Chapter 15

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It was the last day of school and the exam results were being posted today. Between the results and prom, everyone at Lebanon Highschool was stressed out and nervous, but not as much as Dean. Dean needed to do well on the exams and he needed prom to be perfect. He had a huge surprise for Castiel. Castiel was hanging out on the football field with the team, just talking about the results and how everyone thinks they did.
"I think I did alright," Jackson stated. The football team nodded.
"I think you did amazing," Castiel smiled at Jackson, causing him to blush like crazy.
"Thanks, smartie. But I think you did the best out of everyone in the school," Jackson returned the compliment. Castiel sheepishly smiled and looked down at his feet, while shrugging. Just then, they saw Dean walk onto the field, looking very nervous. All eyes were on Dean.
"What's wrong, Dean?" Castiel asked, concerned. Dean gulped and looked around at the team.
"The results are posted now," Dean broke the news to everyone. The whole team looked around at eachother and then looked at Castiel, who looked the most nervous. He wasn't nervous about his results, he was nervous about Dean's.
"Well, lets go take a look," Castiel hesitantly said. Everyone nodded and headed to the board that held the results. There was a huge crowd of students, who were desperately trying to look at their scores. When Dean and Castiel walked up to the crowd, all of the students look surprised at Dean, which only made him more nervous. They created room for Dean and Castiel to slip by and look at their scores. Castiel's jaw dropped and his eyes widened when he looked. He turned and smiled brightly at Dean. Dean was frozen on the spot, until Castiel shook him lightly. Dean sighed in relief and scooped Castiel into his arms. He placed a soft, passionate kiss on Castiel's lips.
"I did it, baby!" Dean exclaimed. Castiel nodded and just continued to smile.
"You did it! I'm so proud of you!" Castiel cheered.
"I'm more proud of you," Dean whispered. Castiel blushed and smiled shyly at Dean. "You did amazing!"
"What did Dean do?" Jackson asked, approaching the two.
"Dean has the second best results out of the whole school!" Castiel exclaimed, making Jackson's eyes widen.
"Congrats, Winchester!" Jackson smiled, as he playfully punched Dean's arm.
"Thanks. But we should be celebrating Cas. He got the best results out of the school!" Dean smiled, while looking at Castiel. Jackson smiled brightly at Castiel and gave him a big hug.
"Congrats, smartie! I'm so proud of you!" Castiel gave Jackson a shy smile.
"We need to go celebrate! Ice cream, anyone?" Dallas suggested, just as the final bell of their highschool experience rang.
"Hell yeah!" Castiel smiled, making everyone look surprised at him. No one was really used to Castiel swearing or using any form of profanity. But, everyone shrugged it off their shoulders and they all headed to the ice cream parlour.

About two hours had passed and everyone was saying their goodbyes.
"I'll see you tonight at prom," Castiel said to Jackson.
"Alright, smartie. See ya," Jackson waved bye to Castiel. Everyone went their separate ways, to get ready for prom.
"So, who's Jackson going to prom with?" Dean asked, as they walked home.
"I'm not sure, exactly. He was pretty secretive about that. I know Dallas is going with his girlfriend, Cassidy," Castiel explained. Dean nodded his head along. The two of them walked all the way home, while making small talk about college, prom, and the future. They talked a lot about the future. How they were gonna have two kids, a dog, a cat, a nice house out in the country and things like that.

Castiel was in the bathroom putting his suit on and combing through his hair, while Dean was at his old house getting ready. He didn't want to spoil anything and see Castiel before their designated pick up time. Castiel brushed his teeth quickly and looked at himself one more time in the mirror.
"I'm ready, mom!" He called downstairs. He heard his mom squeal and grab her phone. He laughed softly to himself at his mom.
"Okay! I'm ready!" She called back. Castiel started to descend down the stairs, while his mom filmed him and took as many pictures as she could. Castiel smiled at the camera every so often, making sure she got some nice pictures. She finally put her phone down and ran over to Castiel, hugging him. "You look absolutely handsome, sweetie."
"Thanks, mom," Castiel replied, while wiping one of his mom's tears away. Just then, the doorbell rang and Castiel knew it was Dean. Castiel rushed to the door and gasped when he saw Dean standing there, in a suit, with his hair gelled up and strong cologne on. "Damn," Castiel whispered, while smiling at Dean.
"I could say the same thing. You look very handsome, Cas," Dean replied, while pulling Castiel into a loving hug.
"Let me get a picture of you two!" Ms. Novak exclaimed, as she grabbed her phone again. Dean and Castiel did multiple poses in front of the door, before saying their goodbyes to Ms. Novak and walking outside. When they left the house, Castiel gasped, while Dean smirked at him.
"You got us a limo?" Castiel asked, with excitement thick in his voice.
"I told you. Everything's gonna be perfect tonight," Dean replied, smiling brightly at Castiel. Castiel pulled Dean into a quick kiss, before rushing over to the limo. Dean opened the door for Castiel and shut it when Castiel was situated in his seat. Dean ran over to the other side and sat down beside Castiel. "Ready?"
"Ready!" The limo driver pulled away from Castiel's house and drove off to the school. Castiel stared out the window, a little bit nervous but mostly excited. Dean stared at Castiel, nervously. He discreetly reached his hand into the inner pocket of his jacket and felt the ring box sitting there, which only made him more nervous.

The limo finally pulled up to the school, which had students flooding into it. Dean stepped out of the limo and walked around to open the door for Castiel. All eyes were on them, causing Castiel to blush and Dean to take Castiel's hand, reassuringly. The two of them walked in the front doors and made their way to the gymnasium. When they walked in, they looked around in awe. The gym was full of decorations, party lights, loud music, and students. Castiel looked to his right and immediately spotted Jackson at the food table. Dean and Castiel walked over to Jackson.
"Hey, Jackson," Castiel smiled at him.
"Castiel! Looking good!" Jackson complimented his best friend.
"Thanks. You too. So, where's your date?" Castiel asked, while looking around. Just then, a tall, good looking guy walked up to them.
"Hi. I'm Noah," Noah shook Dean and Castiel's hands. Castiel and Dean introduced themselves. "Oh, I know who you guys are. Jackson doesn't stop talking about you, Castiel. Besides, you two are the hottest couple in this highschool." Castiel blushed when Noah said that Jackson talks about him a lot.

About two hours had passed and Dean and Castiel were dancing together to an upbeat song, when all of a sudden the mood changed. Can't Help Falling In Love started playing through the gym, which made Castiel start to tear up. He started to think about Dean's promposal and the first time Dean walked home with him. He couldn't believe how far they had come. Dean pulled Castiel in close and started to slow dance with him.
"This will always be our song. I love you so much, baby. Never forget that," Dean whispered. Castiel smiled against Dean's chest.
"I love you more," he whispered, making Dean chuckle.
Once the song was over, the principal walked onto the stage with a microphone in his hand. All of the students turned their attention to him.
"Hello, everyone. I hope you're all having a good time," he started. All of the students cheered. "That's good. Well, now it's that time of the night to announce our prom king and queen. Our prom king is," he paused. He opened the envelope in his hands and his eyes widened when he read the name. "It looks like we have two prom kings this year. Congratulations to Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak!" He cheered into the mic. Castiel and Dean shared the same shocked expression. The crowd of students went crazy for them. They were all cheering, whistling and clapping for them. Castiel and Dean finally snapped out of their trance and walked up to the stage. Once they were on stage, they were crowned and given the traditional Prom King and Queen dance. But, in this case, it was the Prom King and King dance. They smiled lovingly into each other's eyes and danced away, making other couples join them on the floor.

Prom had died down a little bit within the hour. Castiel was saying goodbye to everyone on the football team, even though he'd see them over the summer. Dean and Castiel were leaving as well.
"Why don't we walk home?" Dean suggested, causing Castiel to give him a confused look and tilt his head, which Dean thought was the cutest thing.
"Whatever you wanna do," Castiel replied, making Dean give him a cute smile. Dean grabbed Castiel's hand and started to walk home with him, but turned on one of the corners. "Where are we going?" Castiel asked, making Dean smirk at him.
"It's a surprise," Dean responded. Castiel just shrugged his shoulders and went along with it. They turned another corner, which Castiel knew all too well. They entered the park that they went to every time they got ice cream. Dean walked Castiel over to "their" bench and sat him down. Castiel smiled at him, a little bit confused, but fine with it. He traced his fingers over the D+C in the middle of a heart that they had engraved into the bench a few weeks ago. Dean started to sweat, clearly nervous about something.
"Dean, what's going on?" Castiel asked. Dean smiled brightly at him and started to rant.
"Cas, baby. I don't know who I'd be or where I'd be without you. You're my smile, my laugh, my best friend, my world, my everything. Without you nothing makes sense. I love you with every piece of me and I'll continue to love you until my dying breath. There are no words that explain how much I love you and how much you mean to me. But I'll spend the rest of my life trying to show you, if you let me," Dean said, through tears. By the end of this, Castiel was crying. Dean dug into his coat pocket and got down on one knee. He pulled the ring box out and opened it, to reveal a silver ring, that matched the one on his hand. "I know we're too young, but we can get married when we're old enough. So, Castiel Novak, will you marry me?" Castiel gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. He cried even harder with Dean's question.
"Yes! Yes! Of course I will!" Castiel exclaimed, while nodding his head vigorously. Dean smiled like a little kid when he heard Castiel's answer. Dean quickly slid the ring onto Castiel's left ring finger and scooped him into a long, tight hug. He placed a long, passionate kiss on Castiel's soft lips. Both of them were more than happy with their new engagement. "I love you," Castiel whispered.
"I love you more," Dean whispered back, making Castiel smile like crazy. "And it's insane to think that all of this happened because of a few kisses in the closet," he added, before kissing Castiel again.

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