Chapter 10

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The Christmas break was coming to an end and Castiel found himself worrying about school once again. He was sitting on his bed, staring off into space and thinking about school tomorrow. He knew Dean loved him and wanted him and only him, but he didn't think he could stand to see guys all over Dean again. Dean walked into the room and snapped Castiel out of his trance.
"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" Dean asked with his voice full of concern. He went over and sat down beside Castiel. Castiel looked over at Dean and gave him a fake smile.
"Uh," he cleared his throat. "Noth-" he started to lie, but Dean cut him off.
"Don't lie to me. I know something's up," Dean gave him a hard look. Castiel sighed and put his head down in defeat.
"It's stupid, really. But, I just don't think I can stand to see another guy all over you. I know that you love me and only me, but it's just hard," Castiel confessed. Dean gave him a sympathetic smile and pulled Castiel into his chest. Castiel buried his face into Dean's secure warmth and wrapped his arms around Dean's torso.
"I know it's hard. But they can all fuck off. I'm with you and nothing is ever going to change that," Dean comforted his boyfriend. "You're my angel." Castiel smiled at Dean's kind words. He pulled away from Dean and looked him in the eyes.
"Thank you. I love you so much," Castiel whispered. Dean smiled at him and kissed him passionately.
"I love you more," he smiled, making Castiel giggle. "Now, why don't we get some sleep?" Castiel nodded and laid down on Dean's chest. He snuggled into Dean's body and fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Castiel was all ready for school and was slipping his sneakers on. He was waiting for Dean to finish getting his books together.
"Come on, Dean!" Castiel hollered up the stairs, as he stood up and grabbed his backpack. He threw his backpack over his shoulders and slipped it on.
"I'm coming, babe!" Dean hollered back. Castiel heard Dean start thumping down the stairs and he couldn't help but giggle at him. Dean quickly slipped on his logger boots and gave Castiel a kiddy smile. "Ready?" He asked.
"I've been ready for a while," Castiel teased him. "Lets go. Bye, mom!"
"Bye, Ms. Novak!"
"Bye, boys!" Ms. Novak shouted back at the boys. Dean and Castiel walked out the door and into the chilly weather. Castiel shivered a little bit and tried to cover his hands in his coat pockets, but Dean grabbed them. He put Castiel's hands together and blowed in them. He then took Castiel's left hand and held it with his right hand.
"Better?" Dean asked, making Castiel smile at him.
"Better," Castiel replied. Dean and Castiel walked to school together and discussed Castiel's worries some more. Dean gave him kind and reassuring words the whole time, which made Castiel feel better.

It didn't take long for them to reach the school, but when they did, Castiel stopped in front of the doors. He took a deep breath and looked at Dean nervously. Dean gave him a reassuring smile and nodded at him. Castiel took another deep breath and gathered the courage to walked through the doors, with Dean's hand still in his. Everyone smiled at them as they walked by and whispered to their friends about how cute they looked together. Castiel blushed every time he heard someone gossip about him and Dean.
"See, everything's gonna be okay," Dean said to him.
"I guess," Castiel replied, with a sheepish look on his face. Dean leaned over and kissed his cheek, which made a few guys give them a jealous look and a few girls gush at them.
"I wish I had a relationship like that," one of the girls whispered, which boosted Castiel's confidence.
"I wish I was Castiel. He's so lucky," he heard a guy whisper. Dean must've heard him, because what he said next made Castiel weak in the knees.
"Yeah, I bet you do. He's lucky as hell, but I'm luckier because I get to be with him," Dean told the guy. Castiel leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, which made Dean turn bright red and the group of guys scoff and roll their eyes. Castiel and Dean left the group and walked to math class together.

Castiel and Dean were sitting in the crowded cafeteria with the football team, when a girl walked up to them.
"Hi. I just wanted to say that you two are the cutest couple ever! I definitely ship Destiel," she giggled, before she left and went to her table of friends. Dean and Castiel looked at each other and giggled.
"Destiel? I like it," Jackson said, making Castiel blush even more. "And I gotta admit, you two are a pretty cute couple. You're not so bad, Winchester." Dean gave him a proud smile before he quickly kissed Castiel on the lips.
"I've heard people say that we're the cutest couple in the highschool," Castiel added, making the whole football team nod.
"Well, I mean, they're not wrong," Dallas spoke up.

The rest of the lunch period was spent talking about Dean's upcoming birthday, the football game, and just goofing around. Every time a joke was made and Castiel laughed, Dean would watch him with love in his eyes. He love the sound and sight of Castiel laughing. Castiel really had him wrapped around his finger and he didn't even know it. Dean was no doubt, head over heels in love with Castiel. He still couldn't believe that he was finally with him. Castiel pulled his phone out and checked the time.
"Oh shit. Class is gonna start soon, I gotta go," Castiel excused himself. "See ya later!" The football team said their goodbyes, before Dean said something to Castiel.
"Hey, baby? I think I'm gonna talk to Jackson a little bit more. I'll catch up with you in a second," Dean informed him. "I'll meet you by your locker in about 5 minutes."
"Okay," Castiel said and he left the cafeteria. Castiel quickly walked to his locker to gather his books together. Castiel opened his locker and threw some books in there, while digging some out, when a voice startled him.
"Hey, nerd!" Castiel recognized the voice. It was that dude who was hitting on Dean lately. Castiel tried to ignore him, but he grabbed Castiel's sweater and threw him against the lockers. He had a hold of the front of Castiel's sweater and was extremely close to his face.
"Please, just stay away from me," Castiel pleaded, but this guy showed no mercy.
"How about, you stay away from Dean. I want him and he deserves to be with someone like me. Not a pathetic, scrawny, loser like you," he growled at Castiel.
"No," Castiel said.
"What did you just say to me?"
"I said no," Castiel repeated himself. The guy chuckled a little bit, which made Castiel nervous. Before Castiel could process anything, the guy raised his fist and punched Castiel right in the nose. He continued to punch Castiel in the gut, eye and mouth.
"Hey!" A loud voice boomed through the hall. It was Dean. "You get away from him, Ethan!" Ethan immediately dropped Castiel and ran away. Castiel dropped to the floor, clutching onto his stomach with blood dripping from his nose and mouth. Dean ran to Castiel's side and cradled him in his arms. "Hey, baby. I'm here, I'm here. It's okay," Dean comforted him. Castiel started to cry into Dean's chest. "I will never leave you again. I'm so sorry."
"This wasn't your fault," Castiel whispered. "That guy is just a douchebag." Dean kissed the top of Castiel's head and helped him stand up.
"Let's go get you cleaned up," Dean said, as he helped Castiel into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Dean finally got Castiel into the boy's bathroom and had him sitting on the counter. He grabbed some toilet paper and instructed Castiel to stick it in his nose to stop it from bleeding. He then grabbed some paper towel and ran it under cold water. He began to clean the cut that was on Castiel's bottom lip. Castiel winced when the wet paper towel touched his tender cut.
"Shh. It's okay, baby. I'll beat him up if he comes near me or you again," Dean whispered with anger clear in his voice. Castiel just chuckled a little bit. "You'll definitely need ice for your eye and how's your stomach?"
"Tender, but better," Castiel answered. Dean just nodded in response. "I love my doctor Dean." Dean chuckled.
"You're such an idiot," Dean teased him. Castiel just shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe I am, but I'm only an idiot for you," Castiel replied, making Dean blush a little bit. Dean took the paper towel and threw it in the trash. He grabbed another paper towel and ran it under cold water.
"Here. Keep this on your lip. We'll go to the principal's office and you'll tell him everything. We'll be able to go home early. He'll also give you ice," Dean explained. Castiel nodded and walked to the principal's office with Dean.

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