Chapter 11

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     The week had passed by slowly for Castiel. The principal advised him to stay home for the week after his encounter with Ethan. Dean had to continue to go to school, so Castiel missed him most of the time. Castiel was currently laying on his bed, playing some games on his phone, when he saw his bedroom door open. His face immediately lit up when he saw Dean walk through the door.
     "Dean!" He exclaimed. Dean walked over to Castiel and wrapped him up in a long, passionate hug. He pulled away, only for a second, to kiss Castiel on the lips.
     "Hey, baby. I missed you," Dean whispered into the crook of Castiel's neck. Castiel smiled and took in Dean's embrace.
     "I missed you more," he whispered back, making Dean giggle. Dean pulled away and curled up on the bed beside Castiel. Castiel immediately snuggled into Dean's chest and smiled to himself. He was happy that Dean was finally home from school, even though he just saw him this morning.
     "So, I was thinking," Dean started, catching Castiel's attention. Castiel lifted his head and looked up at Dean, waiting for him to continue. "Why don't we go on a date tonight, if you're feeling better." Castiel smiled brightly at his boyfriend's idea.
     "I'd love to. Where are we gonna go?" Castiel asked. Dean thought for a moment.
     "How about that really nice restaurant around the corner," Dean suggested. Castiel nodded.
     "Sounds perfect."
     "Perfect. You go get ready, I will to. I'll see you at six," Dean smiled. "That should be plenty of time to get ready." Castiel smiled and nodded. He jumped up out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

     Castiel grabbed a towel and stepped into the bathroom. He hung his towel on the railing he had installed when him and his mom moved in. He walked over to the shower and turned the water on. He slowly started to strip his clothes off. He grabbed his phone and turned his shower playlist on and stepped into the warm shower. He quietly sang along to the words of the Elvis song that rang through the bathroom, as he washed his body.
     "Wise men say only fools rush in," he sang with his soothing voice.

     Castiel took his time in the shower, since he knew he had time. He stepped out of the shower about an hour later and wrapped the towel around his waist, showing off his toned stomach. He didn't have abs like Dean, but he was still quite slim. He grabbed his phone, the music still playing, and walked into his bedroom to get dressed. He searched his dressers and closet until he found an outfit that was casual, but fitting for a date. He dried himself off and slowly started to put his outfit on. After he slipped his underwear on, he threw his dark, blue jeans on, along with a black, white, grey and maroon flannel. He rolled the flannel's sleeves half way up his arms, then smiled at himself in the mirror. He grabbed his comb and quickly combed through his hair, until it was positioned how he wanted it to be. He went back into the bathroom and brushed his teeth quickly. He took one last look at himself in the mirror and smiled, happy with himself. He grabbed his phone and checked the time.
     "Holy shit," he whispered to himself. He didn't see how much the time had passed. It was already quarter to 6. He ran downstairs and searched the closet at the front door for some nice shoes, but couldn't find any. He shrugged his shoulders and slipped his sneakers on. "Dean won't care." As soon as he said this, he wondered where Dean was. He hadn't seen him all night. Castiel walked into the kitchen and found his mom standing there. "Hey, mom? Have you seen Dean?" Ms. Novak stopped cooking her food and turned to face Castiel.
     "Well, he grabbed some clothes and some hygiene items and left. He said he was going to get ready somewhere," Ms. Novak recalled. Castiel gave her a confused look and just nodded. Just then, the doorbell rang.
     "I'll get it," Castiel said and he left the kitchen to go answer the front door. He opened the door and giggled when he saw Dean standing there, flowers in his hand. Dean's mouth feel open and his eyes widened when he saw Castiel. He whistled at his boyfriend.
     "Damn, you clean up good," he complimented Castiel. Castiel chuckled and took the flowers.
     "You don't look too bad yourself," he giggled. Dean laughed at Castiel's teasing. Castiel set the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table, knowing his mom would put them in a vase full of water.
"Well, are you ready to go?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. I'm all ready," Castiel said, as his mom walked in the living room and gasped at the sight of them. Her eyes started to fill with tears, making Castiel giggle at her.
"I need a picture of you guys before you go," Ms. Novak said, she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Dean wrapped his arm around Castiel's waist and Castiel did the same to Dean. They both looked at the camera and smiled wide. Ms. Novak snapped the picture and then said her goodbyes to the boys.

Castiel and Dean walked through the doors of the restaurant and smiled at the waiter standing there, greeting guests as they walked through the doors.
"Table for two?" He asked.
"Yes, please," Castiel replied. The waiter nodded, grabbed two menus, and led Dean and Castiel to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, which was the only table available. Dean and Castiel sat across from each other, while the waiter placed the menus down in front of them.
"Wow. It's busy tonight," Dean said, while giving Castiel a nervous smile. Castiel giggled at how nervous Dean was to be on a date. Castiel reached across the table and held Dean's hands in his.
"Dean, don't be nervous. I'm already stuck with you, so you don't have to worry about making a good first impression on me," Castiel teased him. Dean laughed at Castiel's fake insult. The waiter came back with a small notepad and pen in his hand.
"Good evening. My name's Liam and I'll be your waiter for tonight. What can I get you to drink tonight?" Liam asked, as he got his pen and notepad ready. Dean and Castiel thought for a moment.
"Can I get a Pepsi, please?" Castiel asked. Liam nodded and wrote Castiel's order down. He turned to Dean, waiting for his order.
"Make that two Pepsi's, please," Dean said. The waiter nodded and left them alone again. Dean stared out the window, trying to think of a good conversation starter. He didn't understand why it was so hard for him to have a conversation with Castiel at the moment, he does it all the time. He's been with Castiel for about three months now, but Castiel still made him weak in the knees.
"So, I was thinking, for your birthday, we can just do whatever you want," Castiel broke the silence, which made Dean relieved. Dean finally looked at Castiel and shot him a nice smile.
"Yeah. That sounds good. I'll have to think about what I wanna do," Dean replied, making Castiel nod. The waiter came back with their drinks and took their orders.

The rest of the night was spent talking about Dean's birthday and just some causal conversation about themselves. Castiel told Dean more about himself and Dean told Castiel more about himself, as well. The waiter came to the table with the bill and Castiel reached for it, but Dean swatted his hand away.
"Ah ah ah," Dean teased Castiel. "I'm paying tonight." Castiel blushed at Dean's chivalry and decided it was best not to argue with Dean. He let Dean pay for the meal and left the restaurant happily with him. "So, I had a great time tonight," Dean said.
"Yeah, me too. Thank you, Dean. I love you so much and I'm so lucky to have you," Castiel replied, making Dean blush.
"I love you more," he answered back. Castiel giggled at him, pulled his black tie that he had on, and kissed him passionately.
"By the way, I love the suit that you have on," Castiel whispered to Dean, before winking at him. Dean's eyes widened, shocked by Castiel's behaviour. "Let's go home." Dean and Castiel held hands while they walked home, ready to go to bed.

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