Chapter 8 : A new feeling

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*Jacob's POV*

Hannah pulled her hand away from mine and pushed her way out of the car. Adrenaline pumped through out my body. Not just from the incident at the intersection, but holding her hand. Everything about her set every nerve in body on fire.

I grabbed the half empty water bottle and pushed open the passenger side door and leaned up against the hot car. I yanked my crutches out of the back seat, and balanced my self on them.

Hannah was already through the front door of the house, when I finally made me way up the small concrete stairs.

"I'm going to change, the living room is too your left." The house had a eerie emptiness too it. My eyes darted around the fairly large house. What kind of people lived here? The floors where a nice deep color of brown, and the walls where painted a light shade of gray.

I stepped closer to one of the tables and notice the photos sitting on a lace cover, covering most of the top. Most where of Hannah, and sitting next to a few of the frames where candles and a couple of dying roses. I gently picked up a glass picture frame and stared at the girl in the picture.

Her hair was short and framed her face well. She was sitting on a rock, pointing up into the trees, laughing. She was surrounded by  what look like a fairly dense jungle. A small stream ran behind where she was sitting.  Her lips where coated in a light shade of red lipstick and she was wearing a blue tank top, with red shorts. The light reflected off of her skin lightly, giving her a natural color. A sparkly glowed inside her eyes.

I gently place the picture down, and picked up another. Again her hair was short, but this time it  was wavy, and instead of standing in the middle of a jungle, she was now standing on a beach with her back toward the camera. She was wearing a pink two piece bikini, with a white beaded sarong tied around her waist. She had her arm hanging lightly from her side, reflecting the light. The sun was setting far in the distance, and the colors seemed to be swirling around her. Photo after photo showed a beautiful girl, full of life and love.

"Yeah, I used to like taking photos. I was real big on photography." I glanced up at Hannah, who was standing at the top of the stairs. She was wearing gray sweat pants with a light blue tank top. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail behind her head. 

"That's you?" I glanced down at the picture and back at her. The girl in both photos, had life to her eyes beautiful eyes, but the girl I was looking, looked like someone had dragged her through hell and back.

"What happen?" I meant to keep the question to myself. She quietly made her way to my side and stared at her former self.

"I don't know, I've just changed." She gave a slight shrugged. " I had more photos, but when my parents died, I packed everything that had to do with them away." She drew in a long breath. " Are you hungry or anything?"

I shifted my gaze, so I wouldn't be looking at her anymore. " I'll have some water to drink."

"Okay, just meet me in the living room, I'll be right back." She turned away and entered the kitchen. I quietly made my way into the living room, and was suddenly in awe.

The living room was fairly large, with a white carpet underneath the black and gray furniture. I propped my crunches against the wall, and limped my way to the love seat.

"Here you go." She handed me a small glass cup.

She grabbed a black remote off the small table and sat on the couch across from me. She was holding a Disney mug, with stars splattered across it. She curled her self into a tiny ball and stared mindlessly at the t.v. I peered at Hannah and a slight sadness filled my chest. I didn't deserve for her to be so nice to me, I didn't deserve anyone treating me so kind, like she has.

"Why are you staring at me?" She smiled, still staring at the t.v.

"I'm not." I snapped.

"Liar." She took a sip of her drink and shifted slightly in her chair.

"I was not staring at you!" I whined.

"You where too, now stop denying it." She laughed.

I was silent for a moment. " Shut up." I hissed.

She sat straight up and placed her cup on the small end table. She shifted around where she would be facing me. " Don't be a such a ass, I was just kidding. You need to learn how to relax yourself, cause if you keep going this way, you're going to have a heart attack."I was taken back by her for a second, then smiled. She gave me a slight wink and turned back toward the t.v. I slouched into the love seat and closed my eyes. 


"Jacob? Hey Jacob, Jacob wake up." I sat up with a jerk upright as my eyes flew open, darting around the room. My heart began to race. How long have I been asleep? Oh God, I was going to have to be driven home in the dark.

"Hey, Hey! Relax, you're fine, I just wanted to let you know, your mom called about a hour ago, I told her you where fine and I would drive you home later." Hannah placed her hand on my face. Her eyes where a soft green color, and her lips where twitched up into a cunning smile.

"What time is it?" I choked.

"About 7:30, you've been asleep since two." For a brief moment she looked like the girl in the photos. She pulled her hand away and stumbled back to the edge of the couch.

I gave her a slight smile. " Sorry for falling asleep." I ran my fingers through my hair. " I didn't mean to take such a power nap, I just don't sleep much anymore." She got to her feet and grabbed my cup from the floor.

"I know the feeling, Just relax, if you want you can stay over. I usually don't stay here anymore anyway. I usually stay with Nina, down the street, so if you want to spend the night here, I have a spare bedroom you can stay in." She entered the kitchen.

I pondered the thought for a moment, before blurting out. " Why are you being so nice to me?" She popped her head  around the corner as she washed the cups.

"What do you mean?" She called.

"I don't deserve anyone to be this nice to me." I reached out for my crunches.

"Why not?" She gave a slight sigh as she cleaned her hands off on her pants.

I glanced away from her. " I just don't." I lowered my voice. 

She titled her head to the side and a smug grin spread across her face. " I think everyone deserve to be treated with a little bit of kindness. No matter what you have done, you should always have that one person who can always brighten your day." She sat on the edge of the love seat.

I adjusted myself to wear I would be sitting straight up. " Trust me, I don't deserve any type of kindness."

She was still for the longest of moments before she spoke. " My mom always taught me, to be kind to everyone. No matter what a person has done in their life, they always deserve a little kindness. It doesn't matter if they are a drug addict, or a teenager with some issues." She grabbed a hold of my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

I looked into her eyes and smiled. " Thanks." I mumbled. She didn't say anything after that. I counted to stare into her eyes,wondering what about her made my heart beat faster, yet slower at the same moment.

I didn't know what I was feeling in this moment, but all I knew it felt right. Sitting with Hannah, listening to her talk, even just looking at her, seemed to make all the hurt and pain just disappear for one fleeting moment.

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