Chapter Thirteen

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     Anna breathed heavily as her shoes squished into the soft dirt. Trees loomed over her, casting shadows upon her path. Anna had been running for what felt like forever now. The sky had gone dark with thick clouds. Rain began to drizzle down, cooling Anna’s body, warmed by her running. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, causing thunder to echo across the forest.
     Anna's eyes widened and she stumbled. The bright flash and loud crash caught Anna off guard. She fell to the ground and blinked, feeling the tears still running down her face. She pulled her knife from her bag and felt her hands trembling. “Nothing. I am nothing. I have no family. In the way. Burden. Burden. Nothing,” Anna whispered to herself. She pressed the blade against the palm of her hand, feeling the sharp edge dig into her skin.
     Suddenly arms wrapped around Anna from behind, gripping onto her wrists and pulling them apart. Anna began to thrash about, trying to break free of the grip. She looked over her shoulders, her eyes glancing up at the one who was holding her. Anna instantly stopped struggling and sighed with relief. Staring down at her, was prince Vidro. Anna relaxed against the prince. Her grip loosened, and the knife fell to the ground. Vidro turned Anna around to face him and began to stroke her back. Anna cried into his chest, her tears staining his shirt. Rain fell down upon the two orphans, soaking into their clothes.
     There was a stick crack that made the two pull apart. Vidro drew his sword, then pushed Anna against a tree, he stood in front of Anna, his back to her. His eyes darted around the trees, looking for movement hidden in the shadows. Another flash of lightning lit up the sky and a loud rumble of thunder echoed above. Anna whimpered and stood upon her tippy toes. She placed her hands on Vidro’s shoulders, using them to lift her so she could see what he was being so cautious of.
     Suddenly someone burst out of the trees. Vidro almost dashed forward to attack but quickly stopped himself. In front of Vidro, there was Carvar, breathing heavily, his arms wrapped around two legs. Wrapped around the knight's waist was a set of pale legs. Around his neck were a set of arms. With her head resting upon the knight's, smiling down upon her adoptive brother, was princess Analise. Vidro sheathed his sword and sighed with relief. “God, you scared the hell out of me Carvar!” Vidro yelled, punching the knight gently in the bicep. The knight rolled his eyes. The group stood there in awkward silence for a moment.
     Suddenly there was a loud scream coming from between the trees. “MASTER STOP IT!” a girl’s voice shrieked. Carvar and Vidro turned to look at each other, concern in their eyes. They nodded at each other, as if communicating through some silent language. Carvar placed Analise down upon her feet then drew his sword. Together, the two boys bolted off in the direction of the ear piercing screams.
     The two girls turned to each other. Anna reached to the ground and grabbed her knife. She reached into her bag and rummaged around inside. After finding what she was looking for, she pulled it out. A small knife, the once shining, sharp blade now dull from age, now sat in Anna’s hands. Anna slipped the knife into the princess’ hands. “I am not letting them fight whatever made that girl scream alone, now are you coming with me?” Anna asked. Analise met Anna’s gaze and smiled. Anna’s strength and protectiveness brought out a small joy to Analise. The princess nodded towards her friend, easily agreeing to aid her in protecting whoever screamed, her own brother and his knight. The two girls hesitated just for another moment, then quickly dashed after the two boys.

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