Chapter 8

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     The month had passed by quickly and it was currently Christmas. Dean was still kicked out of his house, but his dad agreed to let him visit today to see Sam, but he was leaving while Dean visited. Castiel's mom was aware of him and Dean's relationship. She was quite supportive and happy for them. Castiel woke up snuggled into Dean's chest. He looked up, expecting to see Dean sleeping, but Dean was wide awake and he was looking down at Castiel.
     "Morning, angel," Dean whispered to Castiel and planted a kiss on his lips. Castiel smiled into the kiss.
"Morning, handsome," Castiel replied, earning a blushing Dean from his compliment. "Merry Christmas," he added.
"Merry Christmas," Dean repeated. Castiel slowly got up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, Dean followed suit.
"Wanna go downstairs?" Castiel asked. Dean smiled at him and nodded. The two boys made their way downstairs, to see present's scattered everywhere underneath the tall, pine tree. Castiel's mom walked into the room with cups of coffee in her hands.
"Morning, boys," she smiled at them. Castiel and Dean smiled at her and walked over to the couch.
"Morning, mom," Castiel greeted her.
"Morning, Ms. Novak," Dean replied. Dean grabbed both cups of coffee, handing Castiel one. He took a seat beside Castiel and wrapped his arm around Castiel's shoulders. He quickly kissed the side of Castiel's head, making Castiel's mom smile.
"You two are so cute together. Can I get a picture of you two in front of the tree?" She asked. The two boys nodded and placed their mugs on the coffee table. They walked over to the tree and stood their awkwardly, figuring out a pose, before Dean crashed his lips onto Castiel's, making Castiel smile and kiss him back. He wrapped his hands around Castiel's waste and Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean's neck. Ms. Novak quickly snapped the picture and smiled. "Thank you." Dean and Castiel took their seats back on the couch, while chatting with Castiel's mom.
"Wanna open some presents now?" Castiel asked them.
Ms. Novak nodded and Dean replied with, "Whatever you wanna do." Castiel smiled at them and stood up to grab a present under the tree. He grabbed a small, rectangular box and read the tag on it.
"This one's for you, mom," Castiel said as he handed Ms. Novak the box. She thanked her son and read the tag to see who it was from.
"It's from Dean," she said, a little bit surprised. "You didn't need to get me anything."
"Sure I did," Dean smiled at her. Ms. Novak carefully pulled the wrapping paper off and gasped when she saw her present. She pulled out a beautiful, silver necklace. It was made of small, sparkling, silver stones. She started to tear up, but quickly wiped her tears away.
"Thank you so much, Dean," she smiled, as she gave Dean a big hug.
"You deserve it," Dean replied. Castiel smiled at how well his mom and his boyfriend were getting along. "I got you a gift too, Cas," Dean said, turning to face Castiel. Castiel nodded at his comment.
"You really didn't have to," he said, making Dean shake his head, disagreeing with him. Dean walked over to the Christmas tree and searched the presents until he found a big box wrapped in blue wrapping paper.
"To match your beautiful eyes," Dean said, as he handed Castiel the box. Castiel blushed at Dean's adorable and kind compliment. Castiel carefully unwrapped the box to reveal a big present box. He carefully peeled the tape off the top and opened it up. He gasped and giggled a little bit when he saw his present. He pulled out a big bee stuffed animal. It was bigger than Castiel's head. "You always say how much you love bees." Castiel giggled even more.
"Thank you, Dean. I appreciate it," Castiel said through giggles. Dean smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss. He knew Castiel wasn't laughing at his gift to be mean, he knew it was because it was a cute and funny gift. "I have something for you too." Castiel went over to the tree and searched for his present to Dean. Castiel smiled proudly when he found his gift. He handed Dean a thin, rectangular present that was wrapped in green wrapping paper. Dean smiled at Castiel and quickly began to unwrap his gift.
"Awesome," he exclaimed as he unwrapped a mixtape.
"I know it's 2018 and people don't use mixtapes anymore, but I put special songs on there," Castiel said. Dean pulled Castiel into a tight hug.
"It's perfect. Thank you, baby. I love it and I love you," Dean whispered into his ear, making Castiel smile brightly. "What songs are on it?" Dean asked.
"There's AC/DC songs, Led Zeppelin songs, Asia songs, Kansas songs, and Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis," Castiel listed off. Dean smiled brighter with every name.
"It's awesome. Thank you, Cas." Castiel nodded.
"I also got you something, mom," Castiel said, turning to his mom. Castiel's mom snapped out of her trance and focused on Castiel.
"Oh, Castiel, sweetie. You really didn't have to," she smiled at him. Castiel just gave her a shy smile and shrugged. He grabbed his mom's present and handed it to her. She smiled at him, while she unwrapped her gift. She gasped and started to cry as she saw her gift. "Oh, Cas," she whispered. Castiel started to tear up from seeing his mom's reaction to his gift for her. Dean smiled as he looked over at a picture frame that held a picture of Castiel and his mom when Castiel was little. The picture frame had no back, just glass, so a note was written on the back of the picture. Ms. Novak cried harder when she read the note.
Dear Mom,
Thank you for always being there for me and being so supportive. I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much and I'm always here for you.
Love, Castiel
Castiel's mom gave Castiel a long, tight hug.
"Thank you so much, sweetie. I love it. It's perfect. I love you so much. You're the best son a mother could ask for," she whispered in his ear. Dean smiled brightly at the moving scene that played out in front of him. When they pulled away, Ms. Novak walked over to the Christmas tree. "I have presents for you boys," she said. Castiel and Dean looked at eachother, smiled, and looked back over at Ms. Novak. She was holding two rectangular presents that were wrapped in wrapping paper that had snowflakes all over them. Dean and Castiel unwrapped the presents at the same time and smiled at the presents. It was a picture of them at the ice cream shop, when they went with Ms. Novak last week. In the picture, Castiel and Dean were laughing at a joke Castiel attempted to tell. They had ice cream in their hands, while standing outside with snowflakes falling all around them. Castiel had looked away while he laughed, but Dean had a big smile on his face and his eyes were on Castiel. People gave them weird looks because it was winter and they were eating ice cream, but they didn't care.
"Awe. Thank you so much, mom. I didn't even know you took this picture," Castiel said. His mom just smiled at him.
"Wow, Ms. Novak. This is amazing. Thank you so much," Dean said, while smiling at Castiel's mom. They all gave eachother a hug and continued to unwrap all of the presents.

Hours passed before they were finally done unwrapping all of the presents. Dean was upstairs in his and Castiel's room getting ready to go visit Sam. He invited Castiel to come along with him. Castiel was currently in the bathroom combing through his hair. Dean walked into the bathroom and smiled at Castiel.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Ready," Castiel replied, with a nervous smile on his face. Dean walked over to him and pulled him into a big hug.
"You're okay. He's only 14 and he's my little brother. It's not like you're meeting my dad. Besides, he'll love you. You're perfect," Dean calmed Castiel down. Castiel looked up and him and gave him a wide smile.
"You're amazing. You know that? I really don't deserve you," Castiel whispered, making Dean's cheeks turn a nice shade of pink. He gently kissed Castiel and led him out of the bathroom.
"Mom! We'll be back in a few hours. We're going to visit Sam now!" Castiel called to his mom.
"Okay, sweetie! Have fun! Love you both!" She called from the kitchen.
"Love you too!" Both boys replied simultaneously. They walked out the door and headed towards Dean's old house.

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