Chapter 4: The sick feeling of being alone

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*Jacob's POV*

The neanderthal who tried to make that Hannah girl cry, kept shooting me dirty looks for the rest of homeroom. I could tell by the way he was clenching and unclenched his fist, that if me and him where alone in this room, I would get the snot beat out of me. Like I care. I have nothing left to lose, so if wants to beat me to a bloody pulp? Bring it on. Jack looked like he weighed 200 pounds and had awful acne splattered across his greasy looking face. His little slut party that sat in front of him giggling and whispering every time I shifted in my seat.

I rolled my eyes and put my head down on my desk. Oh, how I wish this day was already over.  When the first period bell did ring, I was more pissed than ever. I pulled my schedule out of my binder and  shifted in too position, then pulled on my book bag, and slowly pushed my self up to be resting on my crutches. Another thing I would be happy when it was over, once my ankle healed I could kiss these dam things good bye. I waited till the crowd of students flooded out of the class room and as quickly as I could made my escape.

I glanced at my schedule and narrowed my eyes. My classes are no where near each other, the closet two where my lunch and Spanish, and I still had to hobble a good distance.

"You got to be kidding me." I started heading to my first period. My under arms where growing increasing raw, and my only good leg started to cramp as I hopped my way up the two flights of stairs.

One right after another, students bumped into me, almost sending me stumbling backwards down the stairs. People in this school couldn't be anymore rude. What would take a able body student two minutes to get up the stairs, took me seven. Which just made me even more irritated. I made my way down the now empty hallways and ducked into my World Literature class. I was three minutes late, and the teacher was already handing out first day papers.

"So nice of you to join us Mr.Swit, here's your syllabus." I snatched the piece of papered out the teacher's hand. He cocked a eyebrow and gave me a displeasing look. I had a feeling I would be getting that look a lot this year.

"Take a seat over here, next to Nina." I rolled my eyes and limped toward my sit.  I sat next to what seemed to be a Mexican midget. She had squinty brown eyes, and her hair was pinned in a braid behind her round little head.

"Querido Señor." I heard her mutter under her breath. I narrowed my eyes and gave a sigh of annoyance, I wasn't to thrilled to be sitting next to her either.

"Welcome to World Literature Class, I am Mr. Calvin. I am very excited to be teaching Seniors this year." And so it started. Mr. Calvin spoke in a heavy Scottish accent which made some words hard to understand.  He was a tall mousy looking man, with thick glasses and thinning brunette hair. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a tacky green and white sweater, and black looking elf shoes.  I didn't know how I was going to handle this clown for the rest of the school year.

I  leaned on my hand as Mr. Calvin launched into a speech about him self. "I hail from Melrose, and if you don't know where that is, it's in the country called Scotland." He flashed a crooked smile at the class. " But of course you all do, you are all Seniors, which means you had to have World Geography." A few of the ass kisser students gave a forced chuckle, all I could do was just roll my eyes.

"This year is going to be the best for each and everyone of you." I almost choked on my laughter.  "I have so many things planned for you all, but first I want to get to know all of you. Everyone has a story behind them, good and bad." I couldn't stop the laughter now. My laughs came in quick burst that sounded more like I was coughing.

"Something funny Mister Swit?" Mr. Calvin was now standing in front of me. He had a hard line drawn over his face, and his arms folded across his chest. I tried to get my laughter under control, but the more I though of what he had said, the more I couldn't help it. 

I tried to cover up my laugh by putting my hands over my mouth, but it just wouldn't stop, I just had to let to come. I could tell he was growing increasingly angry with me, but at this point in my life, I could careless.

"No." I snorted.

"Then whats with the fit of girly giggles?" That comment quickly snapped me from my laughter, and made a seed of rage grow inside me. 

A wicked grin spread across my face. " Your outfit makes you look like a clown." He took a step away from me, his mouth hanging open.

"You are not getting off to a good start this year Mr. Swit. I should write you up for such a comment, but I'll let it slid this once, since it's the first day and all." I rolled my eyes. What ever punishment I would face for calling him a clown, would hail in compressing from what I've been forced to live with.

"Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted, I was saying. Everyone in this world has a story behind them.  Some stories take Heroic turns, others not so much. Some follow the path of love, and some follow the path of loneliness. We will explore these stories, and learn how these events will ultimately change the course of the person's life forever." Mr.Calvin was once again staring intently at me.

"For you're first assignment, I want everyone to write about a event in their lives that changed them forever." I took a hard gulp of air.  "I want to feel the emotion behind this piece of writing, I want to know why this event is so important in your life that it changed you forever. I want to know why you are the way your because of this event."

I suddenly starting feeling dizzy. It suddenly  wasn't in World Lit anymore. I could the hear the ear splitting sound of screeching tires, and glass breaking. I could feel my self being thrusted forward. I felt a hot searing pain shoot up my leg, like it was being broken all over again. My head suddenly felt hot, everything around me was spinning a million miles a minute. I was about to puke up everything I ate for breakfast. My chest was growing increasingly tight, and everything seemed like it was going to collapse in on me any second. I needed to get out of this class and quickly. I squinted my eyes closed and gripped the edge of the desk tightly. 

"Hey! HEY! Are you alright?" I opened one eyes slowly to see the girl next to me staring at me. 

"Leave me alone." I hissed. My knuckles where turning a unnatural color of white, as I tighten my hold on the edge.

"Usually I would, but in this case you look like you're about to spew and I want to know if I should move before you up chuck everywhere." She spoke with a heavy Spanish accent, but unlike my dam teacher, I could understand everything she was saying.

My stomach still felt like it was doing triple back flips, but something about just talking to her made everything slowly stop spinning.

"Try taking in deep breaths." She whispered in a cold commanding tone. I wanted to yell at her, she didn't know what I was going through. But for some strange reason I started listening to her, and everything started to feel okay.

"You're having a panic attack." She mumbled. A What? I've never had one of those before, maybe a few nightmares where I've woken up drenched in sweat and some rare times blood, but never a panic attack.

"I know someone who suffers from them, they can be pretty scary if you never had them before." Nina brushed a strand of stray hair out of her face and turned back to the teacher, I was left staring at the back of her braided head for what seemed the longest time.

My heart was still racing, but everything seemed to stop spinning. I was listening to the faint sound of the teacher talking, and not the sounds of the nightmare I've been living. The tightness in my chest was no replaced with a feeling of hollowness. Sitting in a room full of people, suddenly made me feel so alone inside.

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