Anna was trapped within a dark void, unable to see or move. “What do you mean she's still alive you bumbling fool? I told you to kill her!” a man's voice screeched. Anna could have sworn that she had heard this voice before. “God, must I do everything myself? We will go to Risedo tonight and we will kill her. Then we will kill their pathetic prince, princess, and king. Then we will take their stupid kingdom from them. Do I make myself clear?” the man demanded.
Anna flinched. She couldn't understand why someone would attack Risedo. Why someone would want her dead. Why any of this was happening. All Anna knew is that she had to wake up, to save everyone.
“I've given you warning Portabella. Use it wisely, because this world is doomed if you fail and perish tonight,” a woman's voice whispered. Suddenly Anna felt as if she was falling, falling into a void. She tried to scream but no sound came. Out of nowhere it felt as though Anna's body had slammed against rock hard cement. She lay there, writhing in agony until it all faded into nothing.

White Roses Bloom
FantasyFrom the dark something emerges. The shadows have evolved into living embodiments of nightmares. When the world falls apart to the darkness, how can you stand strong in the light?