Chapter 2: Fresh Start

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 *Jacob's POV*

*3 Months later* 

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" My mom gave me a wide cautious grin. It was to early for her to be this dam happy, and quite it was getting on my last nerve. I rubbed my temples, and gave a annoyed sigh. My mom had repeated the same thing the whole ride to school. 

'Do you need help or do you want me to help you carry that book bag to your locker.' My head felt like it was ready to explode. I tried to explain to her, just cause my ankle was broken, doesn't mean I'm in capable of doing this for my self. 

"Mom I really don't need your help." I tried to keep my tone light an friendly, but it seemed to be growing increasingly difficult with her. 

"Are you sure? This morning you looked like you where having a hard time getting down the stairs-" I just couldn't take it anymore. 

"Dammit mom, I'm fine! I can do this, okay? I don't need you breathing down my neck anymore! Everything is going to be fine!" I snapped. My mother recoiled in a mix of pain and shock. She had been nothing but passionate to me for the last three months. She cared for me, brought me things, even had to help me get around, I could tell these past three months tested her love for me, and every agonizing day it was just growing harder for her.

Tear glisten in the back of her eyes." Okay Jacob. Have a good day." She turned away from me. I could feel the hurt in her voice. It made my heart ache to know how much I hurt her, I knew my mother only wanted to best for me.

I parted my lips to apologize but decide against it. I sighed heavily and pushed open the passenger  door. I hopped out of the seat and grabbed out to the rear door handle. I yanked it open and slung my book bag on my back and grabbed my crutches. 

"Bye mom." I mumbled. She flashed me a pain filled fake smile, and as soon as I slammed the back door closed. Without missing a beat she drove off, with out looking back. Probably glad that she would have at least eight hours of peace, before she would have to come and pick me up.

 School was the last place I wanted to be. For the past three months I was hiding from the miserable truth, and now I would have it slap me in the face everyday. My mom had to fight the police, to keep my name anonymous after the accident. It seemed they where eager to ruin my whole life,  blaming this whole thing on me. Since I was the only survivor, the police needed someone to blame, and it seemed I was just the perfect person to pin it all on. Two young teenage boys, who got wasted and high at a party, and the lack of judgement from either one of us. Since Seth was dead, they wanted me to be their scape goat.

I was living in my own personal hell now a days. I tried unsuccessfully to return to my old life a few weeks ago. I tried hanging out with my old friends, but something felt wrong. Everyone mourned the death of Seth together, since he was the co-captain on the soccer team and it seemed everyone was in love with him, but I just couldn't cry. Girls would come to me sobbing their makeup off telling me how much they loved Seth, and how they would lend a ear if I ever needed to talk to them about Seth.  Like I would go to one of them. Tears refused to fall from my eyes for him. Even laying in bed trying to force my self, they just never came to me.  It felt so wrong to be around my old friends. I couldn't laugh like them, I just couldn't be happy like them anymore.   I tried  to return to a normal life, but normal, just wasn't me anymore. 

"Hey Jacob!" I groaned inwardly, so far this day was starting off shitty.  

"Hey Kate." I mumbled. 

"How's that ankle treating you?" Kate Banks the one girl in the whole universe that always was smiling. Even when her dad passed away she was smiling, I think that why Kate gets on my nerves so bad. She was always just so happy, and bubbly, I just wanted to slap the smirk right off her face most times. But for some reason, she always wanted to engage in conversation with me, even when I told her to screw off. 

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