Chapter Fifteen

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     Anna’s eyes fluttered open to see a familiar looking room around her. The room appeared to be a bedroom. The scent of strange elixirs and herbs filled the air. Anna didn't know why but the room and its scents felt familiar to her. A hand gripped onto Anna's shin, making her tense and jump. Anna glanced down to see a familiar looking woman. Her hair had long since greyed. Her brown eyes had darkened almost to black. There was a warm smile on her face.
     “Hey Anna, how are you feeling?” the woman asked. Anna sat up nervously. She felt as if she knew where she was, but couldn't place from where she knew this place from. “I feel alright...I guess….where am I?” Anna questioned. The old woman sighed, closed her eyes, and nodded. Anna frowned, feeling a sense of uneasiness wash over her. “You're in the kingdom of Risedo. You took quite a hard hit there, do you remember what happened?” the woman asked. Anna thought for a moment and frowned, she took the electrocution from the lich.
     She suddenly felt herself panic. “Where are the others?” Anna demanded, her anxiety clearly showing in her voice. The woman gestured for Anna to get up. Anna hesitated then slid her legs off the bed. As soon as Anna went to put her weight down on her own feet, she fell forwards, only able to stop as she caught herself on the table in front of her. The woman held out her hand to Anna. Anna took the hand cautiously. The woman quickly pulled Anna up to stand on her own two feet again. Anna felt the woman drape her arm over her own shoulders. Together, the two worked to get Anna out of the bedroom.
    Anna soon discovered a familiar looking living room. Shelves were lined with potions and books on witchcraft. Sitting on a set of couches was Carvar, Analise, and Vidro. “Anna!” Carvar and Analise called upon seeing her up. Anna smiled, feeling a happiness upon seeing her friends alive. Vidro was staring upon Anna, no emotion in his eyes. Anna frowned upon seeing his emotionless glare.
     Suddenly the front door opened. The girl that the group had rescued from the cage walked inside of the house. Behind her was a man with a sheath around his waist. His eyes widened as they fell upon Anna. Anna frowned, feeling as though she recognized this man and the girl. The old woman nodded at the man then left the room. The girl sat down in front of Anna. “Thanks for saving me…….Anna… name is Lydia by the way,” the girl said, sounding disheartened as she said Anna. The man bit his lip and studied the group of people in front of him. “My name is Xavier,” he muttered, waving quite briefly.
     Carvar’s eyes widened in recognition. He went down on one knee and bowed his head to Xavier. Xavier smirked and chuckled. “Stand up soldier, there is no need to bow to me now,” Xavier ordered. Carvar quickly stood, his eyes shining with admiration. “It's an honour to meet you sir, my father told me all about you when I was younger. Said you were an incredible knight who came out of nowhere, protected those who could not protect themselves. Went from nothing to a hero. In less than a few weeks of arriving in Risedo, you became a knight of the Royal Guard after saving the prince. You have been my idol since I was just a kid,” Carvar blurted. Xavier smiled, feeling joy in seeing someone so happy.
     Xavier glanced up at Prince Vidro and Princess Analise, and instantly the smile dropped from his face. “Your name is Carvar, isn't it?” he asked, staring down at the knight. Carvar nodded, eyes widened in shock by the fact that Xavier knew his name. Xavier went and opened a cabinet. He pulled out a small, navy blue box that was covered in gemstones. The group watched him curiously as he opened it. Inside the box were necklaces, a lot of them. Carvar recognized them quickly. They were the necklaces, engraved with the name and rank of the soldier who wore them. The necklaces they wore into war. Xavier pulled one out and then put the box back. The silver necklace, which’s pendant was in the shape of an eagle, had one name carved into it, that Carvar recognized instantly. Xavier placed the necklace into Carvar’s hands.
     “Your father was a brave man. He fought hard in battle. Moved up far in the ranks. Became a captain of a small battalion. I was with him that day. I decided as a general, to go with the smallest battalion. Your father did everything in his power to keep his battalion safe. It was impressive to watch how much determination he had, to make sure all of them came home alive. When we weren't fighting or planning our next strategy, he would always talk about his little boy. Kept saying how he couldn't wait to go home to his son. He told me all about you, the child who mastered the sword and became the retainer knight of the prince at the age of seven. All of the troops that came to our army with your father did. After fighting that lich almost single handedly, protecting my sister, I can tell...your father was so proud of you then, but he'd be even more proud of you now,” Xavier explained.
     Carvar stared at the necklace in his hand. Tears started to form in his eyes, but he blinked rapidly to keep them within. Xavier glanced towards the window. “Your father’s sword is in the castle. The swords of the fallen generals and captains are kept there. I do believe that it is rightfully yours though. Your father would definitely want you to have it. If you want, later on, we can go get it,” Xavier offered. Carvar looked up at the knight and nodded silently. Xavier took the necklace from Carvar’s hand then placed it around Carvar’s neck. “Wear it with pride, and remember the hero your father once was, wear it and you will never be apart from him and all the love he felt for you,” Xavier ordered. Carvar nodded again.
     Lydia coughed, causing the two knights to look up. Xavier’s eyes darted to Anna’s. “Oh, that reminds me. Anna, my sister and I were hoping to take you somewhere tomorrow. Your friends are welcome to join us as well. We leave at Dawn, as soon as the sun starts to light up the sky,” Xavier explained, not even giving Anna a chance to protest or decline. Anna frowned then nodded. Xavier turned to head to where his bedroom was kept within the house. “Now, anyone who wishes to join us, get a good night's rest,” he ordered.

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