Preface: The Accident

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* Preface*

*Jacob's POV*

Everything seemed to be crashing down around me. I watched in horror as our car raced down the hill sideways toward on coming trees. This is how it was all going to end. We slammed into on coming trees, jerking our bodies forward. My head smashed into the dashboard making a thick black feeling creep into my vision. I laid hunched over in my seat, head resting in a pool of my own blood, and maybe even a little of Seth's. I struggled to regain vision into my eyes. Seth laid slumped over the steering wheel in the driver seat next to me. His eyes where closed, and blood gushed out of his nose, and a long gash stretched its way down his face. He wasn't breathing, and a scary amount of blood coated his shirt. But right now my main concern was to get myself out of this car, before something else happens to me.

All I knew was we had hit another car head on, and there was no way anyone could survive this. I slipped my shirt off and bunched into a tight ball and pressed it to my forehead, in an attempt to staunch the bleeding. But it seemed in a matter of seconds, the blood was already soaking through. It was cold and raining, and every time the rain touched my body, it felt like someone was sending an electric pulse through out my body.

My ankle was twisted in a weird fashion and was swelling inside my shoe to the point someone was going to have to cut off my shoe. Cuts and bruises laid scattered across my body, but other than that I was not seriously hurt, or I lease hope not. I didn't know how bad my head trauma would be since Seth and I went slamming into the trees at forty miles a hour. My t-shirt was stained with blood, and my ankle had now tripled in sizes. I had to find help for myself, before I die.

I started the slow and painful climb up the step hill. The mud made it impossible to get a good footing, causing extreme pain every time I slipped. Everything around me had a eerie type of silence which made icy fear shoot through my body. I had to make it to the road, and flag someone down for help, there was no other option. I dug my hands into the damp mud and pulled my body further up the hill. I could see where the car had broken through the guard rail . The metal was bent and mangled at odd angles. My body began to shake, and my vision was becoming too blurry for me to see anything in front of my face. 

I pulled my self to the road and rolled onto my back. My fingertips where numb from the ice cold mud, and my chest ached from dragging myself across the asphalt. My whole body ached from climbing and the wound on my head still hadn't stopped bleeding. Everything was going fuzzy around me. I could hear the distant screeching of the sirens. I whispered a small prayer to myself, even though I'm not one for religion. I blinked a few times and glanced at the car we struck. 

The hood was smashed in, and blood was smeared all over the wind shield. I thought I caught a glimpse of short blond hair slumped against the windshield, but there was to much blood to tell. Blood was pooling out of the driver side door, making hot vomit creep up the back of my throat. Everything seemed out of a horror movie, and I was stuck right in the middle of it. I closed my eyes, and when I reopened them again, red fuzzy lights where blinking right next to me. A man and woman where crouched down next to me, putting something around my neck, and gently lifting me up. I wanted to fight back, but had no strength left. The accident and all the climbing had pushed my body more than it had ever been pushed before.

"Three are dead, and this one is going into shock and hypothermia, get a fire blanket over him and keep him awake, we don't know the full extent of head trauma. The couple in car they struck died instantly, and the young male in the car down there, died of massive head trauma, and a collapsed lung." I heard a man speak in a ruff tone. Three? That means Seth and whoever was in the car we hit had died.

"Careful." A woman spoke gently.

"Sweetie? Can you tell me your name?" My name? MY NAME? There was three dead people out there, and this woman wants to know my name? I closed my eyes and focused on my labored breathing.

"Stay awake." I felt her lay a warm hand on mine. My finger twitched at her touch. I wanted to scream at her for touching me. " Sweet heart open your eyes." She ran her free hand down my cheek. I tried to jerk my head away, but the brace prevent me from moving.

"It's going to be okay." she whispered. Tears instantly welled up in my eyes and spilled over. The last thing I wanted to do was start crying, but something inside me told me nothing was ever going to be okay again.

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