Chapter 13 | Regret

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I sit up in my bed, startling Lily and Woozi. Now everyone is staring at me while Yoongi approaches with Namjoon behind him. When Yoongi and Namjoon are in front of me, I scoot closer to where Lily and Woozi were sitting on my bed. I knew that I did not want to be near Namjoon after what he did to Woozi and I yesterday. As Yoongi gave me a weird look as he saw me move away from Namjoon, he began to speak. 

"Y/N? Why did you suddenly go closer to Woozi? Did something happen?" He began to question as I sat in Woozi's lap, acting like I didn't do anything just now. I saw a faint tint of sadness in Namjoon's eyes, but, it quickly left while furiousness began to come in.

"It's nothing." I said plastering a fake smile on my face

"Well, can I talk to you outside?" He asked me. I nodded and walked in the hallway with him, so we could talk.

" there is going to be a meeting here tonight so can you take Lily and Zach somewhere to distract them from thinking of me?" He asked looking straight in my eyes

"I'll try I don't know how long they'll stay distracted though." I responded as I look down at my feet knowing he was going to ask about Woozi.

"What's going on between you and Woozi you guys seem close?" He said while you avoided eye contact with Yoongi. You kept looking around until he yelled your name at you making you look up. 

"N-nothing is going on between us..Why would there be?" I stuttered out 

"Well, if there's nothing going on between you then what about you and Namjoon?" I mentally face palmed when he asked that. Out of all the things he could ask he asks about Namjoon and I's relationship. 

"What do you mean? Why are you asking this are you worried I'm going to fall for Namjoon? Or are you worried that I don't like Namjoon and I'm going to date Woozi?" I said give him a mischievous grin.

"I mean you acted scared of Namjoon like he tried to harm you. WAIT--DID HE HARM YOU? If he did he shouldn't be in my house right now." He said trying to control his anger.

"No...he didn't hurt me...physically....but, he tried to hurt Woozi...." I said looking down at the floor. I didn't know why I told him this but I knew I could trust him. As I was still looking at the floor I felt a pair of arms hugging me. I look up and hug back when I realize it's Yoongi. 

"Hey I know this Woozi guy is important to you but, why him? Why aren't you and Namjoon talking to each other? I'm not saying you should date Namjoon but, what if he didn't actually have sex with Sabrina. Did that ever once cross your mind?" I was about to scream at him when I saw Woozi walking towards us. 

"We will finish this later." I say while I turn around to be welcomed with a pair of arms wrapping me in a very comfortable, warm, loving hug. 

"H-hi" I said looking up at him. I was speechless and felt the red start dusting my cheeks. I was blushing. Great.

"Hi, Y/N. What were you guys talking about? Am I allowed to know?" I put my hand over his mouth to get him to stop with the ramble of questions.

"Yes, you can know. It was about the meeting Yoongi is having tonight, he wants me to make sure the kids aren't in the house when all the gang members are in the house." I said trying to think where to take the kids. 

'Can I come with you then? I'll protect all of you. Please." Woozi said excitedly, I knew I couldn't say no to this adorable boy.

"Of course you can. Where should we take them?" I asked trying really hard to think of something to do.

"I don't know we'll think about it all day until the time comes." He said

I nodded and when I turned round Yoongi had disappeared from behind me. I looked back to Woozi and he saw my confused look, and pointed to the stairs. That's when I figured out where Yoongi disappeared to. The living room. As I started to walk back in my room I saw Lily playing with Namjoon. He looked happier than when I left him, hmm maybe Lily made him happy again. 

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