Chapter Two | Hurt

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"Hey Namjoon-" When you were walking up to Namjoon, Sabrina came and started making out with him. You didn't know what to do so you simply ran away from the situation. you heard Namjoon yell your name but, you didn't turn back.

"Y/N..." Namjoon yelled sadly

You went to the rest of your classes but nothing happened. You were now in Geography with Alex and she kept asking why you were so quiet.

"Hey, Y/N why are you being quiet? Did something happen between you and Namjoon?" Alex asked me

"I don't want to talk about it, so just drop it." I said after that Alex shut up and continued to work on our project. All of a sudden I was called down to the principal's office. I grabbed my stuff and was heading there when I got pulled in to a classroom.

"Who the fuck are you!?!" I yelled at the person but the person didn't respond. Their grasp on me was starting to get tighter, it hurt very bad.

"Let me go, you're hurting me." I cried out but they didn't stop. Before I knew it they were trying to kiss me. I didn't want my first kiss to be like this. The person started to talk. The voice sounded very familiar. Just then it clicked this was Yunghyeong.

"Hello sweetheart, I've been waiting for this moment for 2 years now."

"What are you talking about Yunghyeong." I said to him

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You can either do it willingly or be forced but, it's happening."
At that moment I knew he was going to try to rape me. I tried fighting against him but he was stronger than me.

Just as he ripped your shirt off the door slammed open. You turned to see Namjoon and if looks could kill Yunghyeong would be dead by now. Namjoon looked furious. His eyes were not his soft brown orbs they were completely dark now almost black.

"Let go of Y/N right now." He yelled at Yunghyeong Namjoon started to walk towards Yunghyeong as he backed into a wall. Namjoon ran towards him and started beating him up furiously.

"P-please s-stop" I cried out

When I said that Namjoon stopped and looked at me with his brown orbs. He started to walk towards me. When he reached his hand to touch me I flinched away from his grasp. His eyes now held sadness in them.

"Hey I won't hurt you Y/N. I never will..." Namjoon said but, the last part came out too quiet to be heard. After he said that he came close to me and inspected the damage. When he got to my wrist he started to shake from anger.

"I'm okay Namjoon." I told him and then he calmed back down. That's when I realized that I didn't have a shirt on, it was only my bra. I hid my face in my hands and I heard a laugh from Namjoon. He lifted my hands from my face and then took his shirt off and gave it to me.

"Here wear this." He said and gave a small smile

"Ummmm Thanks, Namjoon. Wait what are you going to wear then?" I questioned all he did was look as me amused by the question.

"I have a shirt in my locker. You don't need to worry about me, unless you want to." he smirked at the last part

"I w-wasn't worried" I tried to say but it came out in a barely audible whisper.

"Sure you weren't, princess" He was smirking when he said it

"Don't c-call m-me that...p-please" I said to him almost crying

"I'm sorry please don't cry princ- I mean baby." He said quickly

"I'm not your baby...Sabrina is your baby." I said to him

"What? Sabrina is not my baby never was and never will be." He told me

"Let's get out of here okay?" He asked I just nodded it was the end of the day anyways.

"Hey you want a ride home?" Namjoon asked

"No I have to pick up my brother and sister." I said to him

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" He said and got into his car. It looked too expensive for a 17 year old to be driving.

*Time Skip*
a few days later

It was friday again, Alex, Lisa, and I were eating lunch in the cafeteria when Sabrina came over once again. Just like the last time she threaten me since Namjoon kept helping me.

"Bitch stay the hell away from my boyfriend!?!" she screamed at me

"Does Namjoon know he's your boyfriend?" I scoffed at her. My friends started laughing and high fiving me.

"He is my boyfriend. Even if he wasn't he wouldn't like someone like you." As soon as she said that tears started to well up in my eyes. I don't know why it stung when she said that though. After all she was right.

I walked away but, Sabrina and her minions kept following me. I went in the bathroom and it was a huge mistake. Sabrina stared slapping me and her minions started to pull my hair. I screamed hoping someone would make it stop but this time no one came.

Once they were done with me they left. I got up to look in the mirror and the person I saw looked horrible. I had bruises all over my body, and scratches all over my face and arms.

I walked out of the bathroom and when I was walking I saw Alex and Lisa. They came running towards me and kept questioning what happened to me.

I told them what happened and Alex was furious okay so more like ready to kill Sabrina. When they were taking me to the nurse, we ran into Namjoon. He ran to us, he looked completely worried about me.

"Who did this to you Y/N!?!" He came up to me and hugged me

How am I supposed to react, it feels good but wrong at the same time. I pushed him away then yelled at him

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend!"

"I already told you I'm NOT dating Sabrina!" He yelled even louder that when I broke down.

I couldn't take it anymore. I started to cry, I walked out of the school away from Namjoon...

"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. Please come back." He followed me to my car

"Just leave me alone." Is all I said before starting the engine and going home.

When I got home I cried in my room. I then remembered it was friday so, the twins wouldn't be home until tomorrow afternoon. My phone started to ring it was unknown. I picked it up and on the the other end of the line was the one person I didn't want to talk to...

End of Chapter
Thanks for reading!

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