Chapter 1

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"There he goes again," Jackson chuckled and rolled his eyes. His comment made the rest of the football team and Castiel turn their heads to look across the field, to see what he was referring to. Sure enough, there was Dean Winchester making out with yet another guy.
"Isn't that his fifth make out buddy of the week?" Castiel teased. The football team laughed.
"Yup. No surprise," Jackson replied. He grabbed a football and turned to his buddy, Dallas. "Go long!" Dallas ran across the field, with his arms high in the air, waiting for Jackson to throw the ball. Jackson wound his arm up and chucked the ball to Dallas, who caught it. The rest of the football team joined in with the game of catch.
"You're pretty strong," Castiel shyly complimented Jackson, making the tough football player blush.
"Thanks. So, you nervous for your test?" Jackson asked, as he received the football. He threw it again as Castiel answered.
"Yea. I really can't fail this test. It's worth a big portion of my grade and—" Castiel's ranting was cut off by Jackson.
"You're gonna do fine. You always worry too much. You ace every test because you're a nerd," Jackson joked. Castiel chuckled a bit.
"I guess," he whispered, as he clutched onto his books.

Some time passed and eventually the group of boys found themselves saying their goodbyes in the hallway. They all had classes to get to. Jackson waved goodbye to Castiel as he turned the corner, the opposite way of Castiel. Castiel shyly walked to class by himself. When he got to his math class, he quietly opened the door and walked to the front row, where he took his usual seat. The class quickly started to fill with students. All of them seemed to be dreading this math test, especially Castiel. Castiel never dreaded math tests. He enjoyed them quite a bit, actually. But this one he was dreading. Only because he ran out of time to study. He had other homework that was due and Castiel always studied for tests. That's how he remained a straight A student. The bell rang and Castiel snapped his head to the door as Mr. Stewards waltzed in. He seemed happy today, but that was no surprise. He was always happy when he was giving out tests. He walked to the front of the class room and turned around, flashing the class his perfect teeth. He rubbed his hands together and smirked at the class.
"Alright," he started. "Who's ready to take a test?" The class groaned in response. He chuckled to himself and turned around to grab a pile of papers on his desk. He started to hand them out to each student. "Now, this test is worth a large proportion of your grade. So I hope you all do well." Castiel started to rummage through his bag for a pencil, when the door to the classroom swung open. He looked up and rolled his eyes as he saw Dean standing there, a huge smile plastered across his face. Typical Dean. He was always late to his classes. "Mr. Winchester. Late again," Mr. Stewards said in an annoyed tone. Dean just awkwardly chuckled. He looked past Mr. Stewards shoulder and made eye contact with Castiel. His cheeks started to heat up and turn red. He flashed Castiel a shy smile and gave him a flirtatious wink. Castiel rolled his eyes and continued to rummage through his bag.
"Yeah. I have no excuse this time," Dean arrogantly replied. Castiel pulled his pencil out of his bag and turned to face the front of the class and looked at his test. He secretly listened to the conversation that was going on between Lebanon Highscool's bad boy and the teacher.
"Yeah, yeah. Just take your seat Mr. Winchester," he heard the teacher reply. He giggled to himself. Mr. Stewards walked to the front of the classroom and looked at the students. "You have until the end of class. Good luck!" He cheered in his young voice. Castiel quickly filled his name and the date in at the top of the paper. He looked down at the first question and got to work.

Time flew by faster than Castiel thought. He just finished the last question when the bell rang.
"Everyone stop!" He heard Mr. Stewards holler. Everyone dropped their pencils as the teacher made his way to the door. The students all knew the drill. They picked up their bags and their tests. Each student handed Mr. Stewards their test as they left the classroom. He was saying thank you to every student. Castiel walked up to him and Mr. Stewards stopped him. "I would like to speak to you and Mr. Winchester," he said. Castiel furrowed his eyes brows.
"What for?" Castiel asked. Mr. Stewards chucked and sat on a desk.
"Mr. Winchester's grades are dangerously low. If that continues, he will not graduate," he explained. Castiel scoffed, making Dean roll his eyes. "I would like you to tutor Mr. Winchester. Twice a week. Just meet up at the library after school and tutor him. Please." Castiel rolled his eyes. He didn't want to hang out with a guy he hated twice a week after school. He looked at Mr. Stewards, who was looking desperate. He sighed and nodded.
"Fine," he said, defeated.
"Thank you." Dean's face started to turn red at Castiel's agreement. Castiel just gave him a dirty look and left the classroom. He was walking down the hallway, toward the cafeteria, when he heard someone call his name. He turned around, only to be met with Dean, running after him.
"What do you want?" Castiel asked, annoyed. Dean looked down at the ground, causing Castiel to be surprised. Dean never acted like this around guys.
"I just wanted to thank you," he whispered. Castiel gave him a fake smile.
"Yeah. No problem." He turned on his heels and started to walk away, when Dean grabbed his arm. He turned around. "What?"
"Tuesday's and Thursday's? Does that sound good to you?" Dean asked. Castiel nodded and walked away. Dean turned around and headed to his locker.

"Hey! What took you so long, smartie?" Jackson teased Castiel as he walked up to the table they all sat at. He smiled at Jackson's nickname.
"Mr. Stewards asked me to tutor Dean," he answered. Jackson looked surprised.
"Have fun with that," he laughed. "But if he gets too close, tell him I'll beat him." Castiel blushed at Jackson's burst of protection.
"Thanks." Jackson nodded. Castiel took a seat next to him.
"So, how'd the test go?" He asked. Castiel pulled his lunch out of his bag.
"Easy," he replied, absentmindedly. Jackson laughed.
"Of course it was!"

Castiel was walking out of the school doors, as the last bell of the day rang. All of his friends took the bus, but he lived close enough to walk. He dug his phone out of his pocket and stuck his earbuds in his ears. He scrolled through his playlist until he found his favourite song. He smiled as the melody played through his head.
Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you.
Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He gasped and quickly turned around to see who had the hold on him. He sighed as he saw that it was just Dean. He put his hand on his heart and pulled one earbud out.
"You scared the shit out of me, Dean!" Castiel hollered. Dean looked shocked for a moment.
"Woah! Settle down there, Cas. I've never heard a good boy swear either," Dean chuckled. Castiel rolled his eyes.
"My name is Castiel," he annoyingly replied. Dean looked at the ground and chuckled.
"I know. I just thought I'd give you a nickname, though." Castiel rolled his eyes and continued to walk. Dean jogged to catch up. He started to walk beside Castiel.
"Did you give your new make out buddy a nickname yet?" Castiel asked. Dean looked embarrassed.
"What do you mean, "new make out buddy?" Castiel scoffed.
"Don't act like you don't know what I mean. You have a new make out buddy everyday." Dean looked at his feet and stayed silent.
"I-I-I guess that's true," Dean stuttered. Castiel was confused with his stuttering. He has never heard "Mr. Smooth Talker" stutter before. "So, what song are you listening to?" Dean desperately tried changing the subject. Castiel played along.
"Doesn't matter. It's an old song you'd make fun of me for liking." Dean chuckled.
"I promise I won't make fun of you," Dean said. Castiel sighed.
"Fine. It's Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis. I love Elvis," Castiel shyly answered Dean's earlier question. Dean flashed him a big, charming smile. "What?" Castiel asked, as they turned the corner.
"I thought I was the only one," Dean replied. Castiel smiled and looked at the ground, trying to hide his bright red cheeks.
"So, are we going to be parting ways soon?" Castiel asked.
"I don't know. My house is just up the street," Dean replied. Castiel nodded.
"Mine too." Dean smiled.
"Then I guess not."

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