Chapter 4

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Castiel walked through the doors to the highschool with Jackson beside him. Jackson was telling him how he didn't need Dean and Dean is just a mistake. Castiel was just nodding along. They stopped at Castiel's locker so he could put some books away. As they were talking, they heard a loud conversation coming from beside them. They couldn't help but listen.
"Did you hear that Dean Winchester got his ass kicked? This morning he got into a fight with his ex," one girl gossiped.
"A fist fight?" The other girl asked.
"Totally. He got his ass kicked!" The first girl replied. Castiel sighed and shut his locker. Jackson gave him a sympathetic look and continued to walk to class with him. The two of them stayed silent the whole way. Neither one of them knew what to say. Dean had been getting in fights lately, but they weren't fist fights, just screaming matches. This was the first time Dean Winchester had gotten into a fist fight. Castiel walked into the classroom and took his seat up front, just as the bell rang.
The whole time, Castiel was trying to forget about Dean and the stupid choices he has been making lately. But, his mind just kept trailing back to Dean. Castiel groaned at his lack of focus in class. Suddenly, the bell rang. Castiel quickly got up and followed Jackson out the door.

Castiel and Jackson took their usual seats at the cafeteria. Castiel's mind was still on Dean. The football team continued to talk about their football game tomorrow night. Castiel just stirred his fork around in his macaroni and cheese, while staring off into space. Suddenly, the cafeteria quieted down. All eyes were on Dean, who walked into the cafeteria with a big bruise on his cheek. The room buzzed with whispers of gossiping teenagers. They were all saying how weird it was that the big, tough, bad boy got his ass kicked. Castiel looked up and made eye contact with Dean. Dean gave him an proud smile. Castiel sneered at him and looked away. Dean's face filled with confusion. He started to walk over to Castiel, but Castiel got up from his seat and stormed out of the cafeteria. When Dean tried to run after Castiel, Jackson stopped him.
"I warned you to leave him alone. If you continue to bother him, that bruise will be the least of your worries," Jackson threatened him. Dean just stayed silent and choked on the lump forming in his throat.
"But I—" Dean started, but Jackson stopped him.
"I don't wanna hear it. You're a player who's trying to play the most innocent person at this school!" Jackson snapped. Dean looked down.
"I'm not trying—"
"Save it!" Jackson ran after Castiel, leaving Dean standing there with all eyes on him. His bright, green eyes filled with tears. He ran out of the cafeteria as fast as he could. He started to whisper to himself.
"I'm not trying to play him. I'm completely whipped for this boy. All I wanted to do was show him how tough I am." Dean wiped some stray tears away and slid down the lockers. He buried his head into his hands and cried his eyes out, something he never did.

The final bell of the day rang and Castiel's mind immediately went to his tutor session with Dean. He got annoyed just thinking about Dean.
"What are you gonna do about the tutoring?" Jackson asked him, as they walked towards the front doors.
"Skip it," Castiel replied coldly. Jackson looked stunned. Castiel has never skipped anything before. "You can come over to my house and we can hang out." Jackson nodded.
"Sounds good to me," he smiled. Castiel and Jackson walked to Castiel's house, not even thinking about Dean. For the first time in the past week, Castiel's mind wasn't on Dean and it felt great. He didn't even feel guilty about ditching Dean. Him and Jackson had an awesome time walking to Castiel's house, passing jokes back and forth, talking about tomorrow's football game.

After half an hour, Dean sighed and cleaned his books up. He walked out of the library with tears running down his cheeks.
"How could Cas just ditch me?" He asked himself. He looked down at the sidewalk the whole way home. He couldn't stop thinking about Castiel and why he ditched him. He was on time and was excited to hang out with Cas after he had avoided him all day. He couldn't understand what he did wrong.
As Dean walked up to his house, he looked back at Castiel's house. He sighed as he saw Jackson in Castiel's bedroom window. Now, he understood why Castiel ditched him. Dean decided to study for his upcoming math test on his own. He spread his books out on his bed, prepared to study, when his dad called him downstairs.
"You got into a fight?" His dad yelled at him, as Dean walked into the living room. Dean sighed.
"Dad, I'm sor—" his dad cut him off with a slap to the side of the head. Dean just looked at the ground and sighed.
"That's not the role model I want for Sammy!" He yelled. Dean just stayed silent and nodded along.
"Keep it up and you'll have a lot more than that bruise!"
"Yes, sir," Dean mumbled and started up the stairs. John stopped him halfway up.
"I'm gonna be leaving again. I need you to watch Sammy for the week." Dean nodded.
"Yes, sir." He continued up the stairs and into his room. He sighed as he sat on his bed and looked at the bruises on his arms that were there from his dad because Dean failed a test. Dean felt tears roll down his cheeks, but he quickly wiped them away. If his dad caught him crying, he knew it wouldn't be good. Dean looked at his math textbooks, trying to get Castiel off his mind by studying.

Eventually, Dean saw Jackson leave Castiel's house. He quickly grabbed his phone and texted Castiel.

Hey. Just wanted to let you know that because you ditched me today, I'm studying by myself. No harm done

Castiel heard his phone go off and he grabbed it. He looked at the message that was across his home screen. He groaned as he read Dean's name. He rolled his eyes and opened the message anyway. He scoffed as he read the message. Castiel just threw his phone beside him, on his bed and ignored the message. He left his bedroom and went downstairs to get some food.
"Hey, sweetie," his mom greeted him.
"Hey, mom. Do we have anything I could eat?" Castiel asked his loving mom. She thought for a moment.
"Do you want a bowl of chips?" She asked. Castiel vigorously nodded his head, making his mom laugh. She got a bowl of chips for him and Castiel went back upstairs to his room. He looked at his phone and saw another text from Dean.

You're probably still avoiding me. But, I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry

Castiel growled at Dean's statement.
"He doesn't know what he did?" He said to himself. He rolled his eyes and shoved his phone under his blanket, hoping he wouldn't get distracted by it anymore. He turned on his tv and put his favourite show on Netflix, Friends. He quickly forgot about the whole Dean situation. He enjoyed the rest of his night by watching tv and texting Jackson about tomorrow night's football game.

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