Chapter 9

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     Dean and Castiel walked up to the house, before Castiel stopped in front of the driveway. Dean turned around and gave him a comforting smile. He walked over to him and grabbed both of his arms. He stroked one of Castiel's arms with his thumb.
     "What's wrong, baby?" He asked, while looking deep into Castiel's eyes. Castiel gave him a nervous look.
     "It's just...I really want Sam to like me. I know how much he means to you," Castiel explained his anxiousness. Dean chuckled a little bit at him.
     "I know and he will love you. You're perfect," Dean whispered into his ear, as he pulled Castiel into a secure hug. "Now lets go inside." Castiel nodded his head and followed Dean through the front door. "Sammy! I'm home!" Dean called out.
     "Dean!" Castiel heard Sam call from the hallway. He immediately began running towards his older brother. He turned the corner and gave Dean a wide grin, while running into his arms.
     "Heya, Sammy," Dean said to his little brother. Castiel smiled at the heartwarming scene in front of him. He stuck his hands into his pocket and sheepishly looked down at his feet.
     "I missed you!" Sam exclaimed. Dean chuckled slightly.
     "I missed you too! I brought you presents!" Dean practically yelled, making Sam's face grow wide with excitement. He looked behind Dean for the presents, but his eyes landed on Castiel instead.
     "Who's that?" Sam asked, making Dean turn around to look at Castiel. Dean walked over to Castiel and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.
     "Sam, this is Castiel. My boyfriend." Sam looked unsure at first, but soon smiled and shook Castiel's hand.
     "Nice to meet you, Castiel," Sam smiled, making Castiel feel a little bit better.
     "Nice to meet you too, Sam. I've heard so much about you."
     "So, now that you two are introduced to each other, why don't we open up some presents!" Dean cheered. Sam hollered in excitement and immediately grabbed his bag of presents and started to open them one by one.

     About an hour passed, and Castiel was in the kitchen cleaning up some dishes from the food they ate, after Sam was done opening his presents. Dean was cleaning up all the wrapping paper, while Sam was at the kitchen table playing with his new lego set.
     "You really love my brother, don't you," Sam suddenly broke the silence. Castiel finished wiping the plate off and put it in the cabinet. He turned around and smiled at Sam.
     "I do. Your brother is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him with all my heart," Castiel answered, as he took a seat across from Sam. "I was actually nervous for today because I know how much you mean to Dean and I really want you to like me."
     "Well, it's your lucky day because I like you. You're cool and you seem to make my brother happy," Sam replied, making Castiel give him a soft smile. Just then, Dean walked into the kitchen with a smile across his face. Castiel immediately knew that Dean heard the conversation. He took a seat beside his brother and turned to him.
"Well, did you like your presents?" Dean asked him. Sam nodded as a response.
"Thanks, Dean."
"No problem, Sammy," Dean replied. Sam continued to play with his lego set until Castiel spoke up.
"Why don't we watch some movies," he suggested, making both Winchesters look at him.
"That sounds awesome!" Sam and Dean both exclaimed simultaneously, making Castiel giggle.
"Okay, well, I'll make the hot chocolate and popcorn, while you go pick out a movie," he said, as he pointed at Sam. Sam gave him a high five and rushed into the living room, scanning Netflix for a movie to watch. Castiel stood up and walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the hot chocolate mix and three mugs. He put some water into a pot to boil it over the stove, when he felt strong arms wrap around his waist. Dean rested his chin on Castiel's shoulder.
"You're perfect. You know that?" Dean whispered to him, making Castiel blush.
"No, I'm really not," Castiel shook his head, making Dean frown. He kissed Castiel's neck to show him that he disagreed. Castiel giggled and turned the stove on, while placing the pot on one of the burners. He turned around and faced Dean.
"I love you so much," Dean said, as he kissed him on the lips.
"I love you more," Castiel whispered when they pulled away.
"That's impossible."
"I don't think so," Castiel argued.
"Guys! I found the perfect movie!" Sam exclaimed, as he rushed into the kitchen. "Let's watch Elf! It's my favourite Christmas movie!" Castiel and Dean both nodded and smiled at Sam.
"Okay! I'll be waiting in the living room!" Sam quickly exited the room, leaving Castiel and Dean alone again, to make the hot chocolate and popcorn.

The end credits rolled on the screen and Castiel yawned, while stretching his arms. He looked beside him to see Dean sleeping and across from him on the chair to see Sam sleeping. He thought about waking them up, but decided against it. He grabbed the remote and turned the tv down, while getting up out of his seat. He then collected all of the dishes that were scattered everywhere and went into the kitchen to wash them. As he was washing the dishes, he heard the back door open and shut. He turned the tap off and peered his head around the corner, to see who was entering the house. His eyes widened and he panicked when he saw John, Dean's dad, standing in the doorway. John hung his coat up and turned his head, to see Castiel standing there, frozen.
"Who the hell are you?" John said in a low, scruffy voice. Castiel cleared his throat and tried to speak.
"I-I-I'm Castiel," he managed to squeak out. He stuck his hand out, inviting John to shake hands, which he did. He could tell John knew who he was.
"Oh. So you're Castiel. I've heard a lot about you," John said, as he walked into the kitchen.
"Hopefully all good things," Castiel laughed nervously, making John chuckle.
"Oh, yeah. Of course. You're a pretty good kid. So, what are you doing with Dean?" John asked, while leaning against the wall. Castiel walked over to the kitchen table and took a seat.
"Well, I love him. He makes me happy and I tutor him," Castiel explained. John smiled at him.
"Well that's good, he needs it and you make Dean pretty happy yourself. He really loves you." Castiel blushed at this information. He was about to say something, when Dean walked into the room. He turned the corner and his eyes widened when he saw his dad standing there.
"H-hey, dad," Dean said nervously. John frowned at him.
"Hi, Dean," was all he said before he turned and left the room. Dean looked over at Castiel, who was giving him a small smile. Castiel walked over to Dean and pulled him into a small, tight hug.
"It's alright," Castiel whispered, before he kissed Dean on the cheek. "Maybe we should wake Sam up and say our goodbyes. We can come visit again another time." Dean just sadly nodded and turned to the living room. He slumped into the living room and walked over to the chair. He gently shook Sam until his little brother woke up. Sam rubbed his eyes and looked at Dean confused.
"Dean? What's going on?" Sam asked, while looking around.
"Hey, Sammy. Dad's home, so I think Cas and I are gonna head out," Dean explained, with tears filing his eyes. He took and deep breath and held them in, clearly he was trying to be strong for Sam. Sam frowned at him and wrapped his hands around his neck.
"I don't want you to go!" Sam mumbled into Dean's shoulder.
"I know and I don't want to go. But I'll come back soon, I promise," Dean whispered. Sam pulled away and Dean wiped away his tears.
"Okay," Sam said.
"Bye, Sam. I'll be back soon," Dean whispered, his voice shaking. Dean walked over to Castiel and turned for the door. He took one last look at his brother, before he turned and walked out the door, Castiel following.
"You okay?" Castiel asked after they were outside.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Thanks," Dean replied, giving Castiel a sad look. Castiel softened his gaze and pulled Dean into a hug.
"It's okay. I'm always here. I'm never gonna leave," Castiel whispered, making Dean let a few tears fall.
"Thank you. I love you," Dean whispered back.
"I love you more."

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