Chapter 3: If only things weren't so painful

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 *Hannah's Pov*

*3 months later*

I stared at the boy in the trophy case. Seth Dates, A-B average student, Co-captain of the soccer team and a loving son. I really didn't know who Seth was, I had been to a few soccer games, and we talked once in Chemistry, but that was the only time we ever spoke to each other. Seth hung out with a group of people who where surprisingly the complete opposite of him. I heard nasty rumors about the group he hung out with, and was shocked when I found out he was nothing like them.Seth was kind and caring and I honestly believed him, when he said he never smoked once in his whole life. I quickly turned away from the trophy case and slowly made my way to my homeroom.

I gently pushed open the heavy wooden door, to find twenty or so eyes starring straight at me. I felt a heat creep into my cheeks, I've never had so many eyes look at me at once.

"Welcome, are you by any chance Hannah Winterfield?" A young female teacher smiled brightly at me.  Her long locks of flaming red hair held together in a very tight and slick bun. She was wearing thick black rimmed glasses and a short pencil skirt,  every horny school boy's fantasy.

"Ye ma'am I am."  I quietly shut the door behind me and stood against it.

"Alright." She scribbled something down on her clipboard. " Here your schedule for the day, if you haven't gotten one already and you can take a seat behind Jack." She handed me a warm piece of paper and pointed me to the back of the room.

I trudge forward maneuvering my way through the maze of desk and bags.  I slid into my desk rested my head on my hand. Today was going to be a long day, I could just feel it in my bones. I listen as Mrs.Scowell finished her first day of school rant and disappeared behind her desk. That's when everyone lost themselves in mindless chatter. I pulled out my sketch pad, and scribbled a few more details in, when I heard someone turn around. 

"Hannah right?"  The boy in front of me coughed.

"Yes." I whispered, I tighten my grip on my pencil as he rubbed his chin. He had stubble for hair, and a thin coarse layer of hair growing above his upper lips. He looked like something that just crawled out of the auto room's grease pit. Yuck.

I could see a evil twitch in his eyes as he spoke, I quickly braced myself for the impact of his words. " So is it true you spent the whole summer in a mental hospital?" I could hear a few girls giggle behind him. I clutched onto my pencil tighter, fighting back the urge to stab him in the hand. I opened my mouth to speak when I heard the door slam shut.

"Welcome." Mrs.Scowell snaked her way out from behind her desk. Still holding my death grip on my pencil I carefully pulled my eyes on to the angry face standing hunched over in the front of the room.

"Are you-" The boy cut her off.

"Jacob Swit." He mumbled. It was the same boy I had encountered by the trophy case, it seemed he always had a sour attitude no matter who he was talking to.

"Nice to meet you Jacob, here you schedule. If you can you can go sit in the back next to Hannah." Peachy. That was what I needed, mister nasty attitude sitting next to me would be the cherry on top of the crappy cake.

"Whatever." He snatched the schedule out of her hands and pushed his way to the back seat. He hissed under his breath as he shifted his crutches out of the way, so he could slip off his book bag and slid into the seat.

"Okay then." Mrs.Scowell laughed. " The worst thing to have on the first day of school is a foul attitude." She gave a sly smile. Jacob rolled his eyes and glanced down at his light orange cast. The teacher slithered her way back to her desk, and left us alone for the rest of homeroom.

The greasy monkey, Jack turned back around and gave me a wicked smile. " So you still didn't answer my question, cause I want to know if I'm sitting next to someone crazy. And if I am, I need to be moved." I felt the sting of his words like a whip on my bruised heart.

I shook my head, sending waves of long locks of blond hair into my face .I didn't want to cry in front of him. I pinched my thigh, and willed myself not to cry in front of this jerk.

"Are you sure? Cause you look like you could break out and shoot someone right now." More giggles erupted from the girls behind him, now more people where staring at us.

"I'm sure." I cried in a hushed tone.

"I don't believe you." He went to push the hair out of my face when we both turned our heads in shock.

"Shut up asshole." Jacob snapped.

"Excuse me?" Jack shifted in his seat to be staring at Jacob now. I felt a flood of relief flood my chest, the attention was no longer on me.

"Did I stutter? I said shut up, or am I not speaking slow enough for you? Let me repeat my self, shut-up-ass-hole." A evil yet boyish expression crossed over Jacob's face. His blue eyes held a sinister sparkle to them.

"That's pretty brave for-" Jacob held up a hand.

"For what? Someone in my condition? Just cause I have a broken ankle, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." There was a collective Ohh from everyone that was listening.

"Now I suggested you shut your dam mouth and mind your own dam business, before you get your self hurt." Jacob smiled and rested his head on his hand, still staring at Jack. Jacob reminding me of the Mad Hater, the way he taunted Jack. Jack gave a frustrated grunt and turned forward in his seat sulking forward a bit.

I glanced over at Jacob and mustered up the best smile I could. " Thank you." He shook his head and grunted. " Don't thank me, I didn't do it for you."

It felt like I had swallowed a hot coal and that was now sitting in the base of my stomach. I had embarrassed myself for thinking that someone was actually being kind to me. I turned back to my sketch and flipped to a new page. Without realizing it, I suddenly started drawing  drawing Jacob's wicked eyes.

I leaned back and stared at the picture I had just doodled and slightly craned my head to the side to look at him. His eyes had a blue sharpness to them, that could freeze any heart he wanted. Those eyes could be love, or they could be hate. They could give life, but just as quickly steal it away. With eyes like those, he could be anything.

"What are you smiling at?" He sneered toward me. My face fell when I realized I was smiling.

"Nothing." I quickly uttered and turned back to my pad. Silence hung in between us, when he finally spoke slowly.

"That's a really cool drawing." I casted my eyes out between the locks of hair and saw him shrug. I glanced back down at my sketch pad, and felt something grow in the pit of my stomach. It wasn't sadness or pain, it was none of the feelings I have felt lately, it was something brand new. 

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