second ring. 

"Y/N, I'm kinda in class right now so can you call me later? Y/N? Are you there?" Alex spoke into the phone my voice was quiet when I tried to speak. 

"A-Al-ex-" With that I past out, the last thing I remember was Alex yelling in to the phone asking where I was. 

Alex's POV

"Y/N! Are you there??? Hello? Where are you!?! I'm coming to get you." I said into the phone as I grab my bag along with my stuff running towards the door. 

Once I'm in the hallway I start to panic because I don't know where Y/N is and she didn't sound good so..I need to find her quickly. As I'm walking down the hallway, I think and my thought soon comes to Namjoon. Did she call him before she called me? Nows not the time I'll just call him. 

I pull out my phone and start to dial his number. Once it starts ringing I start walking through the hallway trying to find Y/N. Hoping I won't be too late. Namjoon picks up after a couple rings. 

"Hello? Alex? Is everything alright? You never call me." He said into the phone

"Namjoon..Y/N is either hurt or-" I started but was cut off by Namjoon

"Where's Y/N? Do you know how to find her?? Please be okay Y/N...Alex where are you? I'm coming to help you look for Y/N." He said determined to find her.

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