Chapter 6

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     Castiel woke up and looked up at Dean, who was still sleeping. He smiled to himself as he listened to Dean's steady breathing. He loved how calm and peaceful Dean looked while he was sleeping. He studied Dean's face carefully, memorizing every detail. He even tried counting all of Dean's freckles that were scattered across his nose. He ran his hand through Dean's spiked up, sandy brown hair. He cuddled himself back into Dean's chest and smiled to himself.
     Not too long after, Dean woke up. He looked down at Castiel and smiled. He put his head down and kissed the top of Castiel's head.
     "Morning, Cas," he whispered. His voice was deep and raspy, but Castiel loved his voice in the morning. Castiel looked up at him and pecked him on the lips.
     "Morning, Dean," he replied. "Good thing there's no school today." Dean chuckled and nodded. "So what do you wanna do today? My mom's gone all weekend." Dean thought for a moment.
     "Wanna go get some ice cream?" He asked.
     "Are you asking me on a date?" Castiel asked with a smirk on his face. Dean quickly caught on.
"No. Like I said, we're just friends. So what do you say?" He replied with sarcasm in his voice. Castiel giggled.
"Fine," he said, as he planted a kiss on Dean's lips. "I'll go get ice cream with you. But before anything, I have to tell Jackson that we're together." Dean's face dropped and a lump caught in his throat.
"O-oh. Y-you do?" He stuttered, making Castiel giggle at how scared he was.
"Yes. I gotta let him know. Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you, tough guy." Dean nervously laughed. Castiel got up off of the bed and grabbed his phone. He scrolled through his contacts until he found Jackson. He pressed the call button and put his phone up to his ear, waiting for Jackson to answer.
"Hello?" Jackson's voice came from the other end of the line. It was laced with sleep.
"Hey, Jackson. There's something I have to tell you," Castiel started. Jackson cleared his throat and suddenly got very serious.
"Castiel, is everything okay?" He asked. Castiel looked over at Dean, nervously. Dean walked over to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He kissed his shoulder, giving him comfort. Castiel took a deep breath.
"Jackson, I-I'm with Dean now." Jackson stayed silent.
"What do you mean?" Jackson asked. Castiel rephrased his earlier statement.
"Dean is my boyfriend now." Jackson went silent again.
"Castiel! You are not gonna be one of his make out buddies!" Jackson shouted, making Castiel flinch.
"B-but—" Castiel started, but Dean softly took the phone from him.
"Jackson! Hey!" Dean said. Jackson growled.
"Listen here, Winchester!" He started, but Dean cut him off.
"Jackson, listen. I'm in love with Cas. Now, I promise you he's not just one of my make out buddies. I asked him to be my boyfriend," Dean explained. Jackson just sighed in defeat.
"Fine. But if you hurt him, so help me!" Jackson threatened. Dean just chucked and nodded.
"I'm not gonna hurt him, I promise." Jackson said goodbye and hung up. Dean placed Castiel's phone on the desk and turned to face Castiel. He held his arms out, which Castiel accepted. He cuddled into Dean's chest and took in his scent of campfires and pine trees.
"Thank you," Castiel whispered. Dean chuckled and kissed Castiel's head.
     "Anytime, babe." Castiel smiled to himself at Dean's new nickname for him. "So, what about that ice cream?"
     "Yeah, okay. Just let me get changed," Castiel said. Dean nodded and left the room to give Castiel some privacy. Castiel looked through his dresser until he found a decent outfit. He threw on his dark blue jeans, a plain black t-shirt and threw a plain black hoodie over top of his shirt. He quickly combed his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. When he was content with himself, he opened his bedroom door and saw Dean leaning against the wall, looking at his phone. Castiel cleared his throat and Dean looked up.
     "Ready to go?" He asked. Castiel nodded and Dean smiled at him. Castiel followed Dean downstairs, where both of them threw on their shoes. Castiel grabbed his wallet, phone, and house keys. He walked outside with Dean and locked the front door. When Castiel was finished, Dean grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers again. The whole way to the ice cream parlour, Dean was whispering sweet nothings into Castiel's ear, just to make him blush and to see his soft smile.
     The boys walked into the small ice cream parlour and ordered their usual ice cream flavours. They payed for their ice cream and left.
     "Wanna sit at a picnic table?" Castiel asked, while pointing towards an empty picnic table beside a small pond, under a willow tree.
     "Whatever you want," Dean sweetly replied. Castiel nodded and grabbed Dean's wrist. He dragged Dean over to the picnic table, while Dean giggled at his boyfriend's eagerness. Castiel took a seat on one side and Dean sat down on the other side. They spent a good two hours there, just talking and getting to know eachother better.

Dean and Castiel were cuddling on Castiel's couch when Castiel broke the silence.
"Dean, what will everyone at school say about us?" He asked, nervously. Dean looked down at him and chuckled a little bit.
"Cas, it doesn't matter. We love eachother and you bet your ass we're gonna be the cutest damn couple at that highschool." Castiel blushed at Dean's response. He leaned up and planted a soft kiss on Dean's lips.
"I love you so much," Castiel whispered. Dean smirked at him.
"I love you too." Castiel snuggled back into Dean's chest and listened to his heartbeat as he slowly fell asleep.

     Castiel woke up with his head laying on a pillow. He looked around for Dean, but he was gone. Castiel slowly got up and rubbed the remains of sleep out of his eyes. He looked over and saw a note sitting on the small coffee table beside the couch. He got up and walked over to the coffee table. He slowly picked up the note and read it.
I'm so sorry, baby. I had to go because I have to keep an eye on Sammy. I'll be back later tonight because Sammy's going to another friend's house. We're gonna end this weekend perfectly. I promise you. I love you. See you soon. Xoxo
     Love, Dean
     Castiel smiled at Dean's sweet and thoughtful note. He folded the note and slipped it into his back pocket. Castiel walked into the kitchen and searched the cabinets for anything he could snack on while he watched tv.

     Castiel was laying in bed watching tv, when his phone went off. He paused the episode of Friends and grabbed his phone, checking who was calling him. It was Jackson.
     "Hello?" Castiel answered.
     "Hey, Cas. I just wanted to see how you were doing," Jackson replied. Castiel chuckled slightly at Jackson's thoughtfulness.
     "I'm fine, Jackson. I'm happy with Dean. I promise you." Jackson sighed.
     "Okay. I just wanted to check. I gotta go because I'm at football practice. Bye."
     "Bye," Castiel said as he hung up. He went to his contacts list and clicked on Dean. He pressed the call button and raised his phone to his ear.
     "Hey, Cas," Dean greeted him from the other end of the line. Castiel smiled at the sound of Dean's voice. "What's up?"
     "I just wanted to hear your voice," Castiel replied, with a wide smile across his face. He heard Dean let out a small giggle.
     "You're so cheesy, but I love you. I'll be back soon, I promise," Dean replied. Castiel smiled.
     "Okay. Bye, I love you more." Dean said his goodbye and hung up. Castiel set his phone down beside him and sighed. He wished the time would pass quicker so he could be wrapped up in Dean's arms again. He grabbed the tv remote and continued to watch his favourite tv show. He tried to concentrate, but Dean kept going through his head. He didn't mind, though. He loved Dean and he loved that he couldn't get the eldest Winchester off his mind.

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